What tables have you Anons been playing?
Virtual Pinball
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All of them
But am quite fond of central park and it's classic gameplay and sound
I love Central Park too. I rarely find anyone else who does. That table really helped me with my flipper discipline.
I find high pace tables to be the more satisfying ones on the long run, but i sure do like to kick back and relax with some quick unadultered classic pinball action
I really like Pinball Arcade. Twilight Zone and Centaur are my favorites.
Am I missing out by not getting FX2 as well? Are the tables still fun even tough they aren't based on real ones?
Literally autism the video game
What I love about Pinball FX is no matter how obscure, whatever property they take on they treat with massive respect. 9/10 times at least. I love Doom, ive been playing the shit out of Doom pinball
I like Arcade and FX equally though, but one is significantly more overpriced than the other....
frig off normie
I feel the same. Really the only tables I don't generally care for are ones with constant stop and go gameplay that ruins their flow.
I enjoy the Zen/FX tables, but not nearly as much as the real TPA/SPA/Zaccaria ones. They're distinct from real tables because they can do crazier shit obviously, like lighting the ball on fire in the Aliens table. Nice taste with Centaur.
I fell in love with Centaur the first time I played it when I was young. The art was just so cool. I spent all $5 I had playing that day.
I might check out FX2, but I'm leaning on buying more tables for PA.
May as well stick with PA for now. Season 7 just started. What do you play on? PC?
Just installed Mrs. Pac-Man table at my bar, next to the Blade Runner table...
We also have Street Fighter II: Championship Edition and soon I'm gonna see about a Metal Slug cab.
....oh you meant digital pinball.
yes, its a VIDEO games board user. Its one think enjoying the physics in a game, actually collecting and maintaining this shit would be insane.
Great theme. Never much cared for BK/BK2K as tables though.
Been playing pinball vidya since the snes, and only in these past generations have they been getting realistically good, so much that i'm considering getting an original table from ebay or shit, but i hear they're awfully expensive.
All depends on the table. They can range from a few hundred dollars to over $10,000 for a good table. The ones under $1,000 are usually older EM tables, though. If you're looking for a SS table, the starting point is realistically more like $1,500. But don't buy from ebay, tables on ebay are almost always vastly overpriced. Craigslist and Mr. Pinball Classifieds are your best bets.
dont do that lol
You guys aren't gonna REEEEEEEEE about my video game pinball is better than yours like the faggots on /vr/?
Zen pinball is great. Had a love affair with it for a long time on PS3.
Oh im gonna check that out, sounds like the discussion I was hoping from this thread
I like all 3 games, but I do find myself playing the Star Wars Zen pinball stuff more. Thinking of buying Doom.