Will it ever be surpassed bros?
Will it ever be surpassed bros?
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How hard is it to surpass something that's already shit?
The soundtrack is the best, or perhaps equal with MGS1.
Visually it's been surpassed, hell on PS2 it ran at like 15 fps compared to 2's 60, so it can be argued it was never the best in that regard.
Gameplay was always bottom of the barrel gutter trash, the actual stealth element of the game is almost a 100% downgrade from MGS2 and is terrible.
Story is only the best if you're all you're looking for is a Goldfinger style fun spy romp. MGS2 has the best story of any video game ever made and will never be surpassed.
MGS3 is overrated, and it was my first game in the series. I played through it about 50 times before the MGS Essentials Collection came out and I got to play MGS2 and see how much better that was.
Wow the art work for the boss is really cool!
You are a good person.
You want a really sexy webm with nudity that I'd get banned for posting? It's my favorite one. The only one on my computer. I can give it to you.
Literally the only good things about the game was The Boss and witnessing the origin of the man who would be become Big Boss.
Maybe with Death Stranding.
>that awful forced romance between meryl and johnny
Mgs2 is garbage
>loved MGS3 at release but still think MGS2 is king
>go back and play it a few years ago
>dawns on me how much time you spend in the menus dicking about with camo and how utterly inconsequential the whole hunting/hunger system is since you can just raid a single pantry and have enough noodles and rations to get you through the entire game
If you want to post it then go ahead.
Its just raiden flipping around naked
In what regard?
No, it's not, it's a great game and easily better than 3.
t. OP the pic related
Cool. Post it. Raiden is beautiful
MGS3 was a step down from 2 in every way but boss fights
Shit walker ruined any impact the ending of 3 had. Same with 4 ruining 2s themes
Mgs2 environments were garbage. Worse than one and original metal gears. Its all corridor garbage
Mgs2 had radien. That's a bigger flaw than anything in mgs3
Tightly packed areas that are incredibly dense in terms of stealth is better than wide open sparse garbage like 3.
Not to mention the AI in MGS2 is amazing while in MGS3 all the enemies are blatantly retarded.
> hour as naked radien not being able to do anything
> mgs2 is superior to mgs3 in every way
But it was already surpassed, bro
Not sure who that is, but Raiden was not that bad as people make him out to be. Try forming your own opinion, you parroting faggot.
desu an hour is a very long
without the wild codecs, you can do it in 10-15 minutes tops
Mgs3 wasn't wide open lets be real here.
you literally have to stealth through 1 fucking room. It should take you maybe 8 minutes, with about 4 minutes of codec calls from Colonel.
>MGS1 and MGS2 are unique games with it's own atmosphere, featuring almost homeric hero Solid Snake and deep, poignant finale
>MGS3 comes out
>main character is a boring autist
>utterly retarded plot
>Kojima has to dump references to every movie he watched as a kid
>Boss won't shut up shit nobody cares about
>ending so melodramatic it's like Saving Private Ryan had anal sex with The Professional
Don't need to I played it when it came out which is why it passed me off more. I wasn't a millennial like you playing it a year ago. Raiden was designed to appeal to woman. He's a whiny fag and rose is garbage
raiden is designed to be many things
a blank character to represent the player
the opposite of solid snake (effeminate, rookie, uncool)
proof that anyone can be trained to become solid snake
> I wasn't a millennial like you playing it a year ago
Wow. That's actually pretty spot on even though you were shitposting. You're pretty good.
>I was a dumb fanboy like the ones the game was mocking at the time of its release so my opinion on this game is more valid than yours
>when it came out
So when you were 12 and all you wanted was to play as badass Solid Snake?
And when all the shit about the internet they were saying made no sense because it hadn't happened yet?
MGS2 is more socially relevant today than it was when it came out.
Try actually understanding it as a piece of art and not as a sequel.
It's my favorite game but my biggest problem with it is that all the new elements that got introduced weren't fully used.
Having to hunt animals to restore your stamina is a cool idea but your stamina goes down slowly and you can find plenty of food items that will fully restore your stamina.
The camo system is cool but the environments don't change often enough to really make use of it so you only use like a handful of different camos throughout the game.
I liked the idea of the healing system but all it did is add more steps to healing yourself. Maybe they should have added a bigger variety of injuries or have you solve puzzles or minigames?
Overall even on hard it's too easy. You can find items everywhere.
It ran like shit on PS2 precisely because it was so visually advanced.
Don't you understand that better graphics = lower framerate?
this needs a pc release to get decent controls. since konami will never bother.
>mgs2 has a pc release
>mgs2 now has a fan patch that makes everything run at 1080p 60fps with xbox 360 controller compatibility
>no mgs3 pc release
You're definitely a millennial because I'm in my late 20s and I'm a millennial. Learn what words mean before you use them.
I mean, mgs2 had better stealth mechanics. Arguably, the only game with "worse" bosses was MGS4. It's a great game, no doubt, but it's not even the top two in it's own series.
Like, everything it did, one ofthe other games did it better. "Open world" sneaking? MGS5, in doors/base sneaking? Ground Zeroes.
Story? Mgs1, what a twist? mgs2. Graphics, gunplay, music?
MGS3 is a great game, but it's very good in every area (except boss fights). But not stellar perfect in any one.
>Tightly packed areas that are incredibly dense in terms of stealth is better than wide open sparse garbage like 3.
>Not to mention the AI in MGS2 is amazing while in MGS3 all the enemies are blatantly retarded.
Yeah but the one thing MGS3 has better in terms of stealth is getting rid of the retarded silent footsteps of the previous games. Before 3, you could run right up to a guard and they wouldn't hear shit.
I suppose you can rationalise that with the sneaking suit capabilities.
I loved the TECHNOLOGY that went into the mgs3 boss fights
Spec ops the line.
This is why you either go after the Foxhound rank or gimp yourself in other ways.
Reminder that MGS3 is Kojima's physical acknowledgement of defeat and only a mockery of the MGS fans because it exists only to give fans exactly what they expected of MGS2 while MGS2 is nuanced magnum opus with timeless ideas.
MGS (PSX) and MGS2 are the highest points of Kojima yet to be surpassed. Lets hope Death Sranding will be great because honestly anything after MGS2 (MGS3 included) is pointing to Kojima's creative sterility.
2 will always be the best title in the series. 3 was a damn good game though.
In MGS2 if you have wet feet guards will hear you, plus there are certain floors that make noise or break away under you making noise, or even make you trip which attracts guards.
Also, the footstep noise in MGS3 serves as just one more way the game plays much, much, much slower than MGS2. It doesn't really do much to make the game more challenging either as it's still piss easy.
Yeah, MGS2
I wholeheartedly agree with this
The tranq gun was a mistake. MGS3 is much better if you play without it.
Easily with MGS2.
MGS3 is cringy fanfic.
>In MGS2 if you have wet feet guards will hear you, plus there are certain floors that make noise or break away under you making noise, or even make you trip which attracts guards.
That's a good point, the silent default makes a good contrast and false sense of security.
>Also, the footstep noise in MGS3 serves as just one more way the game plays much, much, much slower than MGS2. It doesn't really do much to make the game more challenging either as it's still piss easy.
Yeah. MGS3--V are basically crawl simulators, or at least that is the easiest strategy.
>downgrade from MGS2 and is terrible.
the game were you can literaly run behind the enemies in circles and htye will never hear you?
Ice cubes melt at various speeds based on their size and temperature of their environment. Checkm8 MGS3fags.
MGS4 is the cringy fanfic you fucking idiot.
MGS3 is the satire within the series.
Thats cute.
>except boss fights
What's the problem here? They are my favorite boss fights in the entire MGS series.
The guards in MGS2 walk so fast that their WALK speed is actually as fast as the MGS3 guard's RUN speed.
Their vision is better, the environments are tiny and force you to deal with them and put you into shitty situations, and hell, get caught in an area and go hide, look at how fucking well they work together when searching for you, look at the efficiency.
MGS3 guards are so bad in comparison that it honestly feels like the AI wasn't even finished. I mean that, I honestly believe they never finished the MGS3 guards' AI, it's that bad.
We just covered that, it was my own objection to 2, and they refuted it. Be mature.
boss fights being the notable exception. mgs3 has the best boss fights in the franchise. otherwise i agree with you
MGS2 is shit fuck off.
1 = 3 > V > 2 = 4
>Their vision is better,
not realy, it uses the same cone from MGS1. in mgs3 if you dont use camo or use a stupid camo, guards will see you from the other side of the map
> the environments are tiny and force you to deal with them and put you into shitty situations
too many wall to hide behind, you can make a noise and hide because only 1 guard will come
> get caught in an area and go hide, look at how fucking well they work together when searching for you,
thats a big IF, IF you get caught you deserve to lose becaue of how braindead the enemies are
>V as 3rd best MGS game
>opinion discarted
>its another pleb "wich MGS is better" thread instead of appreciate each game for what it is and the message it tries to convey to the player
MGS4 is cringy fanfic. I agree.
But MGS3 is ALSO cringy fanfic. It is literally Kojima wishing he directed a James Bond 007 movie.
>Love interest
>That cringy 007 credits intro
>The fucking Tuxedo
The worst part of it all was that MGS3 was most people's entrance into the series so they regard it as the best in the series.
>But MGS3 is ALSO cringy fanfic.
Maybe if you take yourself too seriously.
MGS3 was my entry into the series and aside from the bosses and easter eggs I think it's the worst.
the problem is, they replaced that with the retarded camo system, which essentially made guards even more blind, negating any need to be stealthy at all. yeah, running up behind a guard when your footsteps are silent is pretty easy. it's even easier to ignore the guard completely because he can't fucking see you ever
mgs1 was the last game with good puzzle-ish top down stealth. mgs2's level design was too simplistic (too many linear corridors), and mgs3's camo system made hiding redundant. in both ps2 games (and mgs4), you can just tranq people from miles away
also, your argument is mostly invalid because of the spirit camo. they didn't "get rid of the retarded silent footsteps", they just confined it to one camo
>ame story as mgs1 but with another character
>they even say that in the game
>main character is the most pefect soldier ever, that killed all the people in africa when he was only a child, and has Amnésia .
>every chick in the game wants to fuck him
>"wich MGS is better" thread instead of appreciate each game for what it is
Those are literally the same thing. Appreciating each game for what it is allows you to compare their respective quality, since they're not the exact same/equal/egalitarian.
>and the message it tries to convey to the player
Theoretical content is far from a primary element in videogames. Even when it is explicit as MGS2, the primary effect is to further disorientate and challenge the player, basically what games already do through their challenge and aesthetics.
And you call the people who aren't fanboys, who have the discernment for comparisons, the plebs? Hypocrite.
it's a tripfag
>the XM16E1 camo changes depending on what you're wearing
pics or it didn't happen
I could never get any further than the first hour. Dumping half an hour of cutscenes and filler dialogue, then another 20 minutes of dialogue with a character I'm supposed to deeply care about right off the bat is terrible pacing and writing.
Keeping the overhead camera without radar and with clumsy first person view doesn't help one bit, either. MG2 and MGS1 had these for a reason, MGS2 onwards not having it at all times is idiocy.
>mgs1 was the last game with good puzzle-ish top down stealth. mgs2's level design was too simplistic (too many linear corridors), and mgs3's camo system made hiding redundant. in both ps2 games (and mgs4), you can just tranq people from miles away
Didn't European Extreme have little tranq ammo though? I think that's the case on 4 at least.
bunch of these are from MGS2
1 > 3 > 2 > V > PW > 4
MGS4 still has the best message with it's critique of the FPS boom in the late 2000's and how it conditions children into thinking war is something cool. Along with the fact that Old Snake is symbolic for old players caught in the middle of a new industry. It's the Logan of the franchise.
you didn't have it all the time in mgs1 either. enemies would jam your radar if you got caught. on hard and above it's completely removed. it adds a layer of challenge
When you realise 1/2/4 are the real MGS and Rising is the real MGS5
1 = 4 > 2 >>>>>>>>>> 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V
Come at me.
It does in both 3 and 2. 3's more lenient otherwise because of the limited silencer but knocking out certain sentries in MGS2 leads to patrols checking the area out.
>I'm a declining lifeform that identifies with decadent ideology, the post
>mgs2 had better stealth mechanics
Can someone please explain this shit, this is just not true.
it's more limited but you still have plenty. even if you only have enough to neutralize the problem-givers, that still reduces difficulty. you can get through every level without tranqs, they're put in so you can basically turn down the difficulty whenever you want. it cheapens the actual stealth portion of the game. it's not a huge problem though, that's why i only referenced it in passing. the camo system was the bigger offender, especially in mgs4 when it's automatic
MGS2 and 2010's internet culture though
that and MGS2 was already making a point, hell even MGS1 was in a passing, about video game trained soldiers
Calling To The Night > Heavens Divide = Snake eater > the best yet to come > way to fall > The Man Who Sold The World > Rules of nature > Nuclear > Here's to you >Love Theme > sins of the father > cant say goodbye yesterday
>he unironically thinks selecting options in a menu and literally pressing a stealth button is better than fast paced arcade stealth gameplay because muh survival
I don't understand what you're trying to say. Articulate yourself instead of greentexting.
What the fuck are you talking about, faggot?
>implying MGS2's level design isn't shit 70% of the time
Best is Yet to Come
Love theme
Yell Dead Cell
Love Deterrence (jpop)
All you need
Oh i'll fight you
MGS1+2 are basically real-time puzzle games in regards to stealth. You have to choose the route that offers the least possible damage/detection.
Whereas in 3 you don't even go through a stealth section, you go around it, with camo, crawling if you need to.
Well games like Far Cry series proved that you CAN have relatively fast-paced arcade stealth yet within an open-world survival system. At least they've tapped into its potential more than MGS3.
MGS3's cutscenes are extremely drawn out for whatever reason
the pacing is fine in some parts but absolutely miserably slow in others, especially the FMVs where background things get explained with sepia visuals, slow ambient and kinda bored VAs
Id put sins of the father over nuclear
glad you didnt include love deterrence, song is terrible
>Entire game revolves around a terrorist attack
>The actual DEEP LORE of the story is about False Flag attacks
>The same story as the first game is being repeated, true, while also adding the fact that Raiden is basically a puppet
Meanwhile who gives a shit about anything Metal Gear that Fukushima didn't write?
Nostalgia for what? I never grew up with this franchise you twat.
EVA's remark about how the orphans think it's cool to fight like this given how much exposure to VR training they had was clear of that. Kojima was taking a shot at CoD4 and the FPS boom. Then the final cutscene with Big Boss is him telling the player to put down the controller and get a life. MGS2 gets lauded for the deep messages but 4 also had a few good ones.
>I'm shit at MGS3
Or you know, you could sneak around, if I wanted to play a fucking puzzle game I would go straight to the VR missions (which are actually better than MGS2 sometimes).
>selecting options in a menu
Camo, cure and food
>literal stealth button
The pad
>MGS2 level design
kys you prefer glorified corridors, at least MGS2 had rooms with more than one floor to interact with, MGS3 barely had Groznyj Grad