Alright Sup Forums what it's your honest opinion about this game

Alright Sup Forums what it's your honest opinion about this game

pretty nice. worth a run and youll enjoy yourself.
nothing groundbreaking

Nice at first, but got kind of old fast.
And I say this as someone who adores ICO and Loves SotC.


Alright but disappointing considering the wait for it

for me i think is one of those game that the ending make me forget his problems just for that alone

massive let down. i cant believe i waited YEARS for it AND bought a PS4 just for it. is this how MGSV fags felt?

Microsoft paid IGN for a 7 score because they realized one of the biggest youtubers with 50+mil subs was going to endorse it for free, because he enjoys teamico games. And IGN had to damage control on their beyond podcast begging their subscribed to buy it because it was a magical experience not to be missed.

The truth is games like this don't exist in this industry anymore, it is a unique experience which is valuable to some and not to others. It isn't a game for everyone but it is just so different from all the other games it's worth playing in of itself. I personally enjoyed it from start to finish but as I said it's not a game for everyone. If you're a dudebro who loves shooters and thought this game was being marketed to you and you bought it and didn't enjoy it, stop responding to marketing hype and develop your own taste, I know buying games like this is a step in that direction but jesus christ, you are allowed to shut the fuck up once in a while.

ICO was the most boring thing I have ever played. I actually quit playing it. I can't imagine this being good even back then. It's literally on the same caliber as watching paint dry. Combat exists but its so bad why does it exist, oh yeah, because instant game over if the girl is taken. Repetitive calling is annoying, forcing separation so the girl can get taken is annoying, game puzzle design is more obtuse than Silent Hill, music is nothing to write home about.

How they went from ICO being hot garbage borefest to the masterpiece of Shadow of the Colossus I'll never comprehend. It's straight up DMC2 bad to DMC3 good.

It's actually amazing but you have to understand what you're getting into when you play it

If the controls are a problem for you then just walk away

Underage kiddos like you that don't appreciate ICO need to be gassed. You probably only like SoTC because lul epic so kewl big monstars, fuck off

It was okay.

ICO is fucking boring.

I liked it. It was exactly what I was expecting it to be.

I like it a lot.

competing with far cry primal and mirrors edge as the most forgettable game ever made

It's shit, it's fucking shit.

trilogy with ico and shadow when?

so is this game have hints beside the lizards that connects them with the world of ico and shadow of colosus

Pretty good as expected. First time I played an Ico game, had to catch up on the first 2. Shame it is one of those game you only do at one run.

This. Ico fans are gay hipsters like matthewmatosis. Ico is an "experience" and "art" apparently. And isn't meant to be a good game.

Only great if you waited for it like I did

Mediocre at best otherwise.

so why is the game mediocre/bad?

My opinion is not just that it is excellent and a piece of art, but also that anyone who doesn't like it is a brainlet. You people really have low IQ to dislike this. It's like the witness - if you don't like it, it's because you're too stupid to understand it.

Sub 20fps cinematic experience
>bad camera
>bad climbing
>bad animal guidance

These people are the faggots who hyped this up for 10 years

hipsters gonna hipster

Trico's AI is frustrating, amde worse by him being necessary for several puzzles. Story is a mess, and tries the cliche pull on your heart since doggo gets fucked up minus the credit scene which is great , kid controls like garbage, and the game drops frames heavily.

It's nice desu.