Haven't seen a thread in a long time and I'm doing a playthrough again so why not.
Favorite weapon?
Favorite build?
Favorite armor set?
Stories from when online was at it's hay day. Even memes.
Yuria best girl
Haven't seen a thread in a long time and I'm doing a playthrough again so why not.
Favorite weapon?
Favorite build?
Favorite armor set?
Stories from when online was at it's hay day. Even memes.
Yuria best girl
Other urls found in this thread:
Moonlight greatsword will always be my favorite weapon. Don't like that they turned it into an INT weapon in DaS. Regeneration build with adjucator shield, a holy greatsword and any other bullshit you can get for hp regeneration was the shit.
Yeah that was pretty great. A Makoto build with Regenerators ring was also fun as fuck too.
>mfw Altar of Storms and first time encounter with Reaper
Wasn't expecting to get one shotted but it works.
Has Sup Forums completely forgotten about Demon's Souls?
Yes. But keep posting more Yuria or Miralda.
Haven't played it since Dark Souls came out but I remember wrecking everything with the cleaver.
I'm always good with posting more Yuria. Can Miralda be considered a yandere girl?
*blocks your path*
Those who played it have already discussed it to hell. There isn't that much to discus in the first place anyway.
Remaster with cut world back in when? The cut world has Dark Souls giants in it.
>Tfw no full blown Demon's Souls: Design Works like with DaS and Bloodborne
>Only a few illustrations that are in the Black Phantom edition artbook
I've been hoping for a remaster so much. If one was announced at E3 I would be the happiest son of a bitch ever. I mean hasn't from been hinting at for awhile now? I think Sony is the only thing holding it up.
>hasn't from been hinting at for awhile now?
They have? I can't recall that happening.
They did a tweet like so many months ago with all Souls games stacked together and if I recall they had demon souls in a PS4 case. They were asked about that and refused to answer. Which is classic From for it might be true or not.
>keep the sack on it makes better
>Hey remember that character you like so much? Be a shame if something happens to them.
want to try a hyperbuild since i got bored of the light weapon buff
I got the evil sounding nexus music but this guy never actually killed anyone for me. I feel ripped off.
A classic
Whats the trickery one where's he's dressed up in elite knight gear, acting like a noob then parrys and fucks everyone up?
Bluebloodsword is still my favorite weapon in the whole series and sadly one of the few weapons that never showed up again in other games
When he killed Yuria it was the first time a game made me legitimately rage. I've killed his ass at first encounter every time since.
>reach NG+
>hollow miners & birdmen 2-shot me
That's what I loved about Demons Souls NG+ compared to Dark Souls. It was actually harder not just slightly more health and very slight more damage. Plus if you did pure black tendency for a world it was insane.
>Playing Demon's Souls blind on release
>Save this guy from cage
>Almost positive he will betray me but I figure I'll just kill him when he does.
I thought he was just going to attack me, I had no idea he would kill npcs.
I also used almost all of my boss souls.
Just started another playthrough of this also, going for the platinum. Wish me luck with Pure Bladestone
One time in 3-2 this guy tried invading me 5 times, and I would cast Firestorm right before he ran to me, knocking him off the edge every time.
I'm so stuck in the past when it comes to this game. Like a boyo who can't forget the first girl he loved 10 years later, emotions yet lingering
Godspeed user.Umbasa
Same here. It's one of those games that I can play and I don't feel bored with it at all. Would give anything for a remaster or a even a sequel.
Anyone have any good Demons Souls memes?
one of my favorites
>Deal with Yurt's bullshit in Demon's souls
>Not going to deal with Lautrec in Dark Souls
>Mfw bloodborne
>Doing old monk invasions with dragon bone smasher
>Parry the host, about to press R1 and rip him a new asshole
>The automatic homing soulmass hits him first and cancels the parried state
>A regular R1 comes out instead
>mfw he parries it
What happens in Bloodborne?
>spawn into first stone of altar of storms
>get invaded immediately
>wait for invader in the starting area
>he can't kill me no matter what he does
>starts running to the skeletons
>still can't kill me even with the skeletons
>ends up falling off the edge from jumping around constantly and not paying attention
I hate when shitty invaders try to cheese.
A kindly old blind man turns out to be a fuck huge werewolf that kills someone every time you beat a boss at the safe location
That or if you give the cainhurst letter to Alfred he ends up killing the Queen of Cainhurst and then ends up dead himself making you the traitor
ps4 remake when
just don't tell a girl this story and it wont make you seem like a desperate nerd
Didn't know that.
I've played it more times than I can count and have discussed it to the point of exhaustion. I just come here to download art now.
>My PS3 is fucked up and the PSN servers will probably shut down soon
>Demon's souls will never be remastered since Sony and Namco both technically own it
Hold me
Meat Cleaver/DBS was the shit. I also loved the blueblood sword luck build. I wanted to like the Blind but the damage was so shit.
>Stories from when online was at it's hay day. Even memes.
Man you could be a serious dick in DeS invading
>Scraping spear
>Infinite grass and spice through Thomas
I used to like invading Valley of Defilement and Adjudicator's Archstone, 2 handing a shield and just bash people off the ledge.
I think everyone hid by the doorway as old monk and tried smashing people as they entered the fog gate
>I used to like invading Valley of Defilement and Adjudicator's Archstone
Fuck you.
Only 70 more years until I go senile and can play it for the "first time" again
Blind was used for making turtle soup
You might be one of the many assholes that use to do this to me in valley of defilement back in the day.
How can one witch be so perfect?
But Moonlight sword/shotel did a much better job.
I'm also a sucker for curved swords. Kilij might be my favorite weapon in the entire series. Guillotine ax was also a favorite even if it was stubby
Winged spear was the homie, forever and always.
Me too. I remember when Shotel random dropped first time for me. It's been a staple of every Souls game that has it since for me.
it's too outdated
also maiden in black a best
>tfw Fluted Armor never made another appearance in a Souls game
Damn shame, it was my favorite armor in the series
Just the one
and the other pale blinded black robe wearing gal 2B got how many in 3 months?
It's the most sexy looking of the knight armors.
>Demon's souls will never be remastered since Sony and Namco both technically own it
From has said that it's all on Sony. Namco does not have any ownership of the IP.
>my first build was crushing claymore with cursed weapon and a cute waifu build
good times, even if fashion was limited back then you could make some cute stuff