Is this one of the most overrated games of all time?
Is this one of the most overrated games of all time?
nope it's amazing
no this is. most 6th gen games are overrated as fuck on Sup Forums tho
No, but this boring mess is.
Can you explain why it's amazing without mentioning the words "Nyx", "Door", "Die at the end" or any other kind of variation of that?
The only reason people like this game is the ending. Take that away and you'd have 40+ hours of an incredibly mediocre game.
Well, actually you still have that, it's just that the ending is your reward for suffering through such mediocrity.
Most people like Persona 3-5 because it lets you pretend to be an anime high schooler with 5 hot girlfriends.
You missed one thread.
Not as good as Persona 4 or Persona 5.
That's pretty funny. I wouldn't be autistic enough to spam the same thread over and over again though.
Exactly. I'm not even a weeb and I enjoy these games 'cause they let me pretend I have friends but also superpowers.
P4 and P5 are way more overrated
Maybe on Sup Forums,outside of Sup Forums it's underrated
You fight a manifestation of humanity's fucked up desire, and despite not winning, you don't lose either. And through out the story you think you're actually ending a phenomenon that plagues the world, but actually accelerating this manifestations appearance.
Along the way you make bonds both typical and atypical of a high schooler, and while some are connecting, for the most part they're all independent, focusing on your interactions with people and how they grow as a result.
Also Mitsuru.
No, Persona 4 is though
P3 can drag hard a lot of the game but the ending carries it pretty well and the tone is well done and consistent throughout the game, P4 doesn't have this
The only offensively bad character in P3 is Ken, but after the stuff with Shinji he mainly stays out of the story and can be ignored, this contrasts with P4's terrible characters of Yosuke, Teddie, and Naoto, who remain constant sources of frustration through the entirety of the game
But what does any of that have to do with the game being good?
You take different emotionally charged teenagers and stuff them into the same dorm and see what happens. The only party member poorly portrayed in the game is Ken, who gets better characterization in the movies. And I hate Ken.
The train Shadow was good atmosphere, especially as you're heading towards it on the rail lines with the moon in the background. Persona 3 sticks to its motif like aces. The love hotel was funny, operation babe hunt was funny, the deep depression the entire party feels as the atmosphere changes and the world reflects the hopelessness in December and January is palpable. The anger from Junpei was realistic, you don't seriously expect everything to be anime lovey dovey like in Persona 4 if they found out you were carrying the instrument of death with you the whole game without realizing it.
Persona 3 was and is still better than Persona 4's storyline and storytelling. I'm glad that not everyone in SEES got along, that they all lives to go back after they were done with this ordeal or for some like Junpei what it means to go back being a nobody.
SMT3 is incredible and you probably got instant killed and never picked it up again. I'm surprised SMT3 was a PS2 launch title in Japan, it's really got an amazing repertoire of depth and demon roster with that stylish cel shading before Wind Waker was a thing.
The plot is good. The characters go through good development. One of the best waifus in existance. If it weren't for Tartarus and the fact that gameplay is lacking, it'd be praised as high as 4 and 5.
Honestly that fits P4 a lot better. Say what you will about P3 but it had its moments, and it did a lot of things amazingly, namely the theme and the characters, they were all pretty fleshed out and done well. Persona 4 on the other hand did some things right, namely the boss design and OST, but most everything else was pretty horrible, the dungeons all felt the same, the enemies all felt the same, and the cast just won't stop sucking your dick for five goddamn seconds. Sure P3 suffered from the first two problems but that was understandable since it was trying new things, but overall Persona 4 could've done a whole lot more, and it ended up feeling like P3-2 that somehow became more popular even though it changed very little.
It'd be praised as high as 4/5 if everyone sucked your dick and let you have the Highschool life those faggots never got for being weaboo trash
It's better than both.
Reminder that P3 is still the pinnacle of the franchise.
It has the best gameplay all things considered. It has the best story by far. The best characters by far. The best atmosphere by far. The best OST by a bit, and it's just the most substantial of the 3.
btw 4 is clearly the worst. 5 is a somewhat close 2nd.
It honestly is. I'm playing through it now for the first time, it's good enough to be entertaining and I'll very likely play it to the end (like 60h in) since I don't have anything more interesting to play now, but the entire design philosophy behind the game seems to be "make it wide and shallow as all fuck". There's no depth to sink your teeth into up to the point where I've gotten, the social bits are shallow as fuck and there isn't even a proper dialog tree system to talk to people, the gearing/equipment is shallow as fuck and completely basic, the combat is basic with many very similar skills and the Persona fusing is pure RNG retardation. Every system in the game is just a completely shallow.
I guess you get into the game way more if you're crazy for the whole Japanese high school setting, while I don't have anything against it at all I don't get any particular enjoyment out of it either. Who knows, maybe the game is going to become completely amazing in its last third, but I doubt it and even if it does that's no excuse for 2/3 being so shallow.
its the worst persona game to date
This is my favorite game ever and I agree
I just really like the last four months of the game
Played it last year and it was amazing. Played the psp version on vita, then got P4g. I'll tell you the one i thought was overrated, fucking persona 5. How someone can think p3 is boring but not p5 is crazy
Not even close
off the top of my head
Ocarina of Time
Chrono Trigger
Both Persona 4 and 5
Dark Souls
This is the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Say what you want about the story and characters, but claiming P3's "gameplay" (aka 200+ floors of randomly generated grinding bullshit) is better than P5 is the stupidest thing someone can say.
But you're literally always doing something in P5. P3 has long stretches of time (over a month) where NOTHING happens at all. It has horrendous pacing.
Am I the only one who fucking HATED palaces in 5?
Literally replaced mildly annoying hallways with boring garbage that takes way too long because you need to run around getting items to flip a switch to open a door to the next area. They're as bad as 3 and 4's but they take 3x as long.
>Persona 4 could've done a whole lot more,
P4 had like 1 year and half if development
P3 had several years and there's no excuse because it came out AFTER nocturne and DDS and the dungeons were a huge step back so piss off with "tried new things" damage control
Yes, you are probably the only one with an opinion that shitty. I'd be astonished if someone actually shared your views
Was it poorly paced? Sure at times, but the drip feeding of story made it more memorable and it kept things straight and relevant. What are you always doing in p5? Reading the same text chats every day, being told to go to bed, meeting up to discuss if someones heart will change for an extra 20-30 hours? I prefer 3s (and 4s) lighter approach with dropping events and developments throughout until near the end rather than drowning in it every week like in p5.
But if you play these games for story, why would you think the one in which story happens only every month is better than the one in which story is happening daily all around you?
Persona after 2 was a mistake
Calender system needs to be abandoned and Atlus need to stop forgetting its core fanbase for newfags
>core fanbase for the Persona games are the Persona 1 and 2 fans
nigga what
>Atlus need to stop forgetting its core fanbase for newfags
they're making more money than ever
the "newfags" ARE the new core fanbase you dingus
I mean for 3 and 4
Why the fuck is P5 so handholdy ? Why is there no option to remove this shit?
futaba is persona
the cat is atlus
I play them for a few reasons. I normally dont care for jrpgs, the modern persona games are the only ones i have ever enjoyed and the world ends with you on DS if that counts. I enjoy the cast of characters, the themes, the music, the social links, sweeping floors in succession, the music. You can tell they have a low budget to work with but are trying their hardest to make something fun and resonate with you for a long time after beating it, and i find it endearing. It just works.
I find p5 to be messy looking with almost to much going on at times, didn't care for the cast outside of the main character who is an empty slate and yusuke, nor the themes and story. Even the soundtrack outside of a few hits is pretty dull. Story is a big part of it, but not the only part, as i believe a game, even a jrpg, is the sum of all its parts
There is factually no way more newfags brought P5 over the people who brought 3/4. P5's sales aren't even twice as more than P4G
P3's combat system is, all things considered, more robust than 5's, if not for a huge margin. Tartarus was fine. Stop being a fag. Thematically it made a lot more sense than anything in 4, and it's more interesting than 5's castles, and mementos is just a worse version of it. Also you have to take into account that what makes a dungeon better is not only it's design aesthetically but also gameplay wise. Enemy placement, boss frequency and variety are all very important and tartarus anal rapes both 4 and 5's dungeons on this aspect. It also has a much more robust end game content. A lot more combat mechanics than 4 for sure and better than 5's, and, again the combat itself, pound for pound is better than 5's and a LOT better than 4's.
3 is straight up better than both successors in pretty much every conceivable way other than graphics.
>Tartarus was fine.
Yeah this some goldmine bait
I get the castles in P5, because they are designed, even though I disagree, I get that you0d prefer it. I assume we can agree mementos is just a worse tartarus.
But how are P4's dngeons any better on any level than tartarus?
>But how are P4's dngeons any better on any level than tartarus?
Because if your gonna give me a shitty empty dungeon might as well make them short
short, with no mid bosses, no end game content, no velvet room assistant side quests, no item hunting, a broken endgame persona and no contextual or thematic interest of any kind. Why do you play the game again?
P3 was my favorite, but any attempt to defend Tartarus while insulting the others is bullshit.
Again, explain to me how 4's dungeons are any better.
I've already given specific reasons why I think it's superior. Give me specific reasons to prove otherwise.
Having friends is a superpower
Holy mother of shit yes. Persona 3 is garbage.
Takes two seconds to find
>short, with no mid bosses
They were basically main bosses considering not one story boss besides Nyx was harder than the dungeon one.
>no end game content
Yeah repeating the same garbage
>no velvet room assistant side quests
Yeah your beloved fetch quests or fuse shit, don't see how that's got anything to do with the actual dungeon.
>no item hunting, a broken endgame persona
Items are literally useless anyways and your talking like end game persona's are restricted to that dungeon.
>no contextual or thematic interest of any kind.
Yeah no, if your gonna give me a long ass empty dungeon no sweet thematic bullshit is gonna convince me, Nocturne's final dungeon did that much better if you wanna bring that up.
Only cool part about the entire dungeon was how the reaper comes after you and splitting up team mates but that gets boring real fast and ain't worth the slog.
The boss design in P4 is so boring and unmemorable though. The phases are way too cut-and-dry or just plain bullshit
>you didnt deal X amount of damage so I regained all my 1st phase health
No thank you. Atlus has never made very good boss fights.
>board full of lonely anime fans
>overhypes a dating sim
Really makes you think...
>no mid bosses
But they had mid bosses. All of them.
>no end game content
It had this too? You seem to forget that the last dungeons are optional.
>no velvet room assistant side quests
There's even an S Link dedicated to them.
>no item hunting
What do you mean, chests? If that's the case then P4's are even more dynamic since some require keys, which gives you more to consider in Golden especially where you can choose between a key and other benefits after battle.
>a broken endgame persona
Sounds like P3 to me too.
>and no contextual or thematic interest of any kind
How in god's name are dungeons that are aesthetically unique and specific to each character's theme less "contextual and thematic" than a tower that changes one thing in the environment and main song every twenty floors (oh but the name is Tartarus and that has to do with death wow genius)
You are the poster child for why P3fags are insufferable. Congratulations.
>They were basically main bosses considering not one story boss besides Nyx was harder than the dungeon one.
Oh I'm sure you beat the immune hand with 10Khp.
Nyx is by no means the hardest enemy in that game.
>>no end game content
Yeah repeating the same garbage
Doesn0t make it any less relevant. What use is there for getting end game gear if you don't have anything to use it for? in 4 you don't have any use for end game personae, especially not the moment you get Hassou tobi, same with 5. 3 throws a ton more mid level bosses at you and doesn't let you sustain you dungeon exploration as easily as the other games.
>Yeah your beloved fetch quests or fuse shit, don't see how that's got anything to do with the actual dungeon.
Have you played the game? You had missions throughout the game given by elizabeth by tartarus level and diffiulty that added special enemies in some cases to get certain things for pretty cool rewards. Gave you a lot more dungeon content.
>Items are literally useless
Except they really aren't. If you're smart you can get items that resist or evade every party member's weakness for example by the mid game, which saves you a lot of trouble, especially on higher difficulties and considering how given the nature of the combat controls if the enemy fucks up with your turns it can snowball into chaos pretty quickly.
> Nocturne's final dungeon did that much better if you wanna bring that up.
Nocturne is not relevant to this discussion. This is between P3/4/5
Can we all just agree that Atlus became a shitty company the day that PQ and DAN were announced? The games have sharply dropped in quality, but not many of their games were really that good in the first place.
Nocturne is just annoying, Persona has shitty pacing and the mechanical depth of a puddle of diarrhea, SMTIV had a halfway decent battle system but the rest was largely flat and uninteresting, really the only good product they had was Etrian Odyssey and a few *really* good MegaTen games here and there,
Oh and I should add, that even though you are completely wrong in every facet, it doesn't matter because the dungeons in BOTH P3 and P4 are shit and P4 wins out simply because you have to spend less time doing them. Adding a bunch of superfluous garbage to a game does not make it compelling if the core is rotten.
Literally search Fuuka Yamagishi on any porn site.
You're sure to find it as no one wants to draw porn of such a shitty character.
This art is fucking vile.
FES is so dated after playing P5
>Money isn't earned after every battle
>Physical is split into 3 types but it's pointless to use anything other than spears due to their superior reach
>Graphics are balls
>Party members can fatigue
>Tartarus is a chore
It was a 200 floor slog fest of repetive randomly generated bullshit that had a timer on how long you could spend on each floor, which you had to force your way between teleporter in order to save progress through the tower.
P4 were slightly boring, but unlike P3, you could spend as long as you liked, you could leave whenever and comeback when you wanted.
the entire game is a chore
I wish we got the cool cover like Japan did
>But they had mid bosses. All of them.
1 per entire dungeon. P3 had one like every 2/3 levels or so. A lot more variety too.
>It had this too? You seem to forget that the last dungeons are optional.
There's literally nothing on P4's or 5's endgame that makes proper use or demands of you access to endgame gear. The closest thing to it is the Reaper and he's only NG+ on 4 I think and even then it's trivial because lul Hassou tobi xD
>There's even an S Link dedicated to them.
Not talking about the fusion shit, talking about actual missions.
>What do you mean, chests? If that's the case then P4's are even more dynamic since some require keys, which gives you more to consider in Golden especially where you can choose between a key and other benefits after battle.
see above
>Sounds like P3 to me too.
P3 is by far the hardest of the 3 to get anything close to being described as broken. it's a lot harder to make personae immune to everything, a LOT harder. The closest thing you can get is the armaggeddon fusion spell if you just want the game to end but that's obviously a gimmick spell.
>How in god's name are dungeons that are aesthetically unique and specific to each charac
Because the tartarus is the whole point of the story. Everything from the first scene is about getting to the top of that tower. It's literally your major goal since the first time you have control and not only ties to the story, it IS the story. P4's dungeons have nothing to do with the central theme of the story. I don0t even think there IS a central theme in 4. You just do things as reactions to things others do. And eventually you get to fight the retarded villain if you even get there by getting the correct answers.
On Sup Forums, maybe, outside of Sup Forums, absolutely not.
>Nyx is by no means the hardest enemy in that game.
He is solely for his bloated HP and dozens of modes and unless you're prepared by grinding in monad he's tougher than any floor or story boss.
>Doesn0t make it any less relevant. What use is there for getting end game gear if you don't have anything to use it for? in 4 you don't have any use for end game personae, especially not the moment you get Hassou tobi, same with 5. 3 throws a ton more mid level bosses at you and doesn't let you sustain you dungeon exploration as easily as the other games.
I don't care, end game content is irrelevant if your gonna be repeating the same garbage.
>Have you played the game? You had missions throughout the game given by elizabeth by tartarus level and diffiulty that added special enemies in some cases to get certain things for pretty cool rewards. Gave you a lot more dungeon content.
They werw glorified fetch quests and the only time you got access to a new part dungeon was monad, which was the same repetitive garbage but easier grind area.
>Except they really aren't. If you're smart you can get items that resist or evade every party member's weakness for example by the mid game, which saves you a lot of trouble, especially on higher difficulties and considering how given the nature of the combat controls if the enemy fucks up with your turns it can snowball into chaos pretty quickly.
Yeah this doesn't matter unless you REALLY need it and even then the ones you get from the stores are more than enough. I never had the need to slog through a dungeon for a specific item.
> Nocturne's final dungeon did that much better if you wanna bring that up.
>Nocturne is not relevant to this discussion. This is between P3/4/5
Yeah i don't care either, just saying if you wanna make anyone care about your thematic bullshit make the actual dungeon first.
To be honest I woulda preferred P4 to have a system that limited your time in the dungeons because SP management was painfully easy by like, dungeon 3.
I mean, in trade off allow you more journeys into the TV world, like on Sunday and Holiday evenings. Even on my first playthrough I realised completing everything I needed to do in one day was basically the only viable option because of the way the game is structured.
If this isn't bait, then this has to be the most retarded thing I've read in months.
Did Rise have the SP restore after every battle ability in the original or was that just Golden?
>It has the best gameplay all things considered
Definitely not.
>It has the best story by far
Nothing interesting happens until the end.
>The best characters by far
Only really engaging one is Junpei. Aigis is okay too, but she has always felt very out of place in my eyes.
>The best atmosphere by far
It has a great atmosphere, but so do P4 and 5, equally so. Even if you don't like the comfy small town vibe of 4, and I know many don't, it does an excellent job of creating that atmosphere.
>The best OST by a bit
Arguably, I consider P3's, P4's and P5's soundtracks all about on par with each other.
>just the most substantial of the 3.
5 has the most content and polish, 4G feels the most complete.
Which is better P3 or P4?
I just finished The Journey for the first time before starting P5 this weekend and I have to say no. The gameplay is a bit dated compared to the later entries but that's to be expected. Persona 4 is way more overrated than 3.
I haven't played the answer though so I don't know about that section of the game.
So by that you mean P4's dungeons and by extension, the core gameplay are also rotten? I so, then P3 is still the superior game because the story and characters are a lot better. I still win the overall argument.
>you could spend as long as you liked
The beggining of the over implementation of quality of life "improvements" that led to p5's trivialization of the fusion system.
So you don't have to manage time and resources when you go dungeon crawling. I don0t consider that an improvement.
Is that the only thing that makes them better? You can stay in them longer? That hardly justifies the hatred Tartarus gets, by my estimations. That's pretty contentious.
The Answer's a very meh epilogue they only added to make fun of people that either didn't notice that MC died at the end, or that wanted Atlus to bring him back for some reason
It's easily skippable
>Junpei wanted to drop that nigga who killed his waifu dead
>half the cast wanted to throw the "killer" in the TV
>Wanna join us bro?
Now this is where P5 cucks will say "T-They didn't forgive him!"
>Muh biggest breast
>Muh best Brosuke
>Great Seal takes all of your health to use in the final battle
>Nyx describes the meaning of life during her battle as death and says that the MC has found the meaning of life earlier than the rest of his friends after the seal
>all your S-links saying you look really ill
How the fuck did anyone miss out on that?
>Now this is where P5 cucks will say "T-They didn't forgive him!"
I mean, that's not wrong. Haru LITERALLY says "I sympathize with you, but I do not forgive you"
Dumb shitposter
>He is
She's not. there are tougher enemies than her on the final levels and monad.
>I don't care, end game content is irrelevant if your gonna be repeating the same garbage.
But it doesn't. There's an enemy that you literally have to make use of the null resistances spells to beat, which most people won't have or make use of it ever. There ARE challenges there to be had that are different than just throw hassou tobi's at it until it dies, hich often is throw one.
>They werw glorified fetch quests
Ok, call them whatever you want, what were P4's alternative?
>Yeah this doesn't matter unless you REALLY need it and even then the ones you get from the stores are more than enough.
They are useful. You might want to make do without them but it doesnt make them any less useful. Maybe that's why you think Nyx is the hardest boss in the game. There are items that counter her pretty well.
>make the actual dungeon first.
the dungeon is there, user. This "empty corridor" meme argument is pretty surprising to me when p4 has literally the same amount, or lack, of detail in its' randomly generated dungeons and in 5 it's even worse in mementos.
not an argument.
P5s central theme is cucking
You are cucked out of time, with the scheduling, countless wasted days, told to go to sleep
You are cucked from using lvl 80+ personas because you can beat the game at 60 something and nothing really calls for them
Ryuji, morgana get cucked
Sojiros is a cuck, raising his DEAD partners daughter
Sae is a cuck, gets bullied by upper management
Everything in the game is central to cucking, thats why its so unsatisfying to play
Too bad it wasn't convincing
How can a cast of immature teenagers not have any reaction to Akechi's shit?
Ryuji didn't show any anger like usual and I'm supposed to believe they all just accepted it and forgave him like fuck off.
It limited possible grinding unnecessarily. And when it has both that timer and the ability for teammates to get tired/sick, it's artificial difficulty.
Your shit isn't an argument either. Your argument was literally "Tartarus was fine. Stop being a fag" and then you went on to say it was somehow more interesting than P5's unique dungeons.
Your opinion is shit and makes zero sense. It's like someone giving you a plate with shit on it, and a plate with steak on it to choose from, and you pick the plate with shit on it, and while you're chewing on your steaming hot piece of feces you're insulting people eating their juicy steak.
>food analogy
stopped reading
>I'm supposed to believe they all just accepted it and forgave him
Go back and watch the scene again. No one forgives him. They ask if he wants to help them against Shido. Considering Akechi is strong as fuck (much stronger than even Joker at the time) it's not exactly unreasonable of them to ask.
Tell me where I'm wrong
You can't
I like the gloomy atmosphere.
I feel bad for not having a argument against this.
>implying the majority of people even know or care about what Persona is
Don't flatter yourselves. Persona games are niche titles and always will be. There is nothing overrated about them at all.
still not an argument
To be fair, you would be stopped from doing things in the other games as well, this is just the first one where it isn't your subconsciousness limiting you.
You're fucking retarded if you think Persona is still a niche game after 5
The theme's more about being oppressed
Getting cucked is just another form of that
>Definitely not.
It does. More depth to the types of aattacks. 1more rewards precision striking unlike 4 where you are encouraged to spam Ma-spells. the branching of the physical damage types means you have to have a wider range of persona for different situations. Encourage more versatility and less super personae. Just of the top of my head. Name me one way i which P4's combat is better than 3 other than "muh direct controls"
>Nothing interesting happens until the end.
In 4 nothing interesting happens at all, ever. There. 3 wins.
>Only really engaging one is Junpei. Aigis is okay too, but she has always felt very out of place in my eyes.
Disagree, but gonna take the same route. In 4 there's literally no one remately interesting or entertaining. There. 3 is better.
> but so do P4 and 5, equally so
not equally so. Not even close. neither of those has anything remotely as atmospheric as that december month in 3, for example.
>Arguably, I consider P3's, P4's and P5's soundtracks all about on par with each other.
peronal preference. This is the only point I'm willing to do a toss up amognst them. They all have exceptional OST's, I'd say 4's is just slightly worse overall than the other 2. Less amount of greeat track Iguss.
>5 has the most content and polish, 4G feels the most complete.
When I say substancial I don't just mean gameplay content, altheough P3 FES I could easily argue has the most out of all of them. I mean as a piece of entertainment. It actually had a non bullshit story and character that were more than stock anime archetypes badly done.
I wasn't the guy you originally were responding to but
Tarturus has the best ""''atmosphere""" and overall theme within the story, 5's main dungeons are the best when it comes to actual gameplay, and 4's fail at everything. Marie's dungeon was kinda fun though.
>No one forgives him
You go back, they all feel sorry for him even Ann for some retarded reason
This changes nothing from what i said, they didn't have any real reaction you would expect from half the cast when Akechi revealed who the killer was and then laughed how he only did it for his retarded plan.
Futaba joined the team to purposely find out who killed her mother and ruined her life and yet when she finds out the only thing she feel is sympathy for him like this is pure bullshit.
Look at how Ryuji acts to every other villain but to Akechi he doesn't get pissed at him like he should have. They all planned to storm Shido themselves anyways and I was expecting some of the characters to say fuck off when akechi joining them was suggested.
Put the P3 or P4 cast in the same situation and you wouldn't see all of them blindly going along with it.
> I don0t even think there IS a central theme in 4
Holy fuck you love P3 so much you are blind to even an obvious theme of truth and hidden selves when the game spells it out for you. Please die you retard.