EZA Frame Trap thread
>Ian is so out they don't even have anyone to replace him, 3 man FT
Fucking hilarious.
EZA Frame Trap thread
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Whats's his story. Is it a bot? Pure autism?
I don't know who that is, but some of their Mods act like fucking inquisitors. Instant bans for anything slightly over the line. Ultimate hugbox.
I wish Ian was permanently out. Damiani too.
chat mods are pure cancer, yeah. sometimes I feel bad I can't catch bosman v wozniak or group streams or whatever live but then I remember how shitty they are when I do make it and I don't feel so bad.
He is in every EA stream. All he does is quote a random thing someone on the stream said. Not even funny things. He just quotes a random line and puts the name and 2017 after it.
No one acknowledges him but he keeps doing it. Fucking weird.
Everybody ready for Ian to put The Last of Us 2 as his GOTY if we play as Ellie instead of Joel?
>cuck ecelebs at that
give it a watch. you might like it
I did
it was horrible
Least popular video on the channel.
I cannot imagine how fucking awful that live show was.
I've never watched a single video of the concert.
I don't think i could handle
There was a bit where they acted out scenes from Tabletop Escapades, which was just stupid and self-aware enough to be endearing whenever Ian was not in focus.
I liked the part where Kyle sang a song about the J-piece from Tetris
Don't forget his "This is awesome CONFIRMED". He just repeats their phrases over and over, he reminds me of that little brother that copies his older brother in the hopes people will think he is cool.
Either that or he is playing some 10 dimensional chess and doing some really meta trolling.
Hey Joey!
Nobody can troll for that long without breaking character unless they have a plan to get into someone's inner circle, which doesn't seem to be the case here.
I really want Kyle to beat Wozniak's score in Tetris. I know he could do it if he wasn't killing the show at 52 weeks.
>tfw he finally broke 500k
It seems clear to me that he'll need to get with 20,000 points (at most) by the time he hits level 20. He's just not good enough to survive at that level, which means he just needs to get lucky enough with pieces to pile on the Tets beforehand.
He could do it if he did less bits during his runs and was more focused.
But then you wouldn't hear him creating a chore wheel using the Persona 5 theme!
>You need to wash up the dishes
>Put your clothes in the hamper
tfw they know Ian was so insufferable on the last frame trap that they cant even pretend it's anyone else's fault anymore
>All those hate comments on Ian on the new Frame Trap
I know it's you guys
it's teh gamergays
Whatd he do?
being attracted to a woman is the exact same as being a blackmailing rapist, why cant you see?
I'm never gonna get to hear Kyle's autistic thoughts on Nier: Automata am I?
Hopefully not as that would invite Damiana and Ian to share their own retarded thoughts on it.
>everyone wants kyle to give his autistic thoughts about persona 5
>he gives his autistic thoughts on persona 5
>everyone screeches like a harpy and shits on him for doing the same thing he always does
I don't get people, you gotta know that shit's comin with him
I know everyone hates Ian, but he honestly wasn't bad in the latest Easy Update. It might just be Bosman counteracting the SJWism, but not a bad team.
At least the podcast has been getting more news ever since I complained.
Who cares what he is like in one episode of the show almost no one wants to watch? He is insufferable on Frame Trap.
mario leaves a shadow on the sky, this game is a disgrace
His reason for dropping Persona 5 made me want it even more, I dug it.
fun stream
Did he say this?
>that guy that fucking puts quotes around every other word Ben says in the Xenoblade stream.
Holy fuck is this guy a bot.
I don't get why you people don't just block him? I've done that months ago
>that guy who is telling Ben to do every sidequest and "make a back up save" before every boss
Yeah dude, I'm sure Ben wants to spend 300 hours streaming one game and then going back to do it again from different points in the story.
maybe it got more news because there's more news to talk about since E3 is coming up, you egomaniac
The chat is really terrible during xenoblade streams. They're borderline spoiling stuff by constantly screaming when something awesome is about to happen or whatever
Or maybe it's because I got a reply for kyle?
>The chat is really terrible
coulda just stopped there really
Kyle can't top Ian's autism there.
>downward attacking your way through a Platinum game
>kyle traded in RDR so he could play Toy Story 3 instead
this is why he's the best ally
>Cool and fun guy
>Just the weirdest and stupidest opinions
At least he acknowledges that his taste is fucking crazy
>attack move that leaves you extreamly open
>tons more broken shit in the game
>doesn't even know about taunt chips
Dude was talking like he found some way to cheese the game what a complete retard.
Wait are you telling me this is the first time Ben played Xenoblade ? I didn't watch the streams cause i don't like the dub but if it's not his first time then who cares about spoilers? If you don't want to be spoiled go play the the game yourself.
>watching streams
Why would anyone do this, the only ones worth watching are the group streams.
he ain't wrong about LTTP
Huber and Bosman are truly the best combo. Their conversations (on this new Frame Trap but everywhere else as well) are genuine and not marred by some kind of defensive irony like when Damiani, Ian, and sometimes Brad or Jones are in the room. This is why First Fifteen and Full Playthroughs are the best videos.
It always baffles me that Damiani, Kyle, Huber and Brad claim they love JRPGs when they didn't play anything outside of Final Fantasy and DQVIII, aside from that Kyle's taste in video games is utter shit, i some times wonder if he truly loves videogames.
It's pretty obvious from watching Kyle's shows and streams that he loves the vidya, it's just that he has very fucking weird tastes and odd as hell hangups. I mean, go watch any of those pokepark or tail of the sun streams he did and tell me he was just there to collect a paycheck.
But those tastes and hangups are why I love him. You get an honest point of view that you wouldn't see anywhere else. Anybody can talk about how good Zelda is, Bosman's there to talk about why a rhythm game from 2001 affected him emotionally.
Ian's transgender issue is becoming a serious problem In the last Fiasconauts they were discussing who wanted to be characters "Aunt X and Uncle Y" and he said "I only care about the first part" in reference to wanting to be the aunt. Even real transgender people don't always have to play female characters or RP as women.
I like Easy Update the most of all their "solo" shows, because Ian usually gets on other allies to play a game or something. Skip the songs always.
>Someone saved my .webm
>every time he acts like a game is inherently worse if he can't play as a girl
I'm honestly surprised at how decent his taste is (even if he is way too into bloodborne) all things considered. You'd think he's be moaning about how you can't play Maria in SOTN (don't even bring up the saturn version you know what I mean.)
Gitaroo Man is one of my favorite games ever and that episode he did on it is why I got into GT/EZA in the first place, not gonna lie.
I miss GT. EZA sucks.
Man I wish Elyse was still with the crew. Just, I dunno, keep Ian on a leash in the corner or something when she's around.
Me too user, it's been over a year since they started EZA and they still can't maych anything they made back when they were in GT, the streams are also garbage compared to GT.
same, though late GT was getting dangerously close to what EZA is now. Mandatory update turned into another podcast and when elyse left it was even worse. Huber made that huber hype show which was shit, trying to be final bosman especially when he started doing bits at the end.
Less podcasts more scripted stuff, please.
Brandon Plays Pokemon was solid, I've got faith in Box Peek
Ben writes corrections in the descriptions of the episode. They are always meaningless things to be so apologetic about.
Ben tries very hard to appease and apologize constantly.
Also, I don't believe that he had "bear trap" set up as the secret phrase. He just wanted an excuse to get stuck in a frame trap for the "new" format of the show.
>let's see how many podcast we can fit: the channel
Clearly a bot made to learn voices, no real person would be that autistic.
that sounds a lot better Ian fucking sucks.
the only good live bit was kyle's song
but the pre made videos the one from blood and the one from don were great
Not too terrible, just skip anything that has people you hate. Kyle's song was good, Damiani's story time was spergy and everything else was somewhere in between.
>commute to work is about an hour both ways
I know it pisses people off for them to have so much of just shooting the shit but them having so many podcasts is great for me
Where's the podcast Kyle .^(
>Ben dedicates the hottake to trying to justify him being a casual
Bosman knows Nintendo so well. Both my most loved and hated company. They'll knock it out of the park one moment then completely bomb another.
post it
As someone who plays grindy Korean shit MMOs, I also really appreciate it. I'd like it more if they could fucking audio balance and not have some podcasts be too quiet while the others are way too loud.
Isn't that always the case?
Well it's been like 10 months since the last time they were stuck in a frame trap, so I'm not sure, but I remember it feeling real before.
it most certainly never was
So when is AVATAR KORRA going to make Huber pay to skip HW?
I did enjoy the Damiani FFX stream...
how do you e-celeb dicksucking redditors not understand that you're not welcome here and never will be.
But the combat isn't BLOOODBORNEEE and it needs to be more like BLOODBORNEEE. I like BB and Souls games alot, but god damn do I hate the fanboys of the series, they're fucking unbearable in how elitist they get
So fucking annoying that Damiani is making everyone switch to another server just because of a handful of crybabies that don't know how to get into Gilgamesh