Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the crimson Arm

>Algimas and co heard the whispers of Chaos
>with those corrupting thoughts in mind, they returned to the capital
>while al feared certain death, kurtis went to work, and soloed half the enemy army
>and, of course, we come to the end of the previous demo, and the start of ALL NEW CONTENT!

>What's going on?
I'm demoing a romhack of Fire emblem 7, taking inputs from you. You decide who I use and who gets stat items.
And of course, no resetting for lost units.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here was the dank meme I made last night

>What is this?
This is a ROMhack of Fire emblem 7, created by an user named Tact and a few of his buddies
>Where can I find it?
and my version of the tactician:
>Is this hack complete?
No, currently it's up to chapter 18(?), with gaidens and default FE7 supports.
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR/MAG- how much damage you do with attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's defenses and your own weapon's MT
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability, and reduces enemy crit chance.
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, and if your CON is too low, you will suffer SPD penalties while using heavier weapons.
>What game are you playing next?
I'll probably go back to Final Fantasy Tactics.

game over count: 10
currently dead: Aceline, Ernst, Beatrice, Lani, Sven, Negu, Celia, Dita, Auguste

isn't this a chapter in radiant dawn part 3?

Sneaking into a well-fortified garrison disguised as simple merchants in order to open the gates from the inside?

>actual disguises rather than a cheap cloak over obvious armor



>thinkin bout soldiers


al and wayland aren't yet ready to promote.

No magic on promotion? That's strange.

any party changes?

s/he doesn't need it.

Nah lets just go

We're Solid

Also rip odin

who needs Haylyn when you have Elaine

Robert for haylyn

alright, who gets this?


So Nigger, are you playing recklessly tonight, considering it's the ''last'' level? Anymore waifus you are going to sacrifice to the fire?

whoever in the party has the least

all of them.

especially your favourite one.

there are potentially 5 more chapters brah

g-gotta heal more?

who gets this?


Someone you use who actually needs it.


>Nigger got Lani and Celia killed
Is Cynthia playable yet your probably going to get her killed too.


Recruitable in chapter 16

Leila is CUTE

promoted niggress looks GREAT.



Look out Haylyn. Niggress catching up.

F Vlad.

vlad died
there was no death screen.

He was never real in the first place. Everyone just imagined he was there.


once you are done, you should get everyone killed for the sake of bugfinding

oh dear.


Get a move on. Or just send in Kurtis.

welp, apparently I dun goof'd by taking too long.

Should I restart to get the gaiden chapter?


>sudden torrential downpour
small chance I might lose power.

Where's that? Leafland?


>he doesn't know I'm a leaf

Good night sweet prince.

How do you get the Gaiden chapters?

take 3.
the first one is automatic.

I believe for this one you have to beat the stage during the night.

>meila dies because an axe actually connects
>still no death quote

Stop killing waifus, you nigger.

But that's his job. He actually gets paid to do that.

Why do you have 2 MERCS? Stick with one.

dat chest hair.



meila's dead, but we got it!

clara REALLY loves her speeches.

>listening to pesky women

God dammit. All I want is a single good Martel. Is that too much to ask?

thanks JFK.

Holy shit that Martel is bad and you should bench him already.


Not until he gets his redemption. I'll go through the game as many times as it takes.

oh my, time for gaiden!

we /magnusthered/ now?

We 40k again? I dig that.





Someone shop Jensen's glasses on Wayland
A crude paint drawing will do as well

>dat hair colour
god damn

any party changes?


Drop Chaika for Nilda

Bring in robert for anyone

Well, at least brown waifu will be spared an horrible death.

for what purpose?

Replace Brendan with Robert

>implying you were going to use Nilda anyway
Might as well get that death out of the way

yeah, but I USE chiara.

Bring Robert Same

This is just forcing a death for the sake of it though


Replace Nilda with Robert

Replace Nilda with brown waifu.

Genuine question cause I've never been in this type of thread before but have seen it. Why are so many of your dudes dead?

Drop Nilda, bring in Vlad

I am the BEST at fire emblem.

Local fat fuck with a bow apparently isn't fucking invincible.

RIP fat fuck.

Do you actually try to improve or do you keep yourself bad for DSP style entertainment?

I'm mostly just impatient, and this game is legit hard.

Also playing games that are prey to RNG doesn't help.

>Comparing Nigger to DSP
now this is just rude


>decide to check one of nigger's thread
>qt knight aceline is dead

fuck you. why do you murder waifus?

I completely forgot I had this!
who gets it?

No one

Al cause cause you keep killing him


Al keeps fucking dying. Time to help him.