Have you ever considered playing a game because your dick told you to?
Have you ever considered playing a game because your dick told you to?
Senran Kagura.
>being sexually attracted to video game characters
You're on the wrong board, friend.
pretty sure thats the only reason anyone on this board plays a game.
Yes I have.
Where do you think you are
But what if they are cute boys?
That's the only deciding factor.
I did it for her.
Considering I mainly play-read-xyr-xur moeges I can't deny.
Doa extreme beach volleyball is probably the first. Does honey select count?
maybe once or twice.
>mfw loved Playboy The Mansion but now realize it actually has good business mechanics.
You are on the wrong website buddy.
sure and one or two of them turned out to be pretty good
This. And I don't regret it. I'm actually hyped for PBS.
Yes, more than once.
You mean right board.
no im not that shallow
Nights of Azure. I also like the Senran Kagura series but my dick was only a partial deciding factor on that one - if I didn't actually like the games then I'd stop playing them.
Yes, sometimes I tend to listen to my horny buddy just for fun.
Turned out pretty well
Funny thing, actually. Now there was this character called 2B...
My dick is pretty good at judging games desu famalam
Is there any other reason to play video games? I mean, sure, I didn't want WANT to fuck a car before NFSU, but you know, things lead to other things and stuff happens.
Yup and I fucking liked it, for whatever reason
Can I expect to see a lot of this girl in the game? She's really cute.
I buy some of the games that my dick wanted when I was a teenager because I have the disposable income to do it now.
I have not made a dick-led purchase of any recent titles though.
Only in the first. She's pratically non-existent after that.
>didn't play the demo first to see if he likes the gameplay too
Much as I love Gravity Rush 2 the PS4 was a mistake in terms of the attention it garnered. Those early GR2 threads were pretty cancerous.
>I haven't fapped to a video game ever since I got internet.
go back and stay back
No. I haven't lost my dignity
>play game
>get to know the characters
>can enjoy the doujins 100 times better
It's worth it man
Plenty of times. That's the only reason I picked up VtM:B. My dick actually has pretty good taste in games.
Kat being a cute girl was an influence on me playing the game but it did just look really fun.
It was very fun, in fact.
I'm gay though so I don't want to fuck her, though I would want to be her.
>he thinks he has dignity while posting on Sup Forums
Then what are you doing here?
It's about the investment for context. You can't just jerk off to any hot piece of 2D ass. You need to KNOW her. You need to understand what it is that makes her hot. You need to see her personality shine through in the art and truly appreciate that she would be in that situation or look like that. You need the context to feel her feelings of shame or embarrassment. It serves to heighten to pleasure.
I wouldn't be a fan of Tomb Raider series if I didn't.
>game has waifu
>its automatically bad
I was interested in the game before but muh dick became kinda big reason as well for playing Nier: Automata
Spot on
No. Video games have zero impact on my sexuality because I am a well adjusted member of society.
But if the game is terrible then you won't be able to enjoy the doujins anymore.
I played Monster Girl Quest my dick told me to
I finished it because my heart told me to
Yes and it was even fun
All of this minus the gay part. Being Kat would be cool as fuck for the most part.
Holyshit someone hates FUN.
Muh serious videogames amirite?
All the fucking time.
I'm such a lazy bastard. If I could transfer dick motivation to general motivation, I'd be a phenomenal human being
I'd rather take the risk
Unironically bought a dating sim/visual novel simply based on the fact that the main female was cute.
I got the ending when I married my waifu..
No not really. Am i gonna die?
What does children's broadcasting have to do with a japanese erotic game, you sick fuck
Become a photograph user, and from there on follow your dick. It could lead you to great places.
You have two months left, Billy.
Truly we would be the best versions of ourselves if we could give our dicks brains. Imagine what we could accomplish.
>Death March
I've heard that mode actually turns TW3 into a challenging action game. Is that true?
No because it would remind me too much of how beta I am.
The art is cute, but the game is hot garbage.
it was because of 9S wasnt it?
I jacked off to some fetish porn of mrobin/lucina before I played the game and all that did is made it even weirder
And then you realize these waifus are literally made by greasy, socially inept nips who have the exact same wish fulfillment fantasies you do. So not only would your 2D obsession probably never love you over her original creator, but her whole core being is pretty much the brain child of an otaku who probably resents everything about you and your dirty foreigner ways.
These anons know what's up. I like it when sjw types accuse others of "objectifying" these attractive characters, when most people in general like to get to know the character to enhance the attraction.
I don't got charisma so it'd just come off as creepy
>only waifufags like witcher, nier automata and persona
>all those games got high reviews
Ah yes, vydia "journalists", they sure are famous for giving games with lots of fanservice high scores, right?
Your are on the wrong website faggot
>being so desperate that you need to virtue signal on Sup Forums instead of twitter
You know nothing. The creation does not belong to the creator once it is shared. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and for every person that beholds her there is a different version of her.
Why does any of that matter? Are you saying you've never been attracted to a person who is completely out of your league?
death of the author
also jokes on you, the artist that does the porn I like is a qt
This one's elder god tier bait.
As much as I like senran, the games all feel so lifeless, like PBS, and I typically avoid any waifu-bait games in general.
I did buy Rumble Roses when I was younger, though, mostly because of the photo mode, but that taught me a swift lesson. Pretty girls do not make a game fun or interesting past when the boner drops.
>playing a game cause it gets your dick hard
Hell no. If I want to rub one out, I'll go watch porn. I swear women are the only ones to think anything else goes into playing a video game. Which means either we have a greater than normal female population or Sup Forums is just full of numale faggots
>fall for
You're funny
>what is h-games
This list isnt wrong lol
That depends on how bad you want a story. Totori doesn't really have one until like 75% of the way through but the slice of life nature of it is part of the appeal of that general era of Atelier. However, I think the exploratory nature of gameplay and the alchemy mechanics are good fun in their own right, the game does a good job of just letting the player loose and letting them do what they want but also making them responsible for the repercussions of their actions. You can dick around too much or not upkeep your equipment and items if you want but it'll fuck you later if you do. I dunno, I had fun with Totori, it taught me how you're actually supposed to play these games compared to Rorona.
Think about women's romance novels.
It all makes sense.
Laharl should have stayed a girl
Freedom planet is pretty gewd tho
fucking pathetic
You sure you belong here?
Yeah and I thanked my dick because both the Demo and the full release were quite fun.
If you have no brain.
shut the fuck up
Chose Oracle of seasons over ages as a kid because of Din.
>not reisens vidja game
You mean if your brain isnt ran by primitive IQ
>that sfm of Lara and the horse
>that x-ray version
>That feel when I can't continue with D5 after recruiting Etna for this very reason.
I don't even like platformers.
sauce that shit