Sup Forums inspired top 50 list
Sup Forums inspired top 50 list
wtf i havent even played 50 games in my life let alone 50 i actually like
you seriously need to play more sega games
did you have a template or did you make it yourself from scratch?
how come a lot of these images dont have super nintendo/genesis era games? i have noticed 3x3 images dont have them either.
Sega currently has all the best IPs
>hasn't played 50 games
Get the fuck off this board then you casual shitstain.
Because 3rd and 4th gen were bad gens with barely any good games in them, the only people who liked them are nostalgia fags.
thanks tgb
>no rhythm heaven
At least make an attempt in having good taste
>no Bloodborne anywhere
Fuck right off
I prefer R&C3 over 2 a bit more. The weapon leveling system was a bit more fleshed out and you actually got noticeable differences on the weapons per level. Also introduced Nefarious which, in my opinion, is best villain.
It also makes so that the lava gun doesn't turn into utter trash-tier after it level ups.
This a very geniuine list. I kinda wanna make one now.
>This a very geniuine list.
lol wut
I actually believe these are someone's favorite games. No pretentious high art picks to look smart.
but mgs2 is on the list
Is this you, TGB?
Based tgb.
>no RTS
Not TGB here,
Saw he made a top 50 and thought it should be a thing.
>metroid prime 2
>silent hill 2
>ratchet and clank
pretty good list
Demo should make a top 50. I'm curious what his list would look like.
This is the first list i like since i started coming to this board 30 years ago
The average Sup Forums lists are much worse than this. At the very least most of these games are pretty fun to play. Sup Forumscore like Planescape Torment and Pathologic has the actual gameplay as the
the worst parts about them.
You're getting older, times are changing. Some of those lists now have some PS1 and N64 games sprinkled in but mostly it is 6th gen and up.
>self-importantly makes list of video games
it's kind of sad when you think about the > or = 45 minutes of effort it took to make that
Sly 3 had some fucking great music, but I don't know if I would chose it over 2. It's also worth noting that it seems like the first level for both games had the best music.
>not a single shmup
I'm a little upset
Jesus Christ...
This board is full of console casuals. There are like 40 threads about some shitty console games... but one thread about a PC game. Damn
That's because no one cares about your PCbro bullshit.
that would be pretty good but you could probs guess it.
Recently re-evaluated what I consider to be a good game so I had to scale back my favorites to what I know are great.
Enjoy your endless waves of ASSFAGGOTS, Hat simulators, indie trash and Grand Strategy's (these are good tho)
>Wind Waker
>No 2D Zelda's
sorry, i have advanced taste
>stuck in a 2001 mindset
>not thinking mgs2 is a masterpiece
Remove new vegas, drop hotline down, remove ds2 and drop down ds1.
Remove project 8 and aoe3
Then it's ok
And remove infamous , both of them, and left for dead 2
Not sure why everyone is responding like this is your opinion, when one reverse image search shows that this is The Gaming Brit's list.
Actually, remove the whole fucking thing your opinions get shittier the more I look at this photo
Demo's fav game is Mgs1. He likes Mgs1>2>3>V>4. Demo is the biggest sonybro I can think of.
faggot has some taste.
This list is a self portrait. You can clearly look at this and understand what their taste in gaming is.
>no Bloodborne
Whoever made that must be in his early 20s.
>all of the games are 6th gen and above
i wonder what age the person could be when making this
Growing up poor I don't know if I've even played 50 games, I know I definitely haven't beaten 50 games
>still playing games past your 20s
completely arbitrary categories and arbitrary, extremely low number of favorites
terrible format kill yourself
That's a red pill statement if I've ever heard one. Kudos. I'm gonna go outside.
mgs2 does not hold up in the slightest. sometimes I wonder if anyone making these lists has even played them within the last decade.
God, he's a Sonybro
But it does, it holds up perfectly, HD version is still fantastic
you're not allowed to like obscure games?
>metroid primes split up between categories
>Not just listing trilogy
Filler shit poser try hard
I take it back. it was never that good.
Remove Metroid Prime, KH, and all those shitty 3D platformers (Crash, Jax, etc.) and that will be a good list.
HMmmm it seems you're in dire need of killing yourself fucking waste of air
>Sup Forums
As if this board isn't cancer enough, it doesn't need any more snobbery.
You can connect the dots on every pick on this list.
>no God Hand
filthy casual
Trilogy uses Wii mote controls
he has corruption above the original
I doubt that matters to him
MP1 is the least interesting of the three.
metroid prime 1 is one of the most flawless games to ever exist
>Backtrack Prime
>"one of the most flawless games to ever exist"
Primefags need to be shot.
prime 2 has much worse backtracking lmao
This. I bought the Wii trilogy. MP1 was meh, overrated as fuck game with very few good elements.
Then I tried MP2 and it was a legit bad game. Just a downright bad video game. Didn't even bother with MP3.
Metroid fags are shit taste retards.
Shit list, belongs in the trash
Metroid Prime 1 was a very safe game had generic level design and did very little to expand on Samus Aran or the Metroid universe. While Prime 1 is still a good game, Retro Studios really deserve to be remembered for what they accomplished in Prime 2&3.