How the fuck is this game remembered so fondly?

How the fuck is this game remembered so fondly?

>Grenade launchers are OP as fuck
>Hit detection is fucking trash
>Headglitching like a motherfucker
>Commando lunges
>Single player is so fucking boring and generically written
>Special ops is fucking garbage CLEAR THE AREA missions
>Weapons are severely unbalanced

Did people actually like this shit or are people just jesting based on Nostalgia?

Other urls found in this thread:

people like it because of these problems. it was fucking amazing

The glitches and unbalanced guns made it great.

muh broken game design so funnay memes

because it's fun as fuck my dude
we still boot up the 360 and play it from time to time, it's the best cod in the series

>Single player is so fucking boring and generically written

I disagree

Maps were really cool, although I've never paid for any DLC's.

>Wasteland (yeah, I know)

Literally the ONLY good part about this game, the maps were fucking great.

The campaigns only got progressively worse after black ops. At least the story in this one was somewhat cathartic.

DLC's were cool too, user.

Solid OST

Because it was fun.

Hit detection is way better than cod 4

because "Babies first FPS"

Almost ever weapon in the game was broken. Which made it fun.

Lel git gud.

>game is designed poorly
>but its fun!

You're the reason CoD killed the genre.

Everything you just listed is exactly why the game was so fun.

Except for the comments on single player and spec ops, those are just wrong.



Babies first shitpost

Plebs and non-existant balance.

>not balanced for lean
>no dedicated servers

Those two things still stick.

kys my guy it's a great game

This nigga was mad about a game we play in private mode. Get mad kiddo.


>GLs are useless compared to the majority of guns.
>Hit detection is fine
>Literally making up excuses why you fail at the game
>Letting yourself get this close to other players without tac knife/commando or SPAS12 and whining about it
>Kiling Ghost was boring.
>Playing this tacked on shit.
>Wants 70 watered down balanced shit guns instead of the 10 or so standout ones

The fuck man you just sound bad at the game.

Because you got to mow down civilians in an airport.


>Defending commando

The one glaring mistake in your post

Because it represents a time when people played for FUN. Not forcing every single game that's online now to be competitive.

I actually like competitive games, but trying to make console games like halo, cod and battlefield competitive is the very pinnacle of autism.


I actually miss Ghosts. The maps sucked, but everything else felt more balanced than any other CoD. The only OP gun was the Ripper from the DLC.

>Being bad enough to let it be a factor.
SPAS12 would kill them mid lunge. I'd overkill the SPAS12 on certain maps for free TK/CP user kills.
There were also stun/flash nades for a reason. And claymores shut them down fairly hard.

Why couldn't we use One Man Army on secondaries? OMA pistols or shotguns would've been fun.

How's infinite Warfare?

aksing for a frend

Everyone played it during highschool.

>And claymores shut them down fairly hard.
haha what
claymores are literally a nonfactor if you're playing properly, you don't even have to think about them as long as you keep moving you'll be out of the blast radius by the time it triggers


We made a 16 year old cry on xbox live

Fuck you brady, you went 2-38 every game

So much cancer in this thread. MW2 is fucking garbage and you're a retard if you bought it.

Go back to your overwatch thread.

bitch try me
>tfw made a 12 year old challenge his mother to an orgasm contest
>>>>ok ill go first

highschool me was a dick

Well yeah it was a terrible game, but the fun came from using one of the myriad of overpowered techniques to shit on kids who took it seriously.

not him but the story has the biggest plot hole in the history of media, including movies and books.

F2000 masterrace

because the codbabbies grew up and are now allowed to post here

Because when everything is op, it becomes somewhat balanced and more fun.

>boat gun

>How the fuck is this game remembered so fondly?
partly because they hadn't played the previous games

mostly because they were 14 at the time

I played the game for like 200 hours and more on my friend's consoles but fuck if it wasn't a mess of design

Yeah, because the stale 3 lane map framework and guns in crates are so much better.

>remember how shit MW 2 was compared to cod4 because of lack of dedicated servers
>Sup Forums thinks it was dope
>forgot you are console shitters that would eat u anything

>cod on PC


>tfw use f2000 and still win search and destroy

>cod1 was only on pc
Checkmate atheists

>tfw had 10th prestidge and got people to give me their accounts saying i'd get them to 10th
traded one of the accounts to someone irl for a hdd

We're talking about mw2, which had more players on console. Did you even have any friends to play with lmao

>tfw 2017 Sup Forums is worse than 2017 reddit

I did, I just wanted to make a quick joke


>modern warfare 2

It's not. Modern Warfare 1 is the one that's revered.

>How the fuck is this game remembered so fondly?
Because it was still riding off the hype from MW1 but wasn't relevant when people started hating on COD

Thing about MW2 was everything was so overly broken it was fun.

>tfw all that salt when the Javelin glitch was known

>tfw 11th
>banned for 2 weeks
>account is now unbanned and in "good standing"

>tfw made a 12 year old challenge his mother to an orgasm contest

>playing shooters with controllers
w e w


>never prestiged because I didn't want to grind all my favorite guns again

They say you're never the only one but I'm pretty sure I am

Because it was probably the biggest-selling piece of media in the middle of the Great Recession.

you could look at the leaderboards and see that everyone was either 10th prestige or 0th prestige. it wasn't that uncommon to never prestige


don't forget the shitty p2p netcode

>get host
>become God

Do any of the games still have people playing them? Black Ops 3 was a lot of fun.

>either 10th prestige or 0th prestige
That's because of hackers.

>tfw using the spas-12

>Sup Forums now remembers modern warfare fondly

>all guns kill near instantly
>everyone moves really slow
>basically whoever shoots first wins
>whoever is winning stays in the lead because of killstreaks
>console shooter PC version exists but that's not what's popular
I seriously have no idea why people like any of them

Waw was best cod
Fucking flamethrowers and bolt rifles and holding positions and DOGS

Yeah no what he said, you can't just say shit like that with no explanation.

>find squeeker in tdm
>invite to private chat with homie
>start asking him lewd shit
>do you know what a blowjob is?
>a handjob?
>well you know how some people think its adult stuff you shouldnt talk about?
>theyre lying
>its actually about bikes
>ya see user, when you get a flat tire on a bike and blow the tire back up with your mouth, thats called a blowjob
>a handjob is the same except you use a bike pump
>and you know what me and my friends here favorite lie is?
>whats that?
>its an orgasm contest
>whats an orgasm?
>you see, its basically a screaming contest
>you try to scream as loud as you can at the other person
>play shitty audio rip of jav screaming into the mic
>so yeah, thats why girls always do lewd things to teast you
>they like to yell in your face
>>>you should ask your mom to give you an example
>little shitter actually calls his mom in the room
>literally says "mom i challenge you to an orgasm contest" like this is mother fucking pokemon
>mom starts saying what the fuc-
>starts screaming his head off

>eventually stops
>he puts back on the fucking mic
>asks us if he did good
>can hear mom throwing a bitch fit in the background about what the fuck are you doing on the internet

easily the worst gun i the game, still ran around with it in search with fall camo and bodied kids. They would get so mad

>all of this

pp2000 was the worst. can't believe they replaced the skorpion with that garbage

nu/v/ likes it because they're unironically underage enough to be nostalgic for this trash

OMA claymore + c4 would like to have a word with you.

No idea. I only played Call of Duty 2 and 4.

4 was kind of fun. Got tired of it. Eventually got Battlefield Bad Company 2.

After that I was tired of 'muh modern warfare shootans.

I still don't know why everyone ran to Modern Warfare 2. I expected vehicles. All I saw was horrid balance issues sans vehicles. How do you fuck up that bad? People loved it though apparently.

How fucked is the state of multiplayer?
I see little kiddies making videos of just how easy it is to get it for free and cheat your way to top of the scoreboard.

Is the UMP fixed yet

>smashing board +OMA+DC claymores + c4 in the little room in bombsite B on underpass

its broken dont bother

Everything was overpowered but overpowered evenly, which was fun af. Spaz-12 all fucking day.

>my Rust had rainbow colored names from some jtag fuckery
>was 10th prestige in less than 2 months
>would set up "boosting lobbies" where I would get a bunch of people to give me one month cards for a 10th prestige boost
>mfw didn't have a jtag
>i never got banned for this
> i still have 11 months of XBL from this shit
>i haven't had an xbox in 3 years

I'd rather like cod and be 18 than be 28 and watch anime

>microsoft handing out bans trying to crack down on "cheaters" who used in-game glitches like javelin-semtex
>meanwhile at sony

I'm curious. What is this?

>not getting credit cards
you fucked up user

that's bullshit
I believe it

I remember some weird ass hacked lobby I was in where everyone could sprint stupidly fast and the one central bomb in the middle took two whole minutes to plant/defuse, and the match lasted an hour, shit was cash

Because the underage that grew up playing Modern Warfare have taken over.


only BS part is that it was in mw3 not mw2


Come on now, he's talking about Price being a prisoner and not dead.
How he get there is the plot hole.