#SaveLocke - Why Halo NEEDS Spartan Locke hi


I'll sum up the video for you:

>Halo needs to kill off Master Chief and be exactly like Star Wars and Star Trek and expand the universe beyond Master Chief
>The only reason why people hate Locke is because a) he doesn't have enough games to properly display his character and needs more games and an origin story b) he's black
>Locke needs his own spin-off game and should eventually replace Master Chief
>We need more PoC protagonists instead of bald and boring white space marines
>People who hate Locke because he's boring and doesn't have a character are hypocrites because Master Chief was boring and had no character in Halo 1-3
>People who hate Locke are the same type of bigots who hate that women will be playable characters in COD WWII
>The Halo franchise can't survive if they keep using Master Chief as the main character

Other urls found in this thread:


Halo's Lightning

who cares


>Martin Luther Locke
What did he mean by this?

Stop shilling your shitty video no one cares about that nigger, it belongs to the chief.

>343 halo

No, what we need to do is kill 343 and the halo franchise.

Did they ever show Master Chief's face before?

i want new game not old beaten horse.

gun play and movement is just grate but story suck too much even for me.

It's not my video. But I would appreciate an upboat :^)

Don't shill your shit here.

Kill yourself fucking nigger.

Master Chief is Halo bitch. The one man army. The legend. The savior of humanity. The guy who jumped off of a space station to give the Covenant back there own bomb then landed on a human ship.

Only the Arbitor could possibly replace the cheif since he too is a legend of his own people.

Needs cute femspartan though

Maybe Locke would be okay if Halo 5's story even slightly resembled how it was shown in the marketing.

The way things are, he basically has zero purpose to the plot outside of being the dude to get Blue Team freed from their ball prison at the end of the game

It's not my video. I just wanted to show Sup Forums something retarded and to laugh at.

That's a big snail

If Linda's armor was designed by someone competent like the person responsible for Reach's art style and was made more practical, I would argue that she would be the qt-est spartan.

>>People who hate Locke are the same type of bigots who hate that women will be playable characters in COD WWII
I hate it because thats historically innaccurate for what is every faction that i assume will be playable in MP except russians, because there was an actual group of armed women fighting, if any other faction has playable women besides the russians it's innaccurate and dishonest


Guys! If you hate Locke, it's because you're a racist!

While I agree with you, OP, I also think you're a nigger.


Jerome would be the PERFECT dude to replace the Chief. He's witty, charismatic, and a good person, but at the same time he gets the job done and is pretty stoic, just not to the degree of the Chief (which is good)


Locke got shoehorned in due to shitty writing and planning. Yeah, he could of been a good replacement for the Chief, but the way his team was structured (how they ALL have some sort of backstory and depth while Locke is just "hurr durr im super STRUNK and intelligent black ONI guy ayyyyy lamayooo") really sucked the hype out from him. Plus, again, they did a HORRIBLE job of advertising for him and made him out to be this really complicated, really enigmatic dude when it was FAR from the truth.

>tl;dr: OP's opinion is shit, but not entirely shit. Jerome should replace Chief, Locke is still a bitch

(you) what is this heresy?

As much as I liked Locke, you're being a faggot.

>can't give chief a good closure game
>hurr durr it's chief fault

>liking Locke
Literally why?

But what if John 117 was also black

Then his name would be Jonathan

He was a cool rival to Chief and more of him wouldn't be totally bad in my opinion

>I got transferred to the Halo team by my request months ago
>I recommended we kill him off like Rookie
>Team lead who helped make Locke got offended

>>The Halo franchise can't survive if they keep using Master Chief as the main character

Good, then kill it.
The main big story has been resolved anyways, they're just adding new shit to the world now. The story of Halo has been told, can move on to new IPs now.

People care so little about Halo lately that removing chief and replacing him with an irrelevant character might literally kill the series.

nah what they should do is just stop making halo games altogether

Halo takes place in the future. If black naming schemes keep going on the current route, it's more likely his name would be Jabaliading'esh (first part is silent)

Nawww man, they need to put Jerome in the big picture. It works. He's like Chief in his youth but even better cause he's a fresh face and he's more charismatic.

Where the FUCK is my Halo themed ripoff of Star Wars Battlefront for OG Xbox.
>chose between UNSC, Covenant, Flood, and Prometheans
>start as entry level soldiers, can upgrade over match (Marines to ODST, ODST to Spartans)
>can call in weapons, vehicles, "killstreak" style ordinance like Glassing Canon or Flood Spore Outbreak, as well as Legends like Chief, Arbiter
>play through classic battles even those just hinted at in books, like First Contact at Harvest, the Forerunner Flood War, Battle for the Silent Cartographer, and more

The grevious sin Halo performs is not embracing its excellent universe. You can have incredible games that won't hurt your fans without starring Chief

Hey guys, OP here!

Be sure to leave a like and a comment! :^)


What the Halo franchise really needs is new fucking writers.

>Bashing nu-cannon shit in in a (almost) pre-war relic with a QT AI who may or may not have abandonment issues

Sounds good

I'm black and I want to kill this mother fucker, I hate Locke and I want to play the Chief, I would be happy if Locke's sorry ass gets gutted and slaughter by the Covenant, Banished, Flood, or Prometheans in the next game, him and his sorry excuse of a team. I want the Master Chief and Blue Team not OC Donut Steel and his Power Rangers.

and non shit designs


But I'm black and I hate him.

Think about it bruh (btw she looks like a femininst wtf)

>he's gotten the most screentime out of all the other SPARTANs in Halo Wars
>He does some cool guy shit when he does get screentime
>It's already established that he can whoop serious ass
>even though his armor is obsolete, he's still capable of getting shit done
>they can upgrade his armor

It's too easy man. Honestly, I really feel like they are already considering the idea of making him something big considering whats been going on with him game wise.

Plus he really is a nig, I fuck with the guy. He's 1337

Don't mind her, she's fucking retarded

>clear and present design philosophy evident through out all the original trilogy
>343 manages to miss all of it

dude who cares just play the mp

Sure you are, whitey!

I want to punch the black guy in the face. I'm black and I just want to play the Chief okay, Chief is Halo. I fucking had this issue with Halo 2 back then I didn't want to play an alien and I sure as hell don't want to play a Master Chief wannabe, just let me play the Chief in a mainline Halo game, damn.

Bungie's designs were simple yet memorable

No I'm really am black

The multiplayer in Halo 5 is not really that good, though. The only things that really save it are Forge and the Custom Games browser.

>Jerome going full Spartan when infiltrating the Enduring Conviction
>Isabel being amazed at seeing a Spartan's handiwork
>that scream turning into laughter as Jerome dives back down to the Ark

Isabel and Jerome are a good enough team that they could easily replace or supplement Chief and Cortana.

people liked chief because he had cool armor even though he had no character

locke's armor blows

>even though he had no character

Did you even play through Halo 2?

having no character is better than having a shitty character 2bh

MCC pc release when

Hallo I am halo fabnoy
I stoped playing halo after halo 4 beacuse 3423i can't makea fucking good game toa save theirlives

I don't even care about halo anymore its too late

only mp because I hated CEs campaign

People like Chief for the same reasons they liked Samus
>he was a badass
>he had badass armor
>he fucked up aliens
>he saves galaxy
>he saves Earth
>he saves Humanity
>he had all these badass weapons and vehicles
>he took you on an adventure
>he is you

No matter who 343 put over Chief they will always get backlash because to many Chief is Halo and that's the end of it.

The person responsible for OP's video is also behind this equally retarded opinion: youtube.com/watch?v=4s2e_s2ijJk


I don't know shit about the new Halos but I'm not seeing the difference between a black guy wearing a full suit covering his whole body and a white one. They all look the same in those suits.

This mother fucker a Sony faggot isn't he? You know what, I'm really getting tired of hearing this of color shit. White people are white, Black people are black, I'm black and everything but this mother fucker and the rest of my ignorant race are seems more racist against their own race. People that say "of color" or "realistic design" need to be shot. I'm disgusted that this guy is the same fucking race as me, I'm glad I was raised in a White neighborhood, my race is so fucking ignorant and entitled. >:(

Honestly Locke is shit. He's got a rather subpar mini-series as his backstory, and he's a character that doesn't really do anything all that interesting or act all that interesting. Buck would be a better team leader rather than a side wheel, and he's only part of the team because they killed off the Rookie for shock value and a poor excuse to get Buck into the Spartan IV program.

People hate Locke partly because he's just not a good replacement for the Chief because he's not really all that interesting. People also partly hate Locke because Halo 5 was advertised as sort of a split campaign kind of deal like Halo 2, with Chief and Locke playing counter-roles to eachother, but all the advertising was fake, Blue Team gets three missions, and we're stuck with boring ass Locke for the rest of the campaign as it tries its best to make him seem like the same level of badass in a single game like Chief has spent the rest of the series already being.

It's a fucking fanfiction. Especially what with killing off Cortana in 4, but now she's back but evil or some Promethean duplicate or some shit that is madly obsessed with Chief because 343's writers wanted to bump up Cortana and Chief to a love relationship. Meanwhile seven other plot points are barely explained if at all because you should go buy all the books and comics to understand everything while we still get cliffhangers of nonsensical bullshit.


No, he's a huge Xbox fanboy.

Thank you. One of the few dudes on here with enough sense.

343 made their own, better version of Chief. I still love Chief, the dude was my childhood, hell I bought the encyclopedia and everything, but his time is over and they know this. They're grooming the heir to his throne.

And his name is Jerome. And he's gonna get a lot of pussy

Until they open their mouth and its all AYO GURL SO YOUS BE SAYIN WE WUZ SPARTANZ AND SHEIT

Characters like Johnson can't exist in 343 halo

He sounds like a typical Sony gger and he keeps saying "of color", we're black okay we're fucking black stop saying this shit. Seriously every time my race says this I stop taking them seriously because this is going to turn into some Black Lives Matter shit again.

>wanting realistic character designs
I fucking hate this guy.

well he's back in halo wars 2
without david scully
and piloting one of those retarded orion mecha battlesuit things

that sounds utterly retarded classic 343i

No their not after Halo 5's backlash 343 stated they were doubling down on Chief for the entire mainline series. They also said that Chief isn't going anywhere anytime soon. :)

>Sony sold 60 million units
>But Persona only sold 2 million, so it's a failure!!!

What a fucking retard.





I will never not hate what they did to the Elites.

Shill thread?

Halo 2 and 3

Halo 3 hands down.

Halo 3 always

why does 343 have such a hardon for making everything "bulky"

H2:A and reach

They made them into brutes and they removed their sleek black undersuit

For Mk. VI, middle. But I prefer the Mk. IV at the bottom right.

mark iv

They want the Ironman audience.

>mk vi is largely unchanged between games
>mk v gets redesigned with varying success every time
For what purpose

Bungie's artists had a thing for rugged effectiveness. The vehicles and weapons of humanity were kinda boxy but had their rounded bits, and yet it all looked at least relatively plausible within sci-fi technology. Ironically some of this still remains in Destiny despite the massively different attempt at style, leaving the more unique shapes to alien and magical stuff.

343 has this idea that is like a mix of anime and the syfy channel. Everything is suddenly super angular with stylized edges and extra detail galore. Greeble fucking everywhere. They think overly detailed bits and pieces everywhere contrasting a sharp and excessively boxy design is the logical conclusion, but almost everything has it now instead of being isolated to one race's weapon types. It's ridiculous.

Where did this meme originate from?
Wasn't it from a leak that never ended up panning out?

I like Linda's armor a lot. It was just unfortunate enough to be stuck with the shitty art style. That armor and helmet with Reach's art style would look great.

More like Halo's Poochy.

That's more of an insult to Lightning than it is to Locke.

He's a shit character, literally in this case.

Halo 6 is going to be better than Halo 4 and 5 and I can't wait with Master Chief being the main character of every FPS mainline Halo games in the future and isn't going away anytime soon this series has hope. With the return of split screen for every FPS Halo game starting with Halo 6, does anyone think 343 will finally find their audience and get some old Halo fans to enjoy Halo 6 and beyond?



they should remove sprint and aiming down sights

343i needs to watch this movie before they make any new Halo games. I recently watched it for the first time in years. Man old Bungie must have loved this movie. So much of the original trilogy had to be inspired by it. Johnson is so obviously Apone for example. This movie is how you do military/sci-fi and feels more like Halo than anything in Halo 4 or 5.