What a terrible game

Disclaimer: I didn't support the kickstarter.

But man, what a shitty game. I went in hoping for Super Mario 64-2 or Banjo-Kazooie 2.

Instead I got Banjo-Tooie-2.
Annoying huge levels that are both too full of shit and too empty (at the same time). Annoying 'funny' characters.
And graphics that are decent, but still ugly.

Why has Shovel Knight been the only good kickstarter game?

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go to bed jontron

We still have Cuphead and Toejam and Earl: Back in the Groove to look forward to


>I went in hoping for Super Mario 64-2
I don't know why you'd ever have expected that from this.

>graphics that are decent, but still ugly

Jontron still supported the game after they kicked him off. He actually took it really well and it was probably fucking stupid on his part because he let them get off easy after they ridiculed and kicked him from a project that he funded heavilyand enthusiastically. And they just stabbed him in the back and all he said is "I'm let down, but I wish the best for them"

FTL was a kickstarter too.

I like Shadowrun Returns desu

he reacted in the best way possible

I liked it. Then again i liked tooie.

Second world was a jam, best out of all of them

people talk about the casino level looking like ass but nobody bats an eye to how horrible the swamp one looks

all it's really missing is polish and maybe a few more decorations to make the worlds less sparse looking

i like it, but not worth $40.

i love that game

If he threw a fit to any degree everyone would use it as fuel for the flame. He responded in the most optimal fashion

>I went in hoping for Super Mario 64-2
it's your fault for being retarded

I'm not talking about throwing a fit, I'm saying that he gave them a pass instead of pointing out how even though it's rather fucked up what happened, he still wants the game to succeed.

Something Something never meet your heroes

>Why has Shovel Knight been the only good kickstarter game?

Cuphead is delayed forever

Literally any form of retaliating would have been considered "throwing a fit". Have you not been paying attention to how the media (and games journalism in particular) operates these days?

I love shantae but HGH was mediocre and didn't live up to the hype. Pirates curse still remains the best.

No, I just don't bu that shit.
>Give in and be the media's bitch.
>Don't voice your opinions or call out immoral practices that were designed to make money while throwing you under the bus
>Especially after you supported them and they were your actual childhood heroes
>Don't voice your distress about how corrupt and bought out public opinions on political correctness are and how it's invaded even aspects of supposed "indie" developers like Rare
>Just let it be what it is, it won't grow or worsen by leaving it alone

Jontron knew the consequences to crafting the social persona he did, which is why he wasn't surprised that people and projects started distancing themselves from him. He wanted the game to happen more than he wanted a studio to agree with his stances.
It's not like he was one of the backers who paid for a voice role, Playtonic just asked him if he wanted to do it as a show of good faith, and when that good faith suddenly run out, they rescinded.


alright, that's a fair point, but it's going against one of the strongest points he's trying to push and that's allowing people to bully you into silence over anything.

>Instead I got Banjo-Tooie-2.
Fucking idiot, dont you think if Rare made a new Banjo Game it wouldnt be an expansion of tooie?

They wouldn't downgrade the scale of the game just to please some cunts who preferred the first game to the second.

The original Mingy Jongo twitter that was made to start 'Project Ukulele' even said it'd be a spiritual successor to Banjo Tooie.


I feel like at one point they said it would be more like Banjo-Kazooie than DK64 and Banjo-Tooie.

What's so hard to understand here? The graphics are clearly done at a professional level in terms of graphical fidelity, but the visual design elements are quite low in quality.

He wasn't "bullied" into silence. He chose not to make a big deal because he found their reaction to be understandable and still wanted to support the game, despite his personal disappointment.

Almost every time they said "Banjo Tooie" any time they said 'Kazooie' was because that's the name of the franchise.

>Sup Forums tells me the only people that hate it never liked Banjo
>didn't play BK and BT until many years later
>thought they were ok
Kazooie had tight level design, a colorful cast of characters, wide variety of worlds, catchy music and a great final boss. Tooie had larger worlds that were connected, a TON of NPCs fitting each world, and fun bosses that felt large in scale.

YL lacks polish. They seem to have gone with an atmospheric style for the music, but everything looks so plastic and fake it doesn't really help set the mood. When you fight a boss or play a minigame you can really tell different people did the music. It went overboard with QUIRKY QUIZ TIME which was a one time thing at the end of both Banjo games. Three of the bosses are basically walls. Worlds are huge, but the themes aren't original and they're also isolated. Buying from a pool of moves whenever kills the sense of progression. They recycle the few NPCs for multiple worlds and don't even give them a fucking reskin.

HGH was complete shit.
Horrible level design, retarded balancing and fetch quests in linear levels to pad out the already meager amount of content.
It's fucking trash.

>literally inferior to both games prior
I'd argue even the GBC game had more content.

Can anyone fill me in on the Jontron debacle?
I haven't kept up with video game drama in a while.

Jontron says stupid political shit. YL devs respond by removing him in from the game. That's literally it.

Jon fucked up and didn't research his points at all and quoted a bad study, therefore he's alt-right according to neogaf

What did he say?

I wish it had been more like Tooie myself.

discrimination doesn't exist in the west
mexicans want to take over some american states

I always thought it looked bland and dumb but after all that e-celeb drama you can't talk bad about it without it coming up.

He had a three hour retard debate with a SJW in which they both said a lot of retarded things. Now we have faggots like OP shitposting the game.

Wow, with opinion like those no wonder he gets kicked out of every project.

it's a fucking child's game you fucking piece of shit
are you blatantly admitting your a fucking child reviewing a child's game?

Banjo Tooie is unironically my favorite game and I will never understand the hate it receives.

Most creative hub world/world design Rare ever did. Also the music is unmatched.

Tooie had too much empty space (same as YL).
With Kazooie they had like a 300 × 300 grid and they moved stuff around in order to accommodate all the ideas so it felt nice and compact. There was always somewhere new to explore with interesting design.
Tooie they started with a 300×300 grid but as they had new ideas they just kept expanding the size to accommodate the ideas rather than restructuring.

>DesTINY actually thinks slaves making iphones is "okay" if we eventually free them, after an undisclosed amount of time

He took a publicly indefensible position. There's little he could do against them, since his position is not socially acceptable.

Because you expect everything to be like the AAA games you grew up with on PS3

>anyone who isn't a neo nazi is an SJW
Sausage, Sup Forums.
Immigrants are out to corrupt white genepools and solely come here to make things worse for others. Even if they acted properly, there would still be an issue with their inferior genes entering the pool.

Also rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites (lol look it up!) and crime is genetic to black people.

but he a good boy he just tryin on new hats and bein a moderate conservative.

>Immigrants are out to corrupt white genepools and solely come here to make things worse for others. Even if they acted properly, there would still be an issue with their inferior genes entering the pool.

No way, he did not say that, tell me you're just baiting.

I don't remember the exact words but I think thats just about what jontron said. Do you see why there was a enormous backlash against him? It wasn't just "jontron had slightly different opinions".

I'm a huge Shantae fan who backed for 90 McTickets, but damn was the game a flop. I was hoping for more refined Pirates Curse levels but with transformations, but we got slow Megaman X instead. It's like Sonic where they find their stride then drop it for more needless experimentation the next game.

Bitchin soundtrack though.

Jon "pull the trigger on every nigger" Jafari

But Banjo Toooie is better than Kazooie, especially the boss fights.


>mfw YL comes out on switch 6 months after its release
>Sup Forums will sing its praises

Never change.

If you actually watch the video, you'll see that Destiny is basically shouting him down at every turn, especially when he's trying to elaborate. Jon clearly wasn't prepared to deal with a guy who was versed in the Fox/Cnn school of flustering opponents. Jon clearly went in to the debate to look cool, but it ended up giving Neogaf ammo to spite him despite the other guy saying equally racist shit too.

Point is, Jon was more popular, so he got bumshacked the hardest from it. He should have not done it or practiced debating beforehand.

Look, you can disagree all you like with the state of affairs, but if you're a game studio whose job is to sell games and one of your voice actors starts spewing crap on twitch that the media's going to shit on and pan your game for supporting, you cut the threads you need to, it's just good business.