What went wrong?

What went wrong?



>let's use another version of christianity
>brillant idea, lad. This will trigger the fuck out of counterculture Sup Forums
>the main meaning will be a meaning people already used and the ending will be confusing just to fuck with the idiots
>who knew Sup Forums would be this triggered over a fucking first person horror game that has a way more different version of a religion in it

-Walking around outdoors sucks
-Enemies aren't scary
-School parts are boring
-Nothing is explained
-Uninspired Bible imagery

I literally watched the ending and I have no idea what the fuck happened. There's nothing to spoil, I literally don't know what the fuck happened even after reading the storyline wiki about this.

I didn't even like the first Outlast and I understood what was going on.

watching a dude talk to himself to try to bump his thread is always weirdly uncomfortable

>being religious in 2017

Just kill yourselves already, you'll be happier

Since when are you retards so boring

>Enemies are a baptist cult
>Have catholic idols of Mary everywhere.


Since (You) sucked our dicks

Aren't religious people happier than atheists in general? Ignorance is bliss kinda thing?

If you don't believe in god then you are a lost soul

christians shouldn't be playing videogames at all

All I ask is for him to save me, yet I never feel his presence or hear his voice. It's almost as if he isn't there.

Game didn't really evolve much from the last one. Open areas are less conducive to the spooks that carried the old one.

It just got stale pretty quickly.

>NOTE: Satanists believe

Why would a Christian care what a Satanist believes?

The reality is, it's a mixed bag. Different things make different people happy. Religion can be one of them, but not everyone needs it.

>Dungeons & Dragons is satanic
Oh man I miss those days

Why can magic only do bad things.

lackluster story
enemies are not as scary as first one
pacing issues

Basically its the end of the first game again, evil scientists set up another psychic thing using the towers.
Towers then pick up on negative/repressed emotions then create a feedback cycle.
The Father had some heavy repression in terms of sex and the birth of what he thought would be the anti-christ so he aborts everything.
Psychic entity from first game also makes women think they are pregnant, so everyone sees the chick as heavily pregnant.
In her dying moments she realises it not real.

Also people only started hanging themselves once you came in since the repressed memories of suicide after sexual abuse came into the picture.

It works pretty well as banned movie premise/shock horror but shit as a game

I just finished the first one, but failed to see what the fuss was all about.

The setting was nice, with everyone being batshit crazy and depressed, but overall it just wasn't any fun. Every single part was "get to X place WHOOPS YOU CAN'T, BETTER VISIT THREE PLACES BEFORE", the nightmode camera was annoying, the hiding mechanic was shit, and the story was pretty much "lol evil organizations". Why was the world so hyped about this? Was it because of streamers?

Its a distortion of christianity.Wtf are you idiots talking about?Is this bait?
This IS shitposting.

It was because of "muh religion being seen in a bad light" when in reality it was a "way more radical and different religion"

because it hasn't been co-opted by the church yet

The church as been doing black magic before you were born, faggot

Firstly, it's just not scary. Well, perhaps it GETS scary at some point, but I only managed to reach some point after fatso interrogates guy on wheel. Until this point, there were no really scary moments at all.

Second comes right outta first. Since you are not busy shitting your pants, you start noticing gameplay, which is shit. Shambling around dark corners and sitting in closets is really old hat now. Enemies do all same shit you see in any other stealth game or stealth segment of game of different genre. Witch is kinda different, but she is just annoying with her movement speed (not quite fast, not quite slow), and she actually made me drop game: once I heard her murmurs I thought "God fucking damn it, again with playing tag", and this was signal I should just waste time elsewhere.

Finally, for a game with sex themes all over it it lacks any sort of sexual content. Girl lying in pile of her shit doesn't count - there should have been some arousing imagery, so players would catch themselves on nasty thoughts.
That scene was shitty, though. One moment player runs away from pack of rednecks in tight hallway with no obstacles or turns, and then BAM, they just stop chasing, because game has new setpiece to show you. This shit ruins all games it happens in, not just this one.

where did you find that autism

it didnt last

Felt like the AI was cheating or something. That chick with the pickaxe always seems to know where you are. Also wasn't as scary as the first.

And if that weren't enough the game doesn't even explain the story unless you find a single extremely well hidden note.

Oh and what the hell was with the flashback nightmares? They had nothing to do with the story.