Doubt it
Old news, visit Sup Forums more than once a week please.
>rumor from Sup Forums
>a rumor originating on Sup Forums
>Bloodborne 2/new soulsborne exclusive
>Days Gone
>God of War
>Death Stranding
Sony won. I'm sorry but they win E3 just for showing up. Microsoft and Nintendo scramble to get this much quality and creativity on their system in its lifespan, and Sony gets it every E3.
>open world gameplay to give it more Western appeal
The hacker known as Sup Forums is a reputable source, you fucking newfags.
How fucking dare to doubt #BASEDSONY, you fucking lardasses?
Go back to your horsecock mods for irrelevant 90's RPG and let us talk about real games.
What's Neogaf saying about this?
You're essentially defending an article about yourselves, I hope you know that.
I'm gonna enjoy HD MHXX on my tv screen and proper controller this time.
What now Drumpfwhomstvekins?
>own Switch and PS4
>tfw when MonHun is will always be on one of the two
feels comfy, lads
That looks worse than 3U, glad I kept my Wii U
>tfw no MH5 on PS4
I don't care what platform Monster Hunter is on, but at least post actual fucking information about it if you want to talk about it.
>Capcom says Monster Hunter will be on a console
>People assume it must mean PS4 and not the Switch, even though the Switch is a console that's already confirmed for getting the game
I hope they decide to make it Xbox exclusive, just to fuck with Sonyfags.
Hacker Sup Forums = Anonymous
We are dealing with a respectable force here.
Monster Hunter 5 Play Station Vita 2 Exclusive
What videogame will go with Sony's MH Hollywood movie?
That's retarded, MH is never going to be exclusive to a non-portable console.
The Japanese fanbase absolutely eclipses the rest of the world and they prefer local multiplayer. It's what makes MH so big over there.
Capcom isn't going to gamble with their golden goose.
>open world meme
>no missions
>no timer
I don't care, it's going to be shit if it's real.
Yes it can, you just need to pay them money.
But it's from a well-known Sup Forums user.
Rathalos kills Gore and evolves into one-eyed UNKNOWN
This is a month old and already proven false on multiple accounts. Not to mention MHXX is already on Switch. They're buddy buddy with Nintendo now. Get fucked Sonyfags
>source: Sup Forums
>probability: mid to high
Yeah, no. Sup Forums is in no way credible.
The Japanese fanbase can fuck off. Japanese developers are seeing lots of success adjusting their games to be actually good then releasing them westward.
You mean Zerureusu
>only portable consoles have local multiplayer
Yeah, and having a grind heavy game like Monster Hunter be portable is """actually good""" dickless
>Originating on Sup Forums
It's highly unlikely that a monster hunter game would include split screen
Speaking of
>Own a Switch and a PS4
Can confirm. I was the one that leaked it. Monster Hunter 5 is coming out for PS4.
No you don't you idort
>give it more western appeal
Ok, you can have it sonyfriends
if Sup Forums can force fake news onto social media and have everyone believe its true (i.e OK sign meaning white power), I think Sup Forums should constantly come up with "rumors" and see how long it takes for gaming blogs to report about it.
with fake pictures and everything to go along with it.
yeah, i know nobody is going to do this but the thought of up makes me laugh because i know gaming websites will be dumb enough to report it.
>Monster Hunter
>A game where you fight the same exact monsters over and over with different skins and each new iteration moves slightly faster and does more damage
Oddly enough pokemon and animal crossing combined sell more units than all of those games put together.
>Days Gone
I don't think ANYONE is legitimately hyped for this.
>A screencap of an article referencing a post on Sup Forums suggesting that MH5 is on PS4 posted on Sup Forums
Are you okay, user?
I own both and you cant stop me.
I have to keep them on opposite ends of my dresser though, or else they fight
monster hunter tri had split screen.
though it was only for colosseum fights.
I hope the rumor is false, just to avoid console warring bullshit
>Pokemon Sun and Moon
>DMC's entire franchise, DmC included
>People are surprised when Nintendo isn't dead yet
The real question is why Clementine when she's one of the worst girls in Overlord
why do MH games always look so ugly
Because they're all made for underpowered hardware. Mainly because the MH community in Japan expects the series to be portable.
Also because it prevents them from having to spend a lot of money on graphics since they continuously reuse models and textures with each new game. They shit these games out faster than Nintendo does Pokemon games.
Because Capcom is lazy as fuck. We will never have a true HD MH game because they just halfass all the console ports
Who cares? MH is boring, grinding shite.
I have a craving for crazy that cant be sated
Their mainly oriented for handhelds, so lower resolution. They just focus on the gameplay and the longevity. Also, it's cheap.
>Sup Forums (of all places)
>(of all places)
Why does Rathalos think he's a Tigrex?
It's a sign of his eventual evolution to the ultimate lifeform
Aha so true
She's pretty nuts. She seems like the sort of person who will just drag you into an alleyway and rape you in the middle of the day while strangling you so you can't call for help or something
Thankyou for your dedication, glad to see you still around.
>For years Sonybros have shat on Monster Hunter because it's been exclusive to Nintendo platforms
>Now that there's a rumor of Sony possibly getting a MH game, suddenly everyone's shitposting about how they can't wait to rub their exclusive in peoples faces
Watch it actually be true and it ends up being westernized garbage, they'll still shitpost about it being exclusive
That trailer looked so fucking good, until it was shown just how easy it is to kill the hoards.I suppose it could be fun if they just never stop coming, and they can get to you in a bunch of unexpected ways.Maybe the difficulty isn't killing them, but escaping them?
>Paul W.S. Anderson's Monster Hunter: The Official Game of the Movie
>>For years Sonybros have shat on Monster Hunter because it's been exclusive to Nintendo platforms
What?Theres like 2, or 3 monster hunters exclusive to the PSP.
More like they'll shitpost about it doing MH combat right lmao
>>For years Sonybros have shat on Monster Hunter because it's been exclusive to Nintendo platforms
>I just turned 18, wassup guys
>take SOTC
>place MH monsters around the world with a day and night cycle that affects monster placement and behavior
>give all monster their own paths they travel around the world map
>add hub that gives out missions, where other players can join up
Easy money.
Are people opposed to a PS4 Monster hunter because every Monster Hunter fan buys every console with a Monster Hunter game on it and don't want to have to spend the money?
Or is it that it'd feel wrong with anything but PS2 graphics?
>why do MH games always look so ugly
1.Portable consoles.
If there really is going to be a PS4 MH, Capcom is bascially gonna betray all of Japan and fans of the series because that means they're going for the western audience, that's were all the money is on PS4, so you bet your ass MH5 will be casual garbage if it turns out true
why not just say dragons dogma?
>place MH monsters around the world with a day and night cycle that affects monster placement and behavior
>give all monster their own paths they travel around the world map
These wont happened because the current playerbase is more interested in epic arts/styles and looking cool than wildlife simulation. The dream of an IRL simulator died with Tri, thanks to Portable "muh five gorillion sales" Turd.
>japs aren't casual
oh im laughing lmfao most of them just play mobileshit games
Ah yes, the rumor on Sup Forums.
That was never attributed with a source at all. Fuckin' Christ.
>She seems like the sort of person who will just drag you into an alleyway and rape you in the middle of the day while strangling you so you can't call for help or something
I know, she's perfect
>not even a fantasy setting
>director is Paul Anderson
I hope Sony Pictures keeps tanking until they go out of business, everything they touch turns into absolute shit.
>tfw they are going to casualize it on ps4 for western audience
>lock on and monster hp bars
>instant potions and sharpening
>throwable traps
Just like everyone else in the world?
lock on already exists
After that
There's tons of people who still post how the last good MH was FU and that 3rd gen and 4th gen are all shit
The lock on is here
Aye its your boy here, Anonymous, dropping the newest Sup Forums rumor. 100% exclusive to Sup Forums. Nobody else gets this news but you!
Monster Hunter 5 will not in fact be called Monster Hunter 5. It will be called Monster Hunter Delta G. It will also be an exclusive to PS4.
10 months after its released an expansion is planned that will add new monsters, maps, and weapons. It will be called Monster Hunter Omega.
What did Third do to kill the series?
The gameyness that comes with portable limitations.
>this anonymous random user is trustworthy guys, he's been right before
And they're right faggot.
There still hasn't been a Monster Hunter to surpass the quality of FU, Nintendo's shit has forever tainted the series.
It doesn't even matter if it comes back to superior hardware since it'll be garbage regardless.
I just want to have an option I can turn on that has damage numbers pop up when I hit things. I want to be able to find all the weakspots myself by seeing the damage done. Or see if a weapon element is shit against a certain monster.
Is that too much to ask for?
Sonygers really can't let this go, can they?
Yes, because you can already do that by paying attention to visuals when you hit a body part
tiny sparks/tiny blood spray? Shitzone, don't hit there
Big blood spray/big sparks and screen shake/hitstop? You're hitting the right spot
You'll have to go play the chink MMO for damage numbers, you casual
>Popeye, nah fuck that shit no one wants that.
>Tom are you post them emanji's? Make a film of that! It'll match the minions!
How did western animation go from the likes of Prince of Egypt, to this?
I'd rather have a damage parser
never ever sonygro
This, Monster Hunter needs DPS meters so I can kick the shitters from my groups.