This is the best AAA game in the last 10 years.
This is the best AAA game in the last 10 years
>Zombies respawn
>Open world
pretty great desu
Absolutely is
>voice acting is terrible
>story is shit
>wrenches and baseball bats break after few hits
Sup Forums memed me into buying it
>wanting the world do be empty
>open world
sounds pretty great to me.
I agree. But I was pretty done with it once I beat it. Is the dlc any good?
did you just walk around or something
I was running around kicking zombies and smashing their heads
I admit that part is fun but it's definitely not goty material
It was one of the few games I dropped because I didn't enjoy it at all.
No. It's not.
> Running on rooftops
> See people in need of help
> Zip in
> Kills zombies
> Zip out
I'm Batman.
It's great.
It's a new game unto its own.
While the parkour is still there to use, it takes a backseat to the vehicle.
Although, the countryside is a nice change of pace and there are more varied zombies out in the open world (Bombers, Toads, & Demolishers now roam in the open world whereas before they were limited to specific areas.)
what are the other parts
the fact that they threw the need of parkour away is literal autism
but if you like driving things i guess it's ok
Shieet, I just started reinstalling this yesterday. Gonna do another run when I get a new graphics card.
You've not played the Following? It's fucking great dude. Ending leaves something to be desired, but it's fucking great.
Doing boring quests, talking with npcs, repairing weapons, collecting stuff
Fucking hated the weapon durability. After getting to mid/late game it was bearable from the durability passive abilities, but even then it was still annoying.
Non-Japanese, yes
seems like you didn't play dead island
The only thing I bought from the last HB sale was the season pass.
As it turns out I haven't actually finished the game when I stopped playing more than a year ago. Was at around 80% and had some 10 sidequests still unfinished.
Had another 10~15h of fun with it doing that and some of the challenges/contaminated areas.
Probably not right now, but in a few months I'm going to co-op The Following with a friend.
Camouflage + takedown is insanely overpowered.
I played and hated it
I gave this game about 10 hours; I've been thinking about jumping back into it, but it suffers from a problem I call "power creep."
The early game was exhilarating. I felt pressured, trying to survive, choosing my path carefully to avoid zombes... but pretty soon that fades away as your ability grows and your able to bash skulls and rampage around. The suspense dissapated and it became a more standard experience.
It's a 9/10 game for me but definitely not the best.
Funnily enough I just got around to playing it. :( you need the patches and the game it is very great. It's well made.
Then why not increase the difficulty...?
Even at level 16~18 and and the end of the game it was a decent challenged. And when I get cornered and cocky, I usually take several hits or even die.
Or just do all the quests and challenges that you can do, at night.
I wanted to write something else, but I completely forgot what it was...
I think the quests are cool
Talking to people is really the more basic function a game can offer
You don't bother repairing stuff because weapons are everywhere, and if you really wants there's skills which break the weapon slower and being able to repair it at least five times
And yeah collecting stuff is kinda boring but at least you can crafts things with it
I wish it had more interesting characters. Crane must be the most boring motherfucker in the galaxy. And then there's villains. I remember some kind of evil arab, who was evil because.. reasons. And he had a right hand man, who was also mean and evil. They're so dull I can't for the life of me remember their names. Meanwhile the good guys faction sits in a tower and are known for their expertise in parkour. Or something. Goddamn this had retarded plot and characters. At least Dead Island wasn't taking itself seriously.