Remakes better than original

Remakes better than original

>better than original
nice bait

>backgrounds are less saturated than character models to make them pop out
>models are strictly better than anything in the original

Looking good.

Pic unrelated?

but it is

>Removing the Yoshi easter egg

I thought not.


What made SM64 great was Mario's beyond fluid control.
They tossed that out in the remake. If you hacked SM64DS' content into 64 which should be possible it would be great.

the fucking colors on the right are just awful. i loved the vivid, cartoony palette of the original.

Only real problem is that the D pad is inprecise compared to the original controls. Other than that, it's pretty good

>This isn't the first post



>posts the worse remake of all time

Outta the way, this is better besides making Ganon visible.

This. Too bad Majora's Mask's remake was awful.

What? How? It fixes everything that was flawed in the original.



shit taste my fellow redditor

I see nothing wrong with the remake

Why the fuck does he have an eye in his mouth

Is this trying to convince us that the remaster is better? Because its working.

What's this trying to prove? Only thing the remake looks worse with is the giant eye in Gyorg's mouth.

Seriously this.

I can kinda understand that second example with the boss battle since the mood is obviously way different, but the rest does actually look better. Especially the last 3.

Likewise with OOT 3D. Only complaint I had was the changed lighting in the final fight.

>>backgrounds are less saturated than character models to make them pop out
that's a problem, they stick out like a sore thumb

Whats wrong with this? This is just nitpicking.

It fucked up bosses by making them have to be killed a certain way, not to mention that it ruined swimming as the Zora
>but muh beaver racing
Fuck that shit, it didn't need fixing at the expense of ruining everything else.

>Less color is a GOOD thing!
By today I have never seen such nintendelusion in my life.

Why hasn't anyone done this? DS had some cool shit in it.

>New designs fit the Mario aesthetic
>This is a bad thing

>Gyorg actually looks like something


>shitty staircase autism colors
>shitty "can't see shit" dark room
>shitty bacon fish
>mentally retarded moon
>blurry ass shitty textures

[email protected]

Dunno if this is an unpopular opinion or not.

The guy the made Last Impact was going to do it but decided against it and I think said he was going to retire making romhacks.

Which is a shame, he has the most in-depth knowledge about Mario 64 ASM and probably could have done it flawlessly.

the only one i disagree with is the moon. it looks a lot more retarded in the remake. also looks less like an actual moon, which it's supposed to be

>It fucked up bosses by making them have to be killed a certain way
The only thing they changed to bosses was making the eye appear when you knock them down which is the same process as the original game.

i like scary sea monsters, but new ones are more merio

better looking bowser overall,but the lighting is a shame. seriously, tho n6 bowser looks like a retarded dog

stylistic chose

strictly better

cherrypicking, doesnt even fucking matter

the goat wiggler

shit, but how does it look like on mario?

I think it would better just to map touch controls to a joystick on an emulator. The touchpad had a circle that effectively could be full analog control, but it was so awkward to use it that it made Kid Icarus Uprising's controls look comfortable.

All of the bosses were changed to an extent. Goht can no longer be done entirely as a goron, you need to shoot the eye with an arrow. Gyorg was changed drastically, having a second phase be entirely underwater and with a new underwater mine mechanic. Twinmold had two phases with the Giant's Mask obtained in the middle of the fight and now necessary for finishing the fight (in the original, you fought both centipedes at once the whole way through, and could be done with either Giant's Mask or arrows for the entire fight). Odolwa was also altered, but not as much as the others.

The only thing that looks worse in the remake is the moon. I don't see how the rest of the images prove your point.

>literally have to stop DEAD IN MY FUCKING TRACKS to kill the mother fucker instead of continuing to chase him down to deal damage
Nah user, that was shit. Gyorg is about the only improvement, and even that is just dedicated to its second half. Odalwa, Gyorg, and Twinmold were ruined.

Silent Hill HD Collection. Anyone who disagrees is a butthurt shitbad drone riding the "le fuckKonami XD" train. It's in HD graphics with full 60 FPS support and the music was improved. They also cut out and changed a lot of retarded shit with the story.

>digital controls for mario 64

The only common complaint about this I see is the massive slowdown. Can be patched on emulator at least, wasn't a deal breaker for me a turn based strategy game is not exactly made unplayable by framerate drops.

Dog shit is better than Mario 64 and OoT.

Two great classic 2d franchises forever ruined by these two games.

>dude every unique design should be removed and standardised so it looks like NSMB
You probably thought it was a good idea when they replaced the random fat guy in A New Hope with CG Jabba

alright ill admit it you had me going there for a second

that was a remake?

guess I really don't know much about final fantasy

>Konami made perfectly functional HD PC ports
>Decided to get a piece of shit no talent studio to take unfinished code and crap out mechanically and technically fucked ports
>Just because they wouldn't negotiate with
a voice actor
>Ironically wasting more time and money recording new shit voices

>bait that's better than the origional

It made a shitty NES game playable.

some autist really didn't like his super merryos being messed with

whatever happened to this anyway?

I argue Diddy Kong Racing and and one of the Silent Hill remakes are the worst.

gears of war

there are only 2 reasons to even play the original over this:

1. Nostalgiafaggotry at it's finest
2. Sonnyggers

As someone who had not the slightest problem with controlling link in the DS Zelda games, I say the controls are what killed this remake.

Give me the same shit on the 3DS with better graphics and it would be GOAT.

>objectively worse controls
>powers split up among characters, gimping Mario while at the same time not really giving the others nothing original (Luigi and Wario get Mario caps, Mario gets the Dobson flower, a shittier P-balloon like power up)
>the only good extra content is the minigames since new stars are in tiny levels with pathetic silver star "hunts" where everything is revealed on the map off the bat
>multiplayer could have been great but they decided to slap a very strict time limit on the mode
inb4 the usual massive fucking retard who thinks slapping Super Mario 64 DS into a 3DS magically makes digital inputs change to analog.

don't forget there was very little reason to not play Mario and the caps in stage were the only thing that made the game not be another DK64

My biggest issue with the DS version are the physics aren't fun at all, everything feels a bit more stiff in comparison to the original. I know it was a way to compensate for the d-pad but I just can't behind it in the slightest. Also I'm triggered Mario doesn't do the victory sign when collecting a star & just has a ball for a hand instead.

It's not bad, it's just not as good. I hope someone makes a Super Mario 64 DS 64 rom hack one day to get that extra content in the older game.

I hope you're joking

>Also I'm triggered Mario doesn't do the victory sign when collecting a star & just has a ball for a hand instead
the worst part is that he shouts HERE WE GO immediately after touching the star instead of timing it with the music like in 64

>You probably thought it was a good idea when they replaced the random fat guy in A New Hope with CG Jabba
While the CG was awful in the George Lucas re-edits, it was the RotJ that decided "random fat guy" Jabba should be replaced with the slug monster. While I can agree with how most edits weren't necessary, at least they tried to be consistent for Jabba.

>the only downgrade is metal Wario and lighting on Bowser fight
Everything else fits Mario's world better, and some of the things on the left side just look retarded
>That old retarded dog bowser face
>Koopa the Quick's eyes looking like Sonic
>Fuzzy .jpg picture of snowman's land
For what purpose is this image made
Though I will admit I like the cheep-cheep with sunglasses


>a 3D platformer you play with a D-pad

>Though I will admit I like the cheep-cheep with sunglasses
This is the only opinion that should be agreed upon no matter what other opinions you have on the other shit are, the Bubba with shades will always be better.

At least in this game the inputs are cleared everytime you enter a level.

MM3D is a mixed bag.
>consistent frame rate
>smoother movement/aiming
>Chateau Romani not as useless due to more magic usage
>better inventory management
>faster Goron punches
>shortened repeated cutscenes
>new fishing ponds
>clunkier rolling/stopping controls for Goron
>fast Zora swimming draining magic constantly
>normal Zora swimming too slow
>no way to turn off constant notebook notifications
>easier game overall
>fishing pond has a time limit

They changed the bosses so you can't just sword mash, but this resulted in more tedious fights.
>Odolwa isn't harder to fight, just takes longer since you have to hover+drop a nut as Deku while he looks around like an idiot
>killed the frantic pace of the Goht fight by making you stop to shoot arrows at the eye on his back when he falls
>Gyorg's second phase requires you to position yourself in front of mines and wait for him to eat
>Twinmold looks cool, but is slow as fuck and takes longer due to the animations

>>Twinmold looks cool, but is slow as fuck and takes longer due to the animations
My issue with Twinmold is the fight brings this kind-of new gameplay that's like Goron Link but not really out of no where. You have no way to learn it & are just thrown into it. I beat it first try but I had little idea of what I was doing besides the throwing rock into him & it seemed like punches only effected it when I hit it's tail which was obnoxious so it felt like I was playing it wrong. I don't know, maybe that was all me but I heard another had a very similar experience.

>Sprite wiggler somehow better that a full polygon wiggler that looks surprisingly good for a DS games.

This alone should tell you the mindset of the dude who made this.


Luigi bullying shouldn't be allowed.


Nignog you can't defend rainbow bowser bullshit


What has Luigi done to deserve this?

>Year of Luigi
>barely any Luigi

>Keep the shitty maps
Yeah sure


agreed. also pic related
original is basically unplayable now without the visible enemies and battles that can't be sped up

it's still better

am i retarded for not seeing anything wrong with the second pic or do i just not have Nostalgia goggles

The slowdown is bad, but it's even worse in hindsight when you compare the Tactics Ogre remake (not perfect, mind) which actually did everything it could to speed up gameplay from the original. FFT deserved the same treatment.

The new translation is also worse despite being "more accurate" because the head translator gets his dick hard from adding nonsensical pseudo-early modern English to his work.

The added battles/cameos are also garbage.

Agree except for the music and altered clothes. Thankfully you can 'fix' that


>It fixes everything that was flawed in the original.
It doesn't fix Majora's Mask being fucking trash.

>Adds in-game story bullshit to a game that didn't need one
>Plays worse
>Made by Inti Creates, the biggest fucking hacks in the game industry
Blaster Master Zero was garbage.

>how to sabotage your own debate
That last one looks especially fucking beautiful compared to the trash in the 64 version.

There's contrarian and there's shitposting. You are shitposting.

>shitty models and ugly as sin color palette
mario 64 has aged terribly, user

getin' da u's

>Does everything it can to not be Zelda
It's fucking shit. Spending 99% of your time being an errand boy isn't fun, interesting, or rewarding.

>It fixes everything that was flawed in the original.
fuck you, that fucking zora swim was great in n64, faggot children just didn't knew how to control it and now nintendo gimped it for all on the 3ds

There's literally no reason when you can just play the less broken PC ports with a fog fix

to be fair gyorg is better on 3ds, what they did to odolwa was just sad, odolway and goht are among my favorite zelda bosses of all time


lmao why did they model the moon in the remake after a nigger's face? It's so blatant.


They removed the sunglasses