What do you think of people who get 'boosted' in competitive video games?

What do you think of people who get 'boosted' in competitive video games?

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No one cares. Gtfo.

some of the deadest looking eyes I've seen

It only happens for normalfag games so doesn't bother me.

Its retarded, but clearly as a gaming youtuber it's more valuable for her to have a highly ranked account because it validates her as a gamer.... in the most casual FPS as the decade

For the average joe, it's basically just being retarded. If you can't make it there yourself, you're not going to stay there. I would guess that most people do it just to be able to claim their top tier, but never actually play the account.

>"gamer" drama

I don't care

How shocking, attention whore boosted.

Hey sniperwolf hows it hangin? You're hot.

false flaggging is against the rules

Is SlyvieBot a female too?
No one tears down a females accomplishments as quickly or as brutally as another female.

>What do you think of people who get 'boosted' in competitive video games?

I love them

>video game

How does this affect me/the games I play

It's a video game, who gives a shit.

>Is SlyvieBot a female too?
Funnily enough, yes.

Of course she's cheating, girls can't play games worth a shit. She has some beta guy doing all the work like a bitch

>competitive Overwatch



You little alt right babies make me laugh, keep crying

Shes good.



lul bro you gay? picking on girlgamer cause she's better than you at vidya. git gud bronze scrub.

It doesn't. It's a paradox. If you take playing video games serious you stop playing them for fun/entertainment which means it's not a game anymore.


It's unreal how many female mercy players are higher than their actual rank because they're carried by a boyfriend/friend/beta orbiter

Stupid as shit, why bother? I mean in this cases it obviously for attention/twitchbucks but If you actually tried to play rank again after that your going to get stomped and de-rank like crazy. You really can't get away with it eventually your going to be discovered when people realize how bad you actually are for your rank.

>saudi oil prince wants to be in the top 10.jpg

Ironically, people are mad she isn't playing the game.

I generally dislike censoring swears in the first place, but censoring "fuck" with just one asterix to "f*ck" is beyond useless and just goes into actively stupid. Who is that fooling. Who is that protecting. It's not doing anything except pissing me off.

It makes me m*d as he*k

saged hidden and reported


I don't care.
If I lose against a team that is basically one man down because they need to carry a shitter, I deserve to lose.
If I win, I am happy they were retarded enough to join the game knowing they will one down.

Of course it sucks if these "boosted" people join a game solo, are outclassed and drag their team down but I think this doesn't even happen that often because they know they are going to get their ass kicked, flamed and reported.

if you pay real money to get boosted in a video game; this includes buying raid clears in a MMO, boosting in pvp rank in a MOBA, or paying someone to powerlevel/grind for you, go kill yourself.

I had a guy who was paying me to play with his friends while he talked to them on discord to give the impression that he was playing and shit

Some people are really genuinely lacking any remarkable traits except wealthiness and it bothers them

Boosting, getting boosted is part of the game. Ones complaining are losers.

Wait, Am I reading this wrong or did she have other actually play her account?
>Needs to stop playing his own account in order to boost Snipers profile

Grab the soma boys, we're going to the brave new world.




Send me 20€ for psn you fat fucking richfag. I wanna buy Dark Chronicles.

That's not what the thread is about, have a (you)

Sent ;-)

Having someone play on your account to boost it is stupid, but having people better than you party up and carry you is perfectly fine and I don't get the hate.

This one makes me laugh every time. The layers of irony that that simple title are on is hilarious

Really? Don't play with my feelings like that. I'm very suicidal :´(

I don't like whiskey. Other spirits are fine but I just can't get a taste for whiskey.

Calm down there lad.

Haha what the fuck? The guy who wrote this article was one of my brother's best friends in college. What a weird little head trip I just had

Why? Let them waste their money. Even worse are the people crying about their precious online achievements being invalidated by streamers who make money exploiting the game.

I want to hatefuck her