Would you consider Oblivion or Skyrim to be the death of the Elder Scrolls franchise? Which one do you think is the superior game?
Would you consider Oblivion or Skyrim to be the death of the Elder Scrolls franchise...
Oblivion of course. The main point isn't even the fact that it was an atrocious fucking piece of shit gameplay, RPG elements, artstyle, graphics, story, atmosphere and pretty much everything else-wise, the main thing is that experiencing this abortion of a game was a fucking living nightmare for everyone who loved Morrowind so not for the main. Skyrim is pretty bad, sure, but nowhere near as bad as this "game"
the bait was too strong, try again in 10 minutes but tone it down
>so not for the main Sup Forums audience which nowadays consists mainly of kids nostalgiafagging over mid- to late 00s/early xbox360 games
need some sleep to ease up my autism
try again in 2 years when you're not underage anymore
>wanted to play that again after the Oblivion thread earlier today
>FCOM fuck yeah!
>the only place to download 1.0 is TES Alliance which requires membership
>you can't sign up or reset your password anymore
Please tell me some of you have the 1.0 files/zip.
Fcom is shit
Just be happy with OOO
I've spent hundreds of hours on playing Morrowind and Skyrim. No big complains about both of these games. I can play them without mods and still have tons of fun.
On the other hand, Oblivion really turns me off with its graphics. And I've read you can't make overpowered potions in it which is sad.
It's similar a thing with Heroes of Might and Magic series. 3 and 5 are amazing but 4 is ugly as fuck and it bothers me.
Skyrim 100% was the death, it removed any of the actual RPG elements that had already been stripped away with Oblivion. The idea of classes were killed, and every character could be a god. Skyrim felt a bit more inspired in the sense that Oblivion had a less interesting and more generic world, but it felt more diverse a lot of the time.
The dungeons in Oblivion were trash, Skyrim helped a little but not by much.
The real issue between the two is the quests though, Oblivions quests are superior to Skyrims in every way, the characters were more interesting and the cities felt more immersive imo.
Also although the Oblivion magic system was stunted compared to Morrowind, it was a lot better than Skyrims near to non existent system.
Skyrim has a massive issue where almost all builds devolve into a stealth archer too, and the DLC doesn't match close to knights of the 9 or Shivering isles.
I enjoy Oblivion, I liked Skyrim, but if I had to make a choice in which to play completely unmodded with only the DLC for 100 more hours it'd be oblivion personally.
Yeah, no. If I can't megamod a game, I'd rather play vanilla.
>Morrowind only felt huge because of low visibility range and no level scaling, making you go back to places
>complexity seemed high because spell crafting and no level scaling
>the story was pretty good
>oblivion had decent graphics and a nice setting
>dumbed down mechanics and level scaling fucked things up pretty badly
>story was shit (close some portals and done)
>some sidequests were just great
>skyrim had great music and sounds
>story was okay
>sidequests were bland. can't realy remember any.
>no more casting while using a zweihander or shield or secondary weapon
>boring armor (all yellow/grey/brown/black)
franchise is dying slowly.
6/10 would buy another one...maybe.
I'm currently playing Morrowind for the first time. The only other TES game I've played through was Skyrim a few years ago. Beating it back then, I thought it was an alright game, but felt (and still feel) that all the praise it gets is overblown. That said, I really don't see what Morrowind has over it. It has a distinct and great atmosphere, but other than that, I feel it is inferior in just about every way to Skyrim - the RNG combat is really off-putting at the start of the game and, similarly, using rolls for spells and other skill uses just means the optimal strategy in most situations is just to constantly push the quickload button until you get a satisfying result. The quests for the most part boil down to just making deliveries or killing characters without much buildup. The faction system is just as nonsensical as Skyrim - I've already joined 4 guilds and 2 competing religious institutions. Travelling anywhere is a slog, so you just bunnyhop around the world, which goes against the game trying to immerse you in its world. I'd also argue the dialogue system has been hugely improved. Overall, I must say I'm still really enjoying myself with Morrowind, but after seeing it hyped up so much by people shitting on Skyrim, I can't help but feel underwhelmed,
The spell, stat and skill system of Morrowind actually was mechanically complex.
Skyrim. Oblivion still had RPG elements like attributes and classes, factions like the Fighters and Mages guilds that didn't exist in just one building but were spread out across the game map in multiple locations.
Oblivion was a major step down from Morrowind, of course. The loss of weapon types, map size, and the retconning of an interesting setting to a cookie cutter vaguely European medieval-esque country were all major departures from what made older Elder Scrolls games so great, and were definite warning signs of what was to come. But there is still a good RPG, dare I say even a good Elder Scrolls RPG, buried in Oblivion. Skyrim is more an action game with RPG elements.
Skyrim is the "death" of Elder Scrolls, but if that is the case then Oblivion is the Elder Scrolls in clearly declining health. Death in quotations because I'm naive and think there is still hope the next one might bring it back.
Oblivion was the death knell, skyrim was its actual death
>>Morrowind only felt huge because of low visibility range and no level scaling, making you go back to places
That's not true at all
t. I played the game on modern hardware with maxed out view distances and it was still good and still felt huge. Skyrim actually feels smaller.
I've been doing a marathon of the games and and just finishing up my time on Skyrim and if there was any so called death of the series it would for sure be Morrowind. The shift from Daggerfall to Morrowind is pretty extreme in plenty of ways, but I can't say I mind. What it looks like to me is the love for Morrowind is what's responsible for the direction Elder Scrolls has gone, and that despite how it looks or how much people say how good the game is, Daggerfall was the last of a real Elder Scrolls game.
Morrowind was the beginning of the end. Once it went console, it was all over.
It's mostly because you move so fucking fast in Skyrim. Seriously, look at the map and the distance between things seems huge, but actually run it and it takes only a few minutes to run for miles.
Hey guys, remember when Stamina management was actually important? When you could die in Daggerfall from letting it run out because you pretty much have a heart attack. Or how in Morrowind running out of stamina meant that you would fall to the floor, unable to get up and any stamina damage done to you after that hit for health damage instead?
If "death" meant "great success",
Yes. It is dead now
Morrowind. Casualized trash.
PROTIP: Whatever ES game was your first will always be your favorite. The one immediately after it is your most hated.
OOO and MOO are the go-to overhauls these days (both of them together)
FCOM adds shit like Diablo 2 mobs man
Nah, Skyrim was my first, Morrowind my second, and Oblivion my favorite.
This is correct
Elder Scrolls' decline started with Arena desu. It laid the foundation for everything I've come to dislike about the series.
You don't run fast in Skyrim, the actual fucking scale of everything is very small.
>Travelling anywhere is a slog, so you just bunnyhop around the world, which goes against the game trying to immerse you in its world
By the way, moving diagonally is the fastest way of travelling on foot IIRC.
If you want an honest discussion I can help you a bit. The atmosphere you've mentioned plays a big role in Morrowind. Fantastic world of Vvanderfell is still pretty immersive thanks to developers' attention to detail. Towns and settlements have their own architecture depending on part of the land they were built on (additionally, they are more realistic than Skyrim when it comes to number of inhabitants). NPCs (their clothing, beliefs, speech, traditions etc.) are clearly defined to the point that they seem natural.
I can argue that faction quests actually build-up quite nicely. The more people you meet the more you understand how factions work, what is their goal and, sometimes, what is their problems. Here is one example: Fighters Guild is obviously led by asshole mercenaries whom you can help for your profit. It's getting obvious in Vivec questline. Because this game is an RPG, you have the choice to stop those bastards. This option becomes apparent in Ald'Ruhn when you meet old faction leader.
The main storyline is quite unique in a sense that you are not supposed to touch it for dozens of hours. You are meant to actually research the land you were delivered to. I love this concept.
Gameplay-wise, Morrowind is a bliss for powergamers. I loved brewing potions which gave me 200 speed. I loved flying through Vvanderfell while regenerating both my HP and stamina (thanks to my enhanced items).
>first TES is Oblivion
>hate it, combat feels slow and clunky
>play Daggerfall and Morrowind
>love them
I don't know man, Oblivion was just pretty bad all around.
I liked them both but Skyrim did some downright unforgivable shit and ended up an incredibly bland babby adventure game that literally needs mods to make it feel more like an Elder Scrolls game.
Played Morrowond first, loved it. Played Oblivion 2nd. Loved it. Your formula is wrong, my main man.
Oblivion. Game was fucking terrible.
Skyrim's just a way bigger fuck up but it's somewhat enjoyable to play.
Oblivion was the one that just couldn't work it's own formula out.
Daggerfall was massive, SERIOUSLY massive, ambitious, versatile and expedient to roleplay, however it lacked in diversity and unique content, it had it's niche as such.
Morrowind was less massive(by a considerable margin), but it was ambitious in other ways, it had thousands of little stories and details and bits of world scattered and a very clever design to the experience the player would follow, how he would encounter challenges and have limitations that would force him to progress in abstract ways(a crappy combat that needed insanely high stats to be over quickly) and undertake paths to get involved in those little stories and the world. It had it's niche.
Oblivion didn't know SHIT about what it wanted to be. It took a lot of what Morrowind did, cut back on it to allow for a technological innovation and certain non-abstracted mechanics(like characters actually sitting on chairs, i guess?) but it fell short of actually achieving what morrowind did, which was keeping the player engaged throughout thanks to, or in spite of the bad, the main quest was tedious and unengaging, the player had to face constant difficult combat with a levelling system that did nothing but punish his attempts to make it less difficult, the exploration aspects were all FUCKED because the challenge he would face wasn't scaled to the act of exploring further and further into wilderness but to the time spent and choices taken, and finally, the technological innovation it brough only meant it was broken half the time, unsatisfying and lame the rest. It's niche appeal vanished and it was an ugly, ugly duckling for half a decade.
Skyrim did the same dumbing down in favor or an innovation(or gimmick let's be honest) but in some ways it did manage to catch a much bigger appeal with the exploding casual market by being relatively pleasant to play as a dress up game with mountains, and it made the combat a little less godawful.
Skyrim couldn't even make up for the shit main story with decent side quests. The Civil War for instance, what the fuck was that? Oh go here and clear this fort with a bunch of no name npc soldiers. Do it again a bunch of times. Now do this in a town. Done. Unbelievably awful and lazy. For all of Oblivion's faults I at least remember having a blast fucking around doing other stuff the devs clearly put some effort into.
In Skyrim:
>the progression system was completely fucked. Removal of major/minor skills and lack of a level cap meant every character was a master of all trades, there was no build variety. This discouraged multiple playthroughs
>the writing was fucking awful, Alduin was embarrassing, and there isn't a single good character in the entire game apart from Cicero. The only side quest that was remotely enjoyable was the Sanguine quest.
>You could join every single guild without consequences whatsoever on a single character
>Journal system is asinine. Because the game auto-accepts quests for you and you can't abandon them, your journal's gonna be filled up with same 50 quests at any time,
>no enemy variety
at last it improved Oblivion's game-ruining and retarded level scaling
> armored horse dlc
Oblivion, for sure
>Magic is terrible compared to past games. Cool stuff like teleporting and flying/levitating is gone.
>Removal of attributes meant Acrobatics is gone. This means no fun stuff like running at incredibly high speed and feeling like an absolute God in the game world by the end.
the one fucking thing i miss from morrowind was the ability to ask a guard or shopkeep where someone or something was and get an idea of what side of town to search. i actually liked having this feeling that the people in this town knew about the town instead of just saying the same 3 lines over and over.
Was it just me or was it impossible to play the thieves guild as a thief? I'm talking about realistic levels here. I tried really hard but eventually just had to kill everyone.
When going for the "save and go on a rampage" gag, leaping across rooftops in bruma was magnificent.
be honest Sup Forums
how long did it take you?
TES: Altis when?
How's he not in jail yet?
>Removal of major/minor skills and lack of a level cap meant every character was a master of all trades, there was no build variety. This discouraged multiple playthroughs
Skyrim doesn't really have problems with replayability. Also, you end up being master of all trades in Morrowind as well. To a lesser extent but still.
>You could join every single guild without consequences whatsoever on a single character
Morrowind was the same really. You could join Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Thieves Guild, the Temple, Imperial Cult, Imperial Legion, one of the Houses and some other guilds. The only 'consequences' were disposition changes but those could be easily changed.
Honest question - does Oblivion prevent the player from joining multiple factions?
Skyrim was the better game for the simple fact that there was at least something worth exploring in the non-copypasted landscape.
>Skyrim doesn't really have problems with replayability.
how so?
literally evey playthrough is the exact same
I found Oblivion to be much worse than Skyrim. I liked the world and cities and stuff but the god damn level scaling drove me nuts and I hated Oblivion gates.
jesus christ
Bethesda truly is the most disgusting company
I wish they'd just keep their mouths shut
Saying 'the exact same' is hyperbolic Playing as a warrior who wields 2h weapon is different than playing as a mage (even though you will probably end up maxing a lot of similar skill trees).
I don't have problems replaying the game, nor are the other people thanks to mods or - according to Sup Forums- shit taste. Just take a look at Steam statistics, Skyrim had more than 20k players today.
>worth exploring
No it wasn't. There was far less filler text and quests.
Typical eyecandy fuckwad.
those 20k "players" are just masturbating to their waifus that they spend 5 hours creating with all the sexlab mods.
>The main storyline is quite unique in a sense that you are not supposed to touch it for dozens of hours. You are meant to actually research the land you were delivered to. I love this concept.
I really wish more games did this. The main quests are always this urgent matter, the world is falling apart around you and you are shown exactly how to stop it, and I always get too invested in the plot to just blow it off. The main quest makes you visit different locations throughout the map, which is nice that you get to see it, but the sense of urgency always makes me feel like I need to hurry up and do whatever I need to do so I can leave and head to the next objective and save the world already. Getting sucked into the story shouldn't prevent you from getting sucked into the world.
based Morrowind and New Vegas
You could join, but there were requirements in skill to advance, so in most cases it wasn't worth it. Also, I thought that if you dedicated yourself to the Imperial Legion, you couldn't join a House?
I joined Imperial Legion and House Redoran. They have similar requirements and even like each other so it's double win.
Oblivion put the series in the coffin and Skyrim hammered in the nails.
Oblivion made some marginal gameplay improvements over Morrowind and had a few decent quests, but ruined it with ridiculous level scaling that made getting stronger pointless, and a generic european fantasy world with buttfuck ugly characters and repetitive voice acting.
Skyrim tried to undo some of the damage of Oblivion's level scaling but also removed basically everything that could even qualify the game as an RPG and turned it into viking GTA with dragons. Character specialization and builds are near meaningless, all the story and dialogue revolve around sucking the protag's dick instead of immersing you in a fantasy world, and every quest was turned into "clear out this cave of draugr".
Playing skyrim without the UI fixes a lot of things, it turns into a decent exploration game then, you're genuinely happy to stumble upon a cave and you have landmarks you see from afar that can give you objectives as to where to go next.
With the UI it's just crossing things from a todo list and blindly following directions
The gameplay is just terrible though it's weightless you have absolutely no impact when hitting something, and when you're hurt you can just pause the game and spam potions/food to get back to full health.
With some mods it can still be a good experience but there really should be something for the quests to be doable without landmarks.
Oblivion is much better as an RPG there are some memorable quest lines, but the environment is pretty bland, and not as well designed as skyrim's map. The gameplay is abysmal it's even worse than skyrim on many ways, but for some reason it doesn't feel as bad to play it as I do when playing skyrim if that makes any sense.
They are both terrible games vanilla.
Oblivion is the objectively superior of the two. Only Skybabies will disagree.
Don't forget that they somehow managed to make Fallout 4 even worse after those. It's going to be very hard for them to come back at this point from the path of casualization.
Vainilla? Oblivion
Mods? Skyrim.
The true value is measured by the original work, tho, so Oblivion is the better game.
>oblivion was an ugly duckling
potato faces or not I did enjoy the regions and the guild questlines
each city had character and charm, the only negatives I have of note are the level scaling and the lackluster ending to the main quest
You forget that the level-scaling in vanilla Oblivion was complete ass.
Morrowind, but then oblivion brought it back to life, and Skyrim is the decaying of unlife
>skyrim was worth exploring
yeah solely for the dragon slabs
oblivion had that without the gimmick to entice you
Oblivion was literally procedurally generated. The dungeons copypasted. They just used a brush tool to add a bunch of vegetation on random hills.
TES was already dead before Oblivion came out. No one from the old 90s team was still around, the main writers and designers like Ted Peterson, Michael Kirkbride and Ken Rolston had all left Bethesda and now Todd was in charge of things. Now we're left with shitty writing and design from folks like Emil Pagliarulo.
The final nail in the coffin was when Todd decided to throw out of the window and retcon all the previously established lore and replace everything with LOTRland so he could cash in on those normalfag shekels.
Even as bad as Emil is, his "talent" actually manages to deteriorate as evident by Fallout 4.
Fallout 4 is proof they just stopped caring altogether.
I like this map better
Skyrim was fun in its own way. It's like the polar opposite of Morrowind. Oblivion is a piece of shit through and through. The art style is shit. The story is shit. Once you reach level 20 literally every humanoid npc is wearing full Glass and Daedric. All of them. If you don't level your character perfectly the game eventually becomes impossible, because the enemies get stronger every level.
they're both fun. people calling either trash are fucking autist nerd faggots
Does anyone have a "roll your character" thing for oblivion?
I wanna do a new playthrough
You'll have more fun shitposting about it than actually playing it. Just like every Bethesda game.
I respect Skyrim for emphasizing that single-player RPGs can still have a successful place in the games industry.
But I blame it for the trend of emphasizing quantity of things to do over the quality of what you're doing.
Oooor I could play it right now, as a pure, atronach mage