>cosmetic shit instead of new maps and modes
People play the game for the cosmetic shit
>Not showing Widow's face during the dance
The BEST part of that emote is that she looks embarrassed.
You realize you can do both? You realize maps and modes take longer to develop?
They are much easier than trying to balance this busted game.
But they added new maps and modes with the update
How fucking dare you. You enjoy you're payload escort, and spot defense like a good boy.
>3 arena maps for esports
then let the community do it
What did he mean by this?
>b-but no new maps!
When will people fucking understand that theres multiple teams wokring on Overwatch.
this thread need WEBMs!
But they literally have 3 more arena maps for the 1v1 and 3v3s from the same patch? this???
>they ruined 3v3 and 1v1 because people don't know how to beat roadhog
I can't fucking stand this games players.
>I literally cant win 1v1. Why the fuck is it alterning between RANDOM heroes, what the actual fuck let me choose.
I want to end my life because this will never be real and mine.
Overwatch always had ass and waifus. It just didn't utilize them in fun ways.
Didnt mean to greentext, yikes
>there will never be a good sniper in the game
>now that you can choose we have to cut out almost half the characters because they would be OP
Not until it's canon that Widowmaker has a massive futa cock.
Would be better than forcing me to play with characters I have never played before. Fuck that.
>play 3v3 before patch
>Roadhog and Ana were always mandatory picks
Yeah no, they finally fixed the stale 3s meta.
>ruining bestgirl
Cant wait for the futa fad to pass. Its been at least ten+ years already, when will it stop.
Spoken like a true Genji and Hanzo main.
yeah I thought you were implying thats what I said and I was like nigga wtf.
1v1 isn't like that anymore though. You get to pick between 3 heroes, except you end up picking the same heroes over and over again
I can't stop masturbating to Widowmaker once a day. She's like a real life female spider draining the male spider semen until you got nothing left. Someone help.
>be bad at game
>surprised at how bad I am
wow. they better fix this shit next patch.
Fuck off futafags. Don't you have some horsecocks to suck?
>Mercy does the hustle
>Pharah air guitars
>Sombra shuffles
>Tracer does the charleston
Can't dispute the cute
so why isn't this a webm you giant retard?
>Real life traps gaining popularity
>thinks futa will go away
Because we don't want to waste webm time on a retard like you user
Jesus christ, this better be irony. Except I know there are players out there who actively refuse to play like 90% of the characters.
Sign of bad player to be quite honest with you family.
Tell me how to make webms and Ill deliver.
It'll never go away.
God I wish I had Widowmaker's to gag on.
Because are TOTALLY the only two modes.
Quite the opposite, I cant aim for shit and play tanks. Give me a sniper, or even mcCree and I get murdered.
Stop I can't drain anymore semen
>real life traps gains popularity
You're on this website way to much. I have nevr met or seen a trans/trap/whatever irl. I guess they dont finish with a uni diploma and find a good job. Good ridance. Not really surprised, I dont associate with the mentally handicapped.
You're in luck all the tanks are removed from the new 1v1.
>a sniper
there is only 1 sniper in the game and you can kill another one of yourself with two body shots.
I'm gonna jerk it now
Superior emote!
>I dont associate with the mentally handicapped.
heterosexuality is a mental illness. literally only traps are sane. trannies are shit though, because they want to be inferior females.
git rekt
I'm desperately trying to enjoy this game, but god damn every match is a clusterfuck and the gamemodes aren't even fun
I need to make more of these, I only made a few of them (that one included) and just figured no one wanted anymore webms.
Does anyone perhaps have an emote of mei's dance?
where can i find a collection of overwatch SFMs anyway
Oh god why.
But seriously, I need to fix this. I fucking flinch when I find myself on a 1v1 and die because my fucking reflex is clearly not to aim and shoot.
>play quickplay
>try widow for a while
>see another widow
>she shoot at me while Im trying to aim, misses me
>the sound make me jump irl and I shake and completly miss my shot
>her next shot kills me
I really cant stand fps, why the fuck is it so stressfull
Here ya go. Any skin in particular?
I wanna fuck Widowmaker
Thanks friendo. If you can, one of the chinese dresses.
looks more sad than anything to me
That dance looks familiar.
Tell us more.
This is gonna piss off tumblr somehow, but I dunno how yet.
Where are all my "I want to be Zarya's slave" fags at?
Oh shit capture the flag? That changes everything. Arena shooters sure are boring, huh?
Futas aren't the same as traps though
She's a ballet dancer and she does a ballet dance. There's really nothing there for tumblr to get upset about.
He meant he is a retard who doesn't play the game.
Thanks a million. Mei is the best!
I really wanted to like it, but i like the process of getting gud and there is nothing to get gud at if you already have acquired a grasp of how to position yourself well and where to be.
Its all just communication from then on, there is no personal improvement or progress to make.
>Chinese nerd.
It's obvious she watches anime, user.
Goddamn that's retarded. She moves like Woody from Toy Story.
nigger, they added in that shit as well
of all the people to give hare hare yukai
Why would it be yours? What kind of woman would want a virgin loser that plays video games all day?
Use this emote with the odile skin. My entire team just crouches and stares up my skirt.
>my skirt
I like the characters and backstories but I have no interest in a MP only FPS. They should consider building a campaign for players like myself and to add value for the existing player base.
From what?
Not like she'd know anymore.
It fits her more than anyone.
She's a huge nerd, and she even has a backlog of shows she needs to catch up on after being in cryostasis for so long according to a voiceline.
Oh god. Don't tell me that's the "Best player replay camera" for that dude.
Holy fucking shit these are bad, everything looks janky as fuck.
Is this shit what blizzdrones eat up everytime?
>one thigh is the size of her whole torso
whoever made these character models needs to go back to school and learn proportion
so they added maps for modes that literally no one cares about?
But there already is one and extremely handsome at that
Maybe it's the 10 FPS video but that doesn't look right.
It is. That was his play of the game.