With Stormblood PLD will reign. Fuck off WAR fags.
Hey buddy you got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down.
Why do people like PLD? Literally the most boring class. The most fun tank is DRK.
how do you make friends in ffxiv? nobody talks in-game
That's because people are always talking in FCs or linkshells
Go to /vg/ and start ERP. I guarantee you'll make lots of friends.
this is your dun scaith group for tonight
What a bunch of fucking fags
how do you get into any linkshell at all? All I have is a hunting linkshell but I want one for content and stuff...
WAR is the automatic inclusion. The fight is between PLD and DRK, but it looks like PLD wins in Stormblood.
I've seen worse.
>Implying WAR still won't be in the meta.
Its DRKs that have to worry.
did i do good guys? i want to play the red knight
Jebus chrism, how horrifying.
look at that not-redmage on the far left
>haha such fags
>not like our /vg/ group, we are just being ironic and not cringey at all
so which one are you in that picture butthurt fag?
How many times did you wipe?
but my 5% phys vuln up every 90 seconds
You be the one to initiate conversation.
I've made plenty of friends this way.
And one stalker that constantly comes to my house trying to get me to marry them because they think I'm a girl despite making it clear that I'm not.
>People still pretend leatherman was in the wrong.
He just wanted to change clothes, the other guy was intentionally provoking him by making it clear he wasn't wanted.
>Hurr he was just trying to give directions!
No you autist, listen to the tone of his voice. It's clear he's showing hostility.
fuck you
So how do people find lovers in mmorpg? I saw a bunch of marriage threads in reddit.
Who knows, I always assume it's people that knew each other before playing xiv.
Ask everyone you meet if they're a girl and hit on them before the other thirsty mongrels get to her.
i found my boyfriend 2 years ago ingame and we are married now
>burger king WHM
>only heals, uses cure 3 a lot to a point where they're oom
>doesn't know shroud of saints
>doesn't know about cure 3
>doesn't know about eye for an eye, puts it on me instead of the tank
This shit makes me think twice about giving advice. I still try to, but sometimes it just makes me think "whats the point".
You're good.
Only ones who I knew became couples were fucked in the head anyways and it doesn't last long. Usually find each other through FCs, doing roulettes and other stuff, or even Savage.
>catbois actually cleared something before the timer ran out
a small miracle
dues marrying other dudes for the teleport ring and nothing more.
Does FFXIV have a marriage system?
How? It shouldn't work. Long distance is just a meme.
The glamor pieces are pretty good too.
People like being a knight with a sword and shield and want to smite shit. Too bad it's boring to play compared to the other two though.
>cleaning up the scholasticate quests, only half paying attention
>quick, pick from like 8 choices
>hit one at random
>it was the right one
hell yeah i'm a genious
Yes, but I meant IRL
>tfw can't find someone in game with the same kinks as you
I just want to eat smegma off a boy's dirty cock...
I'll be your friend user.
If you are in Shiva.
we met a couple of months after a long distance relationship, spent some time together, during the summer and then i had him moved in after he found himself a job as hairstylist here
we got legally married last september, he's the best thing that happend in my life
Yes. A rather complicated ordeal.
>Need to complete a quest chain with your partner.
>Need to pick out a theme for the wedding.
>Need to reserve the church like, two weeks in advance.
>Need to craft or buy the rings.
>Need to pass out invitations or at least offer to all of your friends and FC mates so nobody gets offended.
>The entire ceremoney can take upwards of an hour to finish.
And the ultimate irony.
>The entire thing can be undone by one of you chucking your ring in thr garbage.
I dont like reading how happy other people are the rest of the world should be as miserable as me
gib feast tips 4 BRD plox
Did you make a thread about it on Reddit.
switch to mch moron
>pop everything and do barrage + emp arrow into farshot
>get kills
Have you tried shooting them until they die?
>being a MCuckH
switch to MCH
The #1 rule of unsolicited advice: try it and things will go bad 90% of the time
this is true for everything ever
How is gay sex?
The #1 rule of unsolicited advice:
>People are fucking crybabies
i'm sorry to make you feel like this, i just wanted to contribute with my personal experience
i would be too embarassed to do something like that, besides the fact i would really dislike all the fake nice comments we would get simply because we are faggots
>you will never fuck Garuda
Are crafting classes also going to get role actions?
Not that user, and I've never voluntarily had gay sex, but yeah man I don't really like it.
I do have to say that taking a dick in the ass is a really great and unique experience that I think everyone should try. A drumstick just wont cut it afterwards.
This is the source of the rule
>Being a bottom
Do you wear an apron when you clean house and suck your master's dick while he watches TV?
>Lv55 DRG in Aery
>Doesn't know what "LB" is
>Tank spends a few minutes explaining it
>DRG puts it on his bar
>Tank tells DRG to LB when Nidhogg is at 20% before and during fight
>Never LB's
I can accept the fact that someone who starts up XIV with no friends to help them out will probably forget about Limit Break since the action is hidden away in a menu most people don't check. But to get all the way to Lv55 and not even use it after acknowledging beforehand when people say you should use it.
Stop putting icecream in your ass.
I'm really happy for you user, I also learned recently that love can bloom on the battlefield, just gotta have hope
I guess ya'll're right. I'll probably try asking "do you want some advice" next time. If they don't respond i won't bother, even if it leads to wipes.
As a MCH this shit pisses me off to no end. I'd be fucking stoked to use my LB if it wasn't such situational garbage.
There's no winning against normie casuals.
What tank should I level?
this is a really subjective opinion, i personally don't enjoy it and mostly get off seeing how much my husband loves me and my body
thanks, i just think i was really lucky with all the stories i heard, i personally wouldn't have believed it if someone told me this could happen, but here i am with a nice ring on my finger
i really wish everyone here will experience what i could this last years with whoever they end up loving and sharing their life with
At least he was receptive and not indignant like usual
Dude there's a reason "you don't pay my sub!" isn't just a meme. People in this game are sensitive babies and you're better off just finding like-minded people and leaving these casuals to fuck up dungeons. You'll never be able to help them because they already think they're perfect.
Stupid ass trend of tanks keeping adds behind Vishap and stupid DPS focusing on them.
When I think that it's time for this game to evolve, retarded people remind me that things will be even more braindead in Stormblood.
I'm so fucking sick of this playerbase, but I'm even more sick of SE for nerfing everything that requires some thought so people don't have to worry about anything.
>it'll be even worse with jump potions
This is killing my hype for Stormblood.
50% of advice gets ignored. 22% gets a passive aggressive reply. 22% gets an outright confrontational reply. And that final 6% is when the person listens to what you said and does it.
I find Ranged/Caster LB on Nidhogg to be way more fun since you can LB the boss and the Sable at the same time.
WAR is always the right answer.
>Not immediately dodging Steps of Faith.
You have no one to blame but yourself.
>try to join a static
>every single one is full of normies
>try to join a Sup Forums static
>every single one is full of dramafags
Theres no winning here.
>get put in novice network
>it's usually pretty chatty and keeps things a bit more lively
>part way through typing reply to conversation
>congratulations you've played long enough to re-intigrate, you have been removed from novice network
>that deadly silence of no one talking anymore
This is why you play with IRL friends. Been playing the game with some Uni friends.
Honestly just join the degenerates, you don't have to erp with them, but at least they will raid more than one 1 fucking day a week.
>mfw 10k in low
>mfw 10k in max settings
Actually i have no face for this
Jump potions are going to be fucking terrible. You're going to have people who started playing a day ago in your leveling roulettes of the new dungeons with a full hotbar of skills they don't understand.
Become a mentor and rejoin
My point is that a ranged class doesn't get to use it's LB as much as Melee or even Caster. I've used it less than a handful of times. I wish we had a more useful one because a line AOE that's weaker than a caster LB has almost no purpose.
Please do not listen to this man's advice. Joining IRL friends is the biggest fucking mistake you can make. Never join a static with people you want to stay friends with. Once you realize that one or many of them are bringing you down and you can't do anything about it, you're in for a bad time.
Reminds me of MU.
Cool just like every other dungeon run.
I'm currently levelling Ninja to get to Heavensward, am I going to get cucked in Stormblood?
How do I get into Squadron? I've never done it before and I'm worried that I will mess it up.
That's not a problem when they're competent. If they're not then too bad.
Yes. You fucked up
If I join the NN as a mentor will other know that I joined them? I just wanna laugh at the conversations they have there.
>Play NIN
>Get cool NIN skills
>Play melee DPS
>Also get cool NIN skills
Yeah dude they fucked you.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with normies
Want to know the weird thing? If you change the MC of the benchmark you can completely change the score? Even simple things like changing the hairstyle, eye color, etc., can change the score.
now what class you play, you will always be cucked, and people will always berate you no matter what you choose.
Are you a commiefornian?
while normies that spam reddit and twitch memes are annoying, they are actually pretty nice and won't have random meltdowns and cause drama
>Join a static
>full of normal people who play the game
>Join a Sup Forums static
>Full of absnormal dramafags who make the game fucking miserable
Get real nigger you enjoy being miserable it's probably the only reason you wake up every day
I don't mind interacting with normies but when you have to spend several hours with them and realize how boring they are and what little in common you have with them it weighs on you a bit.