Can you pinpoint THE EXACT moment WoW went to shitter?

can you pinpoint THE EXACT moment WoW went to shitter?

i think it was when they added chopper mount in WotLK

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WoW was always shit.

>WoW was always shit.
t. neckbearded edgy virgin

Hey gang, any Sup Forums guilds recruiting now? I want to start playing again. Think I'll try a healer this time. Any good servers?

Stormrage, fuck pvp servers since cata


>actually liking EQ: Pleb Edition

utterly pathetic

Okay resubbed, did my level 100 token, and ready to play. What's a good legion spot to level in first?

There were plenty of things people didn't like at various points, but the entirety of Warlords of Draenor felt painfully unnecessary.

It was during Vanilla

then they released more updated and started making the game better because vanilla/tbc was shit and Cata onwards has objectively been better in all ways


exactly. NORMIES FIRST THEMEPARK MMO. remember all those celebrity ads on television?
>haha vern troyer is a gnome mage!
>roflmao mr T is a nightelf mohawk!
>hahaha chuck norris is a melee hunter

No. It was when 3.2 came out and they started adding in LFG and other changes that set the game on a fierce path to cater entirely to the suddenly massive wave of casuals that flocked to the game throughout WotLK and then promptly left during Cata.

>wanting to play anything with Sup Forums

It took me one match of BF3 years ago to never want to associate with any of you fucking retards outside of this shithole ever again.

the moment in your life when everything started seeming shitty because you spent too many hours a day having fun.
user, WoW was always shit but it's an MMO and MMOs are always addicting. I have thousands of hours in shitty Korean MMOs, probably more than you ever put into WoW

This right here

It was a good idea but LFG was the exact moment I remember the community turned from welcoming and helpful to impatient and toxic

The game would still be passable if the community hadn't gone down the shitter

the trash

>we're going to start removing skills and talents because having too many options confuses newer players
>tauren paladins

everything after ulduar

About halfway through wotlk was the tipping point.

Not saying wotlk was a bad xpac, it just started the trend that doomed wow.

Lot of people point to specific things. Say LFR ruined wow, them changing talents ruined wow, themepark lol ruined wow.

Its simply this- Wow became so hilariously easy for 99.999% of the content, and thus the player base became a mass of drooling retards.

Its just so balls numbing piss easy to do literally everything in wow that isnt- Top end arena and current content raid tiers.

Guess how much of your time is spent doing those things? Guess how much is spent playing with random idiots?

Every pug dungeon, every pick up raid, every BG, every single action in this game is a fucking slog in which welfare items place morons in content im forced to do.

I pugged a +10 mythic this week. Every single basic boss mechanic was fucked up by every single dps. Who all had ilvl 900. It blows my mind.

And before your like "lol just raid", outside of bleeding edge top guilds your guild is 95% people you dont really know, and are basically pubbies with a voice.

well it's a combination of all of the things that made it so fucking easy... you could argue that moving from 25 man raids to 25/10 was also making it was easier

>we're going to start removing skills and talents because having too many options confuses newer players
Fucking this.

>adding battlegrounds ruined world pvp
>adding battlemasters ruined it even more
>being able to queue from anywhere killed it
>walfare epics started in tbc
>was even easier in wotlk
>pants on head retarded difficulty options for raids in wotlk
>nerfin fun skills (i dont mean overpowered skills)
what happened tell us jimmy

Any answer other than Mid/Late WoTLK is wrong. It was the beginning of the end, when true, no subetly catering to the "4-hours a week"-player began.

Mistake they've realized since WoD, but one impossible to undue.

>brought back naxx, a notoriously hard raid and made it extremely easy
>the first tier being too easy in general except sarth 3d
>badges from heroics so it's too easy to catch up, even with the ridiculously easy raid
>kill ulduar after 8 months and replace it with ToC
>ICC lasts for over a year
>additional instances cannot be launched
>3.3 brought cross realm LFG and quest tracking built in

>meme mic spamming
>people acting fucking retarded
>some guy 'trolling' by throwing C4 on all the aircraft every match all match
>people team killing and then yelling into mic
>lost every single match
>most unenjoyable shit ever

Grown fucking adults.

Also they had a perfect difficulty system in place for ulduar and then brought in the shitty heroic raid system like a year later.

I should mention WotLK is my favorite expansion, having played from 2005-2012

People almost always blame the first expansion after they started.

TBC got the ball rolling, WotLK made it irredeemable. I quit during WotLK and then came back for like 2 or 3 months of Cata before quitting for good.


really??? why did you like it over BC?? i feel like BC is the fucking perfect mix of old and new. (i'm playing on a vanilla private server atm, still fun too)

The day it was released, it's always been shit.

i didn't have much problems when i played Blazblue with Sup Forums , but i see your point
>throwing C4 on aircraft
see it too often, seems like "you took MY vehicle i'm gonna screw you

As much as I passionately loved WotLK and hold it as the apex of WoW in terms of overall quality (world design, quests, class and spec viability, PvP, raids, questing, etc), it was the expansion that Blizzard started ruining it by the end, with Cata's 4.0 patch nicking the game's jugular and causing the game to bleed subs for the entirety of Cata before they 'somewhat' fixed shit up a bit in Mists, and then fucking ruined it all again in WoD.

Legion I couldn't even bother with. Artifacts do more to keep me from continuing or making alts, because all endgame is is grinding fucking weapon xp.

whenever the dungeon finder was added.

I'd argue Blizzard began to make the game easier as a response to people (usually tanks/healers as they had the shortest queues) who'd drop a group at the first sign of trouble which was enabled by group finder.

Prior to that, finding a group outside of a guild was usually a pain in the ass so when you finally managed to get a group together, you were invested in finishing it come hell or high water. I remember wiping over and over on vanilla content but the group kept it civil so we had fun the whole

could be BC flying mounts and reduction of raid sizes and arenas
could be WOTLK shit raids and LFR/group tool/cross server shit
could be MoP with pandashit and more importantly class homogenization and talent removal
could be WoD with a total lack of content and rehashing a story no one would ever want

well you also didn't want to act like a cockhead in vanilla content too because those UD Strat runs took like fucking 2 hours if you wiped, and people would just tell the leader to kick you as soon as you got an invite if they knew you sucked. as a result, you had to maintain your reputation and stick it out

My only problem with WotLK was that it made gear acquisition way too simple and fast by adding the Random Heroic feature and removing the daily restriction on how many tokens you could acquire daily, which meant people could have a full set of T9 in a day if they grinded hard enough.

Before, you not only had the limit of 1 heroic reset per dungeon per day to a max amount of tokens, but there were more token types as well for each tier, which encouraged doing old content and kept it relevant for fresh characters and players. Once they simplified it all, nobody ran old shit anymore.

post shitty music that triggers your WoW PvP vid nostalgia

towards the end of WOTLK

>warlock main since vanilla more or less
>tfw the leap in quality from MoP>WoD>Legion

it's fucking disgusting, killed all of my motivation to play tbqh.
also an RPfag so it doesn't help I can barely stand to look at my main any more

I miss this shit. I ran so many dungeons leveling to 60, that I had constantly bumped into certain people a ton, and had an extensive list of players who I would refuse invites because they were either shit, or would start shit mid-dungeon and undo hours of work and effort.

Then you had people who would be blacklisted faction-wide on the entire server for ninja-looting and shit like that, which would force them to server transfer or just quit because nobody would take them in.

I hate what cross-realm shit did to the game. They should have just condensed servers instead of phasing a shitload of empty servers together.

>posting the wrong video

i'm pretty sure every single vanilla WoW video had this song in the background

I consistently played throughout vanilla, TBC and WotLK only to quit during Cata. Sure, WotLK wasn't the greatest, but it was still the last playable expansion for me.

the intro to this video was a solid 10/10 for 2005/2006, but then it turns to this garbage:

Cata ruined Warlocks for me. The rotation for Affliction, while satisfying as fuck when pulled off well, was unfun and felt awkward as fuck.

I was a lock main from Vanilla to Cata, and then mained Warrior from then on after Cata fucked locks.

Burning Crusade release date.


lmfao i remember this one retarded pally used to organize gruul lair pugs back in BC on my server, then one day.. then for some reason one day he ended up ninjaing a whole bunch of gear "for his offset" and the whole server went fucking ballistic and forced him to server transfer

>TBC got the ball rolling, WotLK made it irredeemable.
this is the correct answer
making copies of the same content with pumped up numbers instead of new content was the beginning of the end, same with "catch up mechanics" that make every patch worthless

warlock main here too.. BC was the fucking shit, curse of doom timings if you were the warlock class leader to buffer your dps on the meters, then massive fucking shadow bolt crits! the mages were so fucking jealous lol. we also had the SEXIEST t6 sets with the fucking demon wings from the helm... then the fucking T4 set was dope too!!! fuck man i miss BC

fuck wrath dps as a lock though, i hated it.

>tfw had UBRS key
>UBRS runs for days
>was also tank
>could get a solid group through the door in under an hour
>knew the dungeon well enough that runs went smooth and quick
>only times we had a bad time was when the occasional person lied about knowing a fight / facepulled all the dragonkin in that room before the corehound / the time that mage started their dungeon 0.5 set quest and initiated a boss fight while people were afk. Twice.

Everquest for casuals was always bad

>when did it become shit
>the answer is always 'when I stopped playing/enjoying it'
>subjective opinion after shitty subjective opinion

>>can you pinpoint THE EXACT moment WoW went to shitter?
The moment people were hyping up WoD to be TBC2 while all of the content was getting cut.
Despite what Sup Forums claims, WoW was pretty good all the way up to MoP, and MoP is arguably the best expansion.

3.0. Raids became ezmode and accessable to all players, regardless of skill level


>fuck wrath dps as a lock though, i hated it.

When I had finally gotten my Heroic Dislodged Foreign Object off of Rotface as Destruction, my DPS was outdoing our mage, who was our top DPS for that group. I was pulling something like a consistent 25k dps on bosses, and it made him so fucking salty.

It was great.

Then they made me go Demonology and I hated my life.

When they decided to put timer on votekicks and the removal of Wrath talents trees in Cata.

DK master race

>implying there are objective opinions

ya mages could never get over losing their spot as top dps after vanilla xD

The moment the story started becoming these retarded cinematic front-seated theatrical focuses on all fucking content.

Seriously, fuck that shit.

Game was better when story was more underlying and there were multiple things going on.


cool friend. Maybe stop asking for objective answers to stupid questions like when did this game become shit

The moment vanilla ended it was a slippery slope of killing people off just to have lore relevancy in raids. Sucks

[citation needed]

Still play, still enjoy it.
Cata was okay, MoP was okay/good, WoD is really the only shit-show.

But that doesn't mean you cannot criticize or look at the game, objectively.

Objectively, a lot that is wrong today, began in WoTLK.



New characters could still be made.

It's just that the story became way too focal and forced atop of every thing, as well as being way too dramatic at times to the point where it was just cringe as fuck.

There needs to be an expansion where there is no huge major evil going on, but rather a bunch of smaller less focused evils going on, like a band of bandits, a group of dragonkin reviving an old dragon, some old outcast paladins stirring up shit somewhere, etc. Each can have their own questlines, dungeons, or raids too.

It also keeps things fresh, because you're not being forcefed undead, demons, pandas, or whatever the fuck for 2 straight years unending.

wotlk casualised the game yes. But wrathbabies will say it was the best and cata ruined the game. Your opinions are not objective. Nobody can say when the game was 'ruined' because thats just your opinion. As much as people would like to say oh it was 3.2 or it was the intro of the group finder or it was CRZ or the removal of skills or pruning or talent trees or whatever fucking reason they like its still not objective even if all those things have contributed to the degradation of the game


The point ill say it began going to shit was in WOTLK during the ToC shit. Basically just got done with Ulduar, which was the best raid, and got a daily area plus the beginning of timegated content. Timegated shit is insanely retarded and nothing more frustrating than going 'oh well, more bosses next week'. Wotlk and wow itself only got worse from there

I started playing around the time AQ40 was about to open up on my server (Laughing Skull), and I think WotLK was the best expansion. It just felt more refined and balanced, if you can get over DKs being broken and Beastcleave comps dominating arena.

Convince me to resub.

yeah MoP was the closest we ever got to that. Cata sorta had the old school vibe with the dragons and cultists but the overarching theme/plot didn't help.

I think their best bet is another breakaway expansion with something like the south seas, this time don't jew people out of faction capitals and do the whole kul'tiras/plunder isle shit, have some zones semi-submerged or something.

Knowing blizz they'd just slap azshara/n'zoth into it though and things will shit the bed. They're burning what little is left way too quickly.

Don't user, this game is stopping me from breaking out of 1 year NEETdom despite the vitriol I give. If I wasn't an RPFag i'd have left years ago

>get nostalgic for WoW past
>find out about nost, discover I missed the party
>hear about elysium, join a /vg/ guild and start leveling
>90% of the guild is 16 or 17 and guild chat is constant memes or shitposting
>think it's funny at first but starts to get really tiring when everyone is trying to compete to be the most obnoxious nonstop
>group up with some guildies for deadmines
>paladin healer, who had been doing the "teehee i'm a girl" thing in gchat, is doing that during the dungeon while the tank "flirts" back
>i figure it's ironic and they're just fucking around
>find out that at least 5 members of the guild consider themselves "traps" and have been trading jpgs of them wearing their mom or sister's panties to other members
>I decide i don't care as long as they don't talk about it constantly
>guild chat is now a cesspool of unironic ERP and tranny shit, discord as well
>literally teenage dudes jacking off with other teenage dudes and bragging about it, "leaking" private discord conversations and creating intense drama
>one dude even records himself eating his own cum

I don't know what it is about /vg/ but while it's totally possible to make friends here, /vg/ guilds become pure unfiltered autism so fucking fast. i can't believe i lasted until level 30, I still feel disgusted by it all.

The first bad move they made was making you able to sign up for battlegrounds in the capitals, instead of you having to go all the way to the factions like the silverwing sentinels or the warsong outriders.

But i would say the exact moment is 2.0.1, with the Looking for group interface, that really fucked the social aspect of the game up,


Best name ever

>TFw legitimately liked MSI for a while after being introduced by a wow PvP vid

If first got me in. Frankenstein girls is best album. Still sometimes listen to their cover of bring the pain

The chopper? Not the real cash only transparent Pegasus?

Dont resub. Not even worth it one bit. I resubbed since friends were playing and it honestly felt really good, was even raiding with old guild from wotlk, but its pretty shit.

Youre forced to grind out artifact power so your weapon becomes stronger, this is fine except the amount of power you get is basically gated behind how much knowledge you have, they introduced a catch up system, but theres nothing fun about it because you know that youre basically getting jewed until youre maxed on the knowledge and you level up the knowledge every 4.5 days. It takes you months to get msx knowledge, theres nothing fun about that.

While mythic+ dungeons are fun, everyone is starting to burn out on them it feels like, i mean the added difficulty makes it fun but its still the same dungeon being ran a million times over and whats worse is that because gear has a chance of rolling high/low, unless its the max item level you can get it, youll never feel satisfied, the legendary system is shit too because you can get screwed for months and do less damage by a shit ton if you dont get the good legendaries and getting legendaries comes on average, once a month.

Just dont sub. Game is shit, also pvp is ruined in case that is what youre in to.

Why are there no good nudity addons for this game yet??

Patch 3.2 ToC, killed Ulduar early, dungeon finder...

All garbage. I believe this is the point the B-team fully took the reins, but ICC was the actual end of LK so they fliped them to provide some cover. ICC was a pretty good raid.

Everything after that was liquid shit and destroyed the MMO genre.

tfw no ingame highheels

I've thought a lot of times about it, and my conclusion is that the tipping point was 3.2
There was some good content afterwards no doubt, but it's imo the moment they started introducing shitty mechanics that would destroy the game in the long run.

I think I remember hearing it in a video where some guy in a private server was spawning world bosses in stormwind and killing them instantly

The Sup Forums guild when Nost was out was exactly the same too, Sup Forums groups that remove the anonymity of people always turn into shitty meme spam and attention whoring

For me it was cata
>guild achievements/perks started turning guilds into faceless ghost towns
>dungeon finder was in full effect killing server community
>raid finder got added
>massive changes and streamlining to classes to make them shit

this. A lot of you are gigantic fags and are not fun to play with.


A bit into Cata, they changed the mechanics of cc in dungeons. Traditionally when you cc'd a mob, the group would aggro, this made for a fun challenge in cc-ing a couple of the charging mobs, and not breaking current cc's.

Then they changed it so the group won't aggro after cc, making so any stupid Dopey McNigger could wade through the heroics which were actually fairly challenging in Cata.

That's when I knew.

Playing with Sup Forums is always a mistake every fucking group from Sup Forums is full of edgy autists who don't know how to contain themselves and will spam their fucking memes thinking their the funniest person to ever live, it's cancer

cata ruined it. Though, near the end of WotLK it was becoming apparent that the game was pandering to casuals.

WoD's initial good reviews had to have been bought, literally every review site NOTHING LIKE MOP RETURN TO FORM BLIZZARD DOES IT AGAIN!

The bad started lightly during Wrath release, then got worse and worse. It's like Blizzard plays Jenga with their games.

I want to say the very beginning of WoD was the absolute since MoP was overall fun. Before that, there were occasional dips from other retarded decisions.

To be fair, the first few weeks of WoD were pretty promising, and everything from level 90 to 100 was pretty polished, it's just that it lacked an insane amount of content after that, and turned into your garrison being the only thing to do.

The first month of WoD was actually good though, once we started to get to the cut content and garrison shit is when it started to turn to shit

introduction of pvp gear in burning crusade.

Not sure if anyone will agree with me though. It allowed a shortcut via pve and trivialized most content while being fairly accessible if you didn't want to put in the time raiding.

It was probably the first real shortcut to making the game too casual.

If I were to pick something outside the game that made WoW begin to spiral, then the first time realm transfers went online. People could abandon servers, allowing Blizzard to pocket money in exchange of killing off world populations in an attempt to profit off people trying to take advantage of world population issues.