

I don't understand what you are trying to say, those are all fine games. Did you not like them or something?

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Add another row with shadow of the colossus, system shock 2 and deus ex

Don't forget Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate 2, and slavshit (stalker, pathologic, the void)

OP is a mad faggot.

Add the Mask of the Betrayer for the CRPG row
I hope you burn in hell, you fucking pointless scum

mostly made these in the mind set of people picking those games in the series for the sake of looking cool, but i guess you can fit those in

OP is right, posercore needs to fuck off and stop making the same shitty threads on Sup Forums

>the most classic FF
>the only good modern Fallout
>babby's first persona
>the best version of III
>a great game in a line of great games
>a great game in a line of great games
You are visibly, pulpably mistaken with every choice, even for a bait image. Weak faglord.

The dreamcast 3s pic always triggers me

Third strike and FF6 are two of the best games of all time, if you don't like them then you taste is actual shit. new vegas is inferior to FO3

3rd Strike and Demon's Souls are good games, the rest are trash, the only good turn based games are SRPGs.

Burn, motherfucker

>liking the only good modern fallout

>Persona 3
>not Persona 1 and 2

All Fallout games are reddit tier trash

damn son, where does it say those games are bad?

so this is the IQ......of a credfag.....

>liking open world games with terrible gameplay that's unplayably glitchy.

While less mechanically refined, Demons Souls felt so much more complete than DaS. At no point did DeS make my vomit at rushed areas.

Nv is shit mate

>much more complete
>entire archstone broken

Much more subtle than having shitty n64 tier levels filled with flat trees, copy pasted enemies, and eye bleeding lava.

Says who? Your contrarian opinion is irrelevant

Third Strike, New Vegas and DeS are fantastic tho

What you are doing, faglord, is trying to create a memetic connection "liking these games=posing or trying to prove your cred". Both of those tendencies are viewed in very bad light. Instead of game discussion you are trying to promote gang-like behaviour and further the spread of chaos on this already god-forsaken board. You are the equal of those click-bait journalists you hate. Or do you only pretend to hate them, faglord?

Replace demon souls with bloodborne. Add Majoras Mask and God Hand

Its the only good game released in the last 10 years but whatever...

But I actually like DeS?
It was the first Souls Game I actually got into. Later Souls games were definitely improvements over it, but it's still gunna be my favorite since it was my first.

>Atlus anything

What? That just leaves people with the impression that you're a weebshit.

>mfw 2 of those are in my top 3 and the other one of the top 3 is represented by it's predecessor

>mfw I thought I genuinely loved those games but turns out I'm just posing for credpoints on an anonymous chinese cartoon image sharing website

izalith is a meme. Keep parroting the "entire second half is shit" nonsense.


reminder to all non-redditors to filter the word contrarian.

literally no one defends bioshock infinite

every bioshock infinite fan does. Which are the majority of bioshock players.

>worse than BoS, Tactics, 3 and 4

yeah nah

i dont think i've ever seen anyone say ant of those are the best in the series. new vegas is just a touch better than 3 and 4 while still having most of their problems, the rest of the games in the image are trash

bioshock fans jerk off the first one, no one played the 2nd

These games are overrated aside from maybe Nocturne/Demons Souls outside of Sup Forums. They are all pretty fun games nonetheless.

Is the first worth playing? I tried 2 and infinite and found them pretty mediocre. 2 was leagues better than infinite though.

There's nothing to gain unless you're a tripfag, this board doesn't even have unique id tags like Sup Forums and others

I played the original Fallout while you faggots were in your mother's wombs and let me tell you, New Vegas is by far the best Fallout game

The ultimate "I'm a snowflake look at me!" game

i think the first one is a fun playthrough? the world is pretty cool, but don't expect a deep rpg like SS2 or something

play Prey if you want that

i'm actually surprised that more normie "gamer gurlz" aren't into undertale... is it the graphics??? what's the deal?

But new vegas is undeniably the best modern fallout game, if not best fallout game, period.


I'm just an JRPG/fighting game type of guy

So what games should we like Mr. le epic taste man

You're underestimating the pathetic lengths the average Sup Forumsermin would go to gain any foreign approval. Just looking at the words "good taste" on a favorite game thread is enough to make a Sup Forumsirgin cream their pants

Wow, what incredible video game discussion. This thread should crash with no survivors.
Watch for OP's image posted seriously in a month or so. You fucking dumb fags.

ITT basic bitches mad about their basic taste.

Enlighten us with your superior taste then

I wish fags like you would stop acting so high and mighty without posting games.

poor user, always needs validation for his taste who shits on others who say otherwise


nigga, I'm looking for recommendations because I want to play some vidya but I don't know what

tokimeki memorial

Tbh there is always someone on Sup Forums that will shut down somebody elses taste. No matter what he posts others will call it shit as well. You just have to ignore pretentious shit posts like his

Here's a game special for you, user.

I've already played this through many times

>tokimeki memorial
>the original
>not the superior psp rerelease
>not the far superior sequels
I bet you chose Shiori too, you unenlightened cuck

Oh, so you're one of the people the pic mentioned

drown in piss

No, it's not, and I can easily tell you're a fucking moron lying out of his ass.

>tfw I love all these except NV

If I wanted to be a poser I would pretend to like genuinely obscure shit, not fucking final fantasy or persona

i agree. New Vegas is just what people go to to avoid saying theyre FO3 babies who never played the originals.


You can like these games but it clear when someone is just saying "muh thurd strike" because they don't know any better.

I don't join in on Halo threads but do people really say Halo 5 is the best?

>it's another faggot from reddit with shit taste episode

Bet you liked undertale

the lengths you faggots go just to create new words to shitpost with. why the fuck would you do this


Actual RPG sites love New Vegas

They're good games, Brent.

Fuck you I play third strike almost every day

>i like these games so poserfags don't exist

jesus christ Sup Forums is so fucking stupid.

And yet here you are.

FFVi and nocturne are the best of their series
Persona 3 and daemon souls is overrated
New vegas is a fun game
Fuck street fighter

>shadow of the colossus
I liked it.....

I only played New Vegas in that list

most are pretty good

The image is almost self-fulfilling. OP is a master shitposter and no one will ever know.

thanks bae

Play God Hand.

Play the other ones there, they're pretty good.

Add guilty gear

>people are so fucking mad about new vegas still having threads after 7 years that they made not one but TWO bait images JUST FOR IT

It's not as good as 1 or 2, sorry. NV is still great and a huge step up from 3, but it is still unfinished and held back by the shitty Bethesda engine.

>remastered version

fucking disgusting
graphixfags get out