About to start this for the first time, what to expect, you fucks
Alpha Protocol
play the game and form your opinions you stupid fuck
Fuck you
kill yourself.
Fun, jank, femicide and TURN UP! THE RADIO!
Piss everyone off. Do every kill prompt. Or going by the way this thread is going, just be your asshole self.
Also aviators
Also shotguns
Also hat
haev fun
Christ you people are so sensitive
And don't forget to TURN UP! THE RADIO!
Be prepared for your choices actually mattering and being able to play as the most alpha male to every appear in video games.
says the retard who made the most pointless thread ever
Is the game very long? any Mods I need?
What, I was praising your assholishness. You'll do well in the game.
Oh sweet, thanks. Do I get to crack one liners?
No mods required in my opinion. The game isn't too long but it has incredibly high replay value.
Often while shooting people, yes.
And then have to make shitty excuses to your handler. That was always the best part.
Sorry, Mina. I'm too much of a cunt to care.
Broken stealth and op pistols.
A metric fuckload of bugs, extremely poor gameplay, no balance whatsoever (protip: level up pistols fast, the rest later), truly great story-telling and decent replay value (especially with the many outcome variations that you can do as well as playing novice into veteran, which has very interesting consequences).
a flawed gem in many ways, still fun as fuck and will make you want to finish a couple more times due the different dialogue and endings
plenty of flaws, but fun.
Going down the stealth tree is easy mode - basically gives you a stealth camo - just an FYI
recently beat this game without leveling a single combat skill. i was very impressed that this is possible.
I don't remember if there are difficulty modes, did you do it on the hardest mode? If so, I would be extremely impressed, since I remember breiko being able to kill you in a single combo, and he can hear you reload from across the entire room and moves 10x faster than you.
are shotgun builds viable?
yes i did it on hard, although i've beaten the game several times before. it took me about 30 minutes to kill brayko with the default assault rifle.