
Still your shit somewhere else

>By Elise Favis

I want politics to stay the fuck out of my video games. Especially American bullshit


I disagree with this opinion

Sure, bring in all of the politics as long as you allow my character ingame to disagree with them.

You should kill yourself

Politics is more than just parties and legislation. Literally everything has some political component to it. Why is it so hard for you fucks to understand that?

>Opinion - Video Games Should Embrace MY Politics

Video games embraced politics years ago. What these fags mean is that video games should make the statements that they want them to right now, even though topical works tend to be shitty strawman arguments that age like milk.

Stories can be allegories for modern politics and shit, but devs and the fags writing the majority of this shit have no idea what the word subtle means. People are less likely to lash out and bitch at you if the message you're trying to send isn't you just preaching at a bunch of people that you're right and they're wrong. Of course, most of these social commentary loving devs are rejects that got into games because they couldn't hack it in other fields.

Why are opinion pieces always shit?

>radical movements such as GamerGate

>American Politics

I'd rather just watch two monkies throw shit at eachother. Its the same but at least the monkies would be more attractive to look at.

Western devs get funding from the U.N. and other political organizations to inject their agenda into their games.
This is why Japanese developers make good video games most of the time they're just games without that bullshit attached to it.

>video games should embrace politics
>but only my kind of politics

you're overthinking the situation. it's not just any politics, people are mad about current events being forced into their games by hipsters who weren't talented enough to write movie scripts.

Opinion - Artists shouldn't have to make room for your bullshit in their work.

Your character who diagress with them will be an overweight caricature of your viewpoint and will in the end be portrayed as obviously wrong.

The only good example of politics in video games I have ever run across was Killer7.

>everything must be politics
No, this mindset is spread by literal slaves with no capacity to think by themselves, so they want everything to be labelled with the name of their master to know what to consume and more importantly what to make illegal for being different.

Can't wait for mario to tell me the right political views for a country I'm not even a part of.

Yes they should. If you consider it a work of art, games should be able to embrace whatever idea/opinion they want, even if you disagree.

Probably written by some liberal

You're right and wrong. I'm aware of what most people mean when they say "politics" and believe it or not I actually hate it as much or more than they do. But unlike them I realize that burying your head in the sand and pretending they don't exist just makes the problem worse. If anything we need MORE discussion about politics in games so we can get past the juvenile crap that currently passes for """politics"""

8th post best post

They must be pretty talentless then, because the people actually writing movies are hacks.

There is definitely room for political ideas and issues to be explored in video games. However I'm not interested in such things and would choose to not engage in such games.

Sure, as long as I'm allowed to make something that doesn't agree with her viewpoint.

So in other words FUCK OFF

i wish someone would line all of california journalist at a wall and shoot them all in the head

>Games should embrace politics
>beause the jewish teachers are responsible for educating writers and video game ''artists''
>we'll always get the same 60s agenda: anti-white, pro-diversity, pro-degeneracy, feminist chants, etc

unless they are ingame politics that serve the story and worldbuilding rather than a sloppy commentary on real world politics, which is all that modern game writers are capable of, no thank you

l'd like to avoid being lectured by stupid leftist faggots while playing vidya if possible, l can already get that at school, on tv or in the newspaper

This. Video games can be a form of art, and plenty of art is political. But I'm not interested in that sort of art, I'd rather play something that's entertainment.

I'm fine with that.

So long as ALL politics are allowed.

Do you think musicians shouldn't have social commentary in their songs?

this. although the new deus ex games handled racial prejudice poorly since cyborgs aren't a race.

I think whatever he's saying means "they should embrace politics I agree with".

I don't inherently disagree with more political videogames but the way videogames tend to be political is usually very vapid and low brow. Like Bioshock infinite's attempt at political and social commentary.

Unless your game is Civilization or anything like it the answer is "No"

they dont really want games to be political.They want games to just mirror their own politics back at them.

By politics they mean confirmation byast. Its like your boomer neocon thinks that everything should be Fox News. Nobody wants this.

Escapism means you escape the bullshit in your life and imerse yourself. If everything had to take a stance on gay rights or immigration... people who don't fit the narrative will be alianated.

I agree with the person who mentioned subtle. Most people with right of center opinions can appreciate suntley. We just don't want things cramed inorganicly into games.


I agree, games need way more politics

>>Article is phrased "videogames SHOULD embrace politics" as if the community is asking game devs to include more politics in games

>>Reply is phrased as if the artist/game dev isn't already doing whatever the fuck they want and politics is being shoved into their franchise or work.

What the hell are you saying?

No they shouldnt. I dont want to play a game that has some retards opinions being forced down my throat. I try to avoid politial media altogether

Attn: Rasheeds and Pajeets obsessed with the US, games don't focus on "American politics" as much as something called metapolitics. Politics are things like elections, parties (in the US case, its bland Republicans vs Democrats) politicians and platforms, something rarely brought up except parodies (like WD2 parodying Trump in one small section)

Metapolitics are things like immigration, refugee crisis, climate change, gender equality, surveillance. It effects almost everywhere. And yes, these writers want the metapolitical messages to be on their side, as in pro-refugee, open borders, feminist

games aren't art

>amerifat politics
Fuck no

>Literally everything has some political component to it

Then it's not even worth it to point it out.

If everything is political, then nothing is.

I'm very sorry that you listen to almost no music and watch almost no movies.

What is art?

It makes for worse music imho. I mostly ignore lyrics though so probably my favorites are political somehow

not video games

desu I dont know if its because I got older but after trump and bernie politics has been like one of the top entertaining things and would be okay with it being in my games. Politics is sexy right now.

Unlike film, which is obviously of greater artistic merit.

Come the fuck on.

Prove it.

why does an opinion have a star rating?

>... but only progressive correct politics

>bringing up gamergate within the first paragraph of your article

*As long as it's the correct politics

This. The words and how they sound (regarding the voice as an instrument) is more important than their meaning.

>resident female midget beaner wants politics in games
no surprise there

Either to gauge concurrence or to rate how well the opinion was presented and argued.

prove this *unzips dick*

I answered another guy about this but I don't listen to lyrics. I also don't watch any movies besides action flicks and romcoms.

Fair enough, at least you're consistent. I don't mind commentary in my games/music/whatever, as long as it's clever and well done, regardless of the viewpoint they're trying to push. Video games, to me, have more rushed commentary these days than other mediums, though there are notable games that pull it off well.

>That pic

I always find it interesting when Europeans act unified in this crap. 9/10 they wouldn't even want other europeans into their countries.

Sorry, can't prove a negative.

Yes, but only if it conforms to my opinion and spreads propaganda that suits me like all conservatives are white nationalists or Islam should be accepted you bigots.

>You're right and wrong.

right back at you actually. Bidya is many things to may people, and its safe to say the majority has always played to escape the very themes you feel need to be drudged up. if "Burying your head in the sand" means i can attain several hours a day of peace from the shitshow that is other people, then by god, pass the fucking shovel.

however, vidya that touches on themes in a tasteful way while still feeling like a video game, and not a lecturre or sermon, ala mgs2, is actually welcome, as long as i'm not being told what to think by someone half my goddamn age

Isn't that just being consistent?

I'm sure the author totally wouldn't mind a game that had politics she disagreed with.

no thanks schlomo go fuck yourself

>video games should embrace politics.
>but only MY politics!

really made me think

Just more click bait articles to generate views and ad revenue for their shitty dying site.

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

It's more palpable to me when the politics are disattached from modern day politics. Whether it be historical or fantastical

This article would be more honest if the word politics was replaced with "my beliefs".

>TLoU 2 confirmed to be chock full of Cuckman's politics in it
>Horizon's backstory is written from the equivalent of a teenage redditor
>God of War 4 confirmed to be a diatribe against "toxic masculinity"

Sony already embraced this cancer

The only fucking Politics I will accept is the Politics in the lore of the videogame that Iam playing. Politically correct, of current events, shit need not apply to fantasy settings, not even a small fucking hint of it.

Gameinformer was always shitty but now they've reached full blown polygon.

If something is gonna contain politics I feel like both sides of whatever political statement they are making need to be given light, and proper light, not "my opinion is right and yours is wrong" shit.

Fastest waybto get me to drop all interest is to have some ham fisted political statement in your vidya that has no counter argument from the antagonist other than how evil and corrupt they are

they're gamestops propaganda arm the fuck kind of quality did you expect?

But Drumpfh!!!

Absolutely NEVER!


Western games are getting worse and worse because people are trying to use them as a vessel to promote their politics rather than lampooning them and/or developing their characters/setting with politics only being a part of it.

V is already embracing pol so this makes sense

Don't post articles without pastebins.

i thought thats why they never mentioned politics before. gotta get the most subscribers possible since magazines are dying.

go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

I fully support this

>I want videogames where I can propagandize to the masses without giving a fair shake to the ideas I disagree with.
Im sure Mr.Critic would embrace a game showing the horrors of Islam.

Do you really need to read it to know what it's about?

i love how they jumped on hating Sonic 06 despite giving it a 6.75/10 on release, lol.

>I am the protagonist. I heroically repeat the writer's politics, and there is no need for me to explain my views or explore any themes. Nothing I say can be questioned.


>when youre playing a game and the player character gets an additional scoop

>Video games should embrace MY politics


>Video games should embrace politics
>But only if they're politics that I support.

They mean of course their politics. They'll be out for blood if your game features Islam in a bad light or trannies being rejected and committing sudoku.

>Translation: video games should embrace left-wing politics.
Oh, wait.

Posting any link without pastebin is fishing for clicks. Always.