>Kojima was tricking you all.
>He never left Konami
>MGS5- NOT MGSV- will be revealed at Sonys E3 conference
>In development since 2015.
>True continuation of the saga
>Also, Silent Hills: Death Stranding will be revealed.


Other urls found in this thread:



[citation needed]

Don't fucking give me hope user

glad 2 hear

I want this to be real more than I can express in words, I want more MGS but I don't think any of this will happen.

I only hope DS, will to some degree be the spiritual successor to MGS. A new playing field without having to retcon and keep track of a million story elements. Same tone and a mix of political elements and science fictions with a military theme throughout and from the trailers DS is just that, with more of a horror element included.

OP here

If this thread reaches 150 replies, I will legit fucking post insider proof. No screenshots or shit, but I do have a marketing overview for MGS5 post-E3. Not working in Konami, but privy to the info. No spoilers, but actual proof.

Just stop. It's over, let it go.

These threads are fucking pathetic.

>Konami destroying themselves just for Le epic prank xD

For what fucking purpose? It won't win over millions of people just by being a funny pranker.

Go fuck yourself, you delusional faggot.

haha yeah dude chapter 3 incoming

Preach the truth OP. TPP also has one more ending where we return to Camp Omega.


Konami don't give a fuck about a bunch of nerds spamming their Twitter and Facebook. When the truth is revealed everyone will love Konami more than ever before for daring to along with an artist's vision. Their stocks and profits have done nothing but improve since Kojima was "fired". The controversy was spread using rumors and second hand sources. The truth will be spread using the biggest gaming event in the world.

If this happens I hope they keep venom in somehow. I really like the way he looks.

You know that doctor is a real person, right?
That procedure is happening very soon.

He's being retconned into a coma nightmare / VR simulation. Sorry, kiddo.

oh fuck he's here

Holy shit, hoping for this.

what is that image meant to be pointing out
both the numbers are 794

you don't know what you've done

>Silent Hills: Death Stranding

I'm curious about this now

The helicopter never crashed. His face is wounded from the Paz explosion, yet the helicopter is still functioning.

So Big Boss has wounds from the Paz explosion, yet the helicopter is still functioning while it's dawn (a few hours after GZ took place)? Conclusion: the helicopter never crashed. So if it never crashed, how did Big Boss end up in the coma? He returned to Camp Omega (as Kojima said we would) and something happened. The revelation there will be one of the following:
a) TPP is a coma nightmare
b) TPP is VR simulation
c) Zero captured him and fucked with his brain to induce schizophrenia (Venom Snake and Big Boss are the same person)
The revelation will then lead into MGS5.

I don't believe OP but this pre-e3 is so slow we might as well have another fake hype mgs conspiracy thread.
So let's go ppl.

Fuck off, you have nothing. This is pathetic

I guess we'll have to see... I legitimately get sad after knowing what was left out of the game. I'm still suffering.

If it doesn't happen at E3 are you going to admit you're wrong or are you going tk backpedal to "b-b-but TGS!"

I guess we'll have to see... I legitimately get sad after knowing what was left out of the game. I'm still suffering.

not this shit again


Even though the ruse is probably fake, it's still interesting to read the theories and connections. Bump for curiosity

I hate conspiracy theorist, I don't even give a shit if you're right

>if you look at this detail here and that detail there and this thing here, IT ALL FITS TOGETHER
>If you add this, subscract that, rotate this, what does that give you? THIS THING!!

just shut the fuck up with your autism


they probably were lazy and just reused the helicopter model
my fault for humouring tripfags I guess

>All this unnecessary trouble just for "IT WAS A PRANK BRO GOTTEM"

even if this retarded theory is right TPP is still a boring game

>they probably were lazy and just reused the helicopter model
So why does he have wounds from the Paz explosion on his face? The explosion caused the "crash" and sent him into a coma. No shot of Boss with his face fucked up like that should exist, period.

Nothing being revealed at e3 is part of the conspiracy of course

Please troll me senpai


If E3 2017 has no Metal Gear, will people like OP finally shut the fuck up.


Answer this fucking question
Hypothetically, what would it take for you to give up? Or will you say it's TGS if nothing at e3, and then say next e3 if nothing at tgs, and on

I want to believe, it It's true then Kojima is the ruseman to end all ruses.

>they probably were lazy and just reused the helicopter model

I'll give you a (You) just to laugh at your proof

Does this (you) make you feel something?

So this brain surgeon guy is probably going to kill the cripple isn't he.


you can't be this dumb

both of you need to hang yourselves. no (you)s for you either faggots

No because this year's E3 is not the real E3 and everyone is in on it.

nice try, but you can't full me by samefagging Kojima-san

Here's a (You)

uhh guys im gettin nervous

Faggots like OP actually think Kojingles is smart enough to pull off something like this. He's a hack, at best, and since Fukushima left his team the MGS games' stories have sucked shit.
Just face it, V is the last mainline MGS game we will get. The story has come full circle and it is over. There is nothing more to show or tell.

Here's my only (you) for the year. Spend it wisely.

Post the proof or nobody is going to believe you Caramel.

he has a wiki dude:

Alright, lets see.

caramel is slowing down. back a few weeks ago this thread would have been filled with him spamming those serial killer graphs

They also decided to reuse the model of Boss with Paz explosion wounds for no reason. While it's dawn, a few hours after MSF's destruction. Just coincidence. You're gonna feel like a fucking idiot in the coming weeks.

What proof? I just posted the fucking proof.

>none of canavero's head transplant papers were peer reviewed
>no real practicing doctor is taking him seriously
>looks exactly like doctor in TPP
>tedx takes place in cyprus
>hospital you wake up in is in cyprus
>canavero has several bananas lying around in his talk
>breaks one in half to explain what he will do to the neck of his patient
>kojima leaves bananas all around his kojipro update videos
>keeps tweeting bananas split in half
>canavero's technique is called HEAVEN
>canavero opened his tedx talk to forever young
>pic related
>canavero says it will take months of VR training to get used to new body
>kojima puts unrealistic goal (disarmament) that people know they can achieve but not if kojima balances in favour of owning nukes forcing players to continue playing
>this on top of the obvious ford ad campaign tie ins

Oh and all this Doc MumboJumbo shit:

>When the truth is revealed everyone will love Konami more
Bullshit, people hated Konami for years before the Metal Gear shit. This won't mend those wounds, even if it wasn't fake.

fuck off LARPer

>If i get 1k retweets, i'll cut my dick off!

this is how you sound

I want to believe.


Pay no attention to the World War II iconography in PT and Death Stranding. Nothing suspicious is going on, we promise.

You talk big but you'll cream your little pants when the Death Stranding titlecard morphs into Silent Hills.

Bumping because I'm a dumb faggot and fuck it, it's free. Lets see the rickroll, Kojimbo.

>You're gonna feel like a fucking idiot
You would know about this, huh?

These threads are fucking retarded; but fun nonetheless.

15 days until caramel get's btfo'd

You refuse to answer any and all questions about what it will take for you to admit there is no ruse. Either because

A. You never would, you'd back pedal forever until the day you died

B. Some part of you knows there's a chance there is no ruse and it fucking terrifies you

Not sure which is more pathetic

And your doctor will have you committed when you try to commit suicide when nothing fucking happens.

Do you think he actually believes this stuff or is it just a meme to him?

Please just make it end

While there's obviously more to Death Stranding than Kojima is letting on, I just can't believe it'll end up being Silent Hills. The only thing that gives me pause is that one concept image posted by an artist working on an unannounced Silent Hill game for Konami.

>You talk big but you'll cream your little pants when the Death Stranding titlecard morphs into Silent Hills.
I won't, because I wasn't looking forward to Silent Hills in the first place. And this is assuming it's not fake as shit, like it is
Let it go, this isn't healthy..

he's memeing so hard that he actually believes it.

>coming weeks
So it'll be e3, not tgs? You won't be on here saying RUSE REVEAL @ TGS if nothing happens at e3? I don't buy it

If this happens, why does it even matter? It's been almost two years since MGS5. Game is dead and forgotten. Silent Hills was just a tech demo. Let it go.

If it doesn't happen at e3 he'll say it'll happen at tgs. If it doesn't happen at tgs he'll say it'll happen at next year's e3. He won't actually admit he's wrong until death stranding is released and has nothing to do with mgs/silent hill

you guys can't be serious, after all that build up and daily threads for TPP you want to get disappointed again?

Reported for announcing reports

Can't say he isn't motivated, I guess.

Not long before the whole of Sup Forums get's BTFO.

The only reason I go on Sup Forums anymore is to hope that one of these threads is up. It's great fun.

>What proof? I just posted the fucking proof.
The proof that any of this shit leads to a new game coming out and isn't just cut content or an oversight on Kojima's part. I want to believe you Caramel and some of what you're saying makes sense, but how do you know that Kojima wasn't actually fired and that this new game is really coming out? I can't back you based on these theories, I'm remaining neutral until you're proven right or wrong.

>guys give me (you)s please i promise i'll give the deets!!! trust me
fuck off

Do these retards think the Death Stranding is Metal Gear, or Silent Hill? If it's both, how do you justify these unrelated franchises, with tones and style that couldn't be more different, suddenly linking?
Everyone's shitting on him.

we're waiting

Stop ignoring me you scared baby. Answer me. What happens if nothing at e3? I hope you're right but what id you aren't. Will you be btfo or will you backpedal and say habbening @ tgs or e32018

>until death stranding is released and has nothing to do with mgs/silent hill

There will be some easter egg references and that will just confirm the conspiracy goes even deeper

Is that Sheldon's head on a plate?

damn, kojima even has the national institute of health involved in the ruse? how deep does his genius go?

>being disappointed with best gameplay in the series

Let me guess, you're one of those "Resident Evil 4 was a good game but not a good Resident Evil game" people.
