Action RPG

>action RPG

Why? Who asked for this?

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because you have dragon quest for turn based gameplay. no point in their 2 biggest games being the same thing


I would have asked for that given the chance. Turn based games are retarded except a very few ones. It was not a good game in the slightest.

Did you enjoy XV?

Not me. Of course they had to ruin the battle system.

Turn based is a design that arose because of hardware limitations and industry immaturity and now is being supported only because of laziness and traditionalists who love to hold on to rehashes and mechanics of yesteryear. They don't have much more to live and soon will stand in one line with rpgmaker shit where they belong.

No. Should I? How is it.

If they were capable of doing realtime combat back on PS1 with those visuals they would've done it. But FF always pushed for visuals so they had to make compromises

I don't think the majority asked for Action RPG specifically, but I bet a the majority asked for something "different"

They don't care what that entails, as long as its' different.

As for why the combat system is as it is, It's probably Nomura throwing a tantrum about the Versus/XV combat being scrapped into whatever XV's was. That's why he dragged the KH2 battle planner with him.

pretty wild how the turn-based Persona series just had its most successful release ever, people must be really sick of turn-based games!

>doesn't like turn based
>must like XV
I bet you're one of those idiots that says turn based requires 100% attention all of the time

Yeah, it makes me completely uninterested in it. I was not a fan of 15s combat at all.

Yeah i'm sure it sold well because of it's amazing combat system

Outside of Pokemon. Turn base is bad for business.

No one wants to be limited to how and when their character moves

But they bought it and played it regardless. It didn't need real time combat to sell, much like how FF7R doesn't need it either.

I actually welcome the idea of an ARPG from Japan, I want fights that play out like the cutscenes especially with XV because the swords from thin air and warping concept lent itself well. But XV did this utterly wrong because Tabata has no fucking clue how to do combat (or a full on game to be honest with you). He proved it by taking Nomuras concept of a 7 weapon cycle with magic being its own tab, converting it to be worse with a god hand like systems where the weapons only come out at certain attacks and making the action sequence play out by just holding down a button which killed all kinaesthetics and made the animations plays it fucking awkwardly all because he said he could not handle pressing buttons, and then was told to change it back to which he then proceeds to make the character hold only 4 weapons bringing back the original design Nomura made just severely gimped.

I could have designed a better combat system and I am not being ironic. The man was a stupid cunt.

>who asked for this?

I did. dissidia was awesome.

outside of pokemon and fire emblem and persona and basically every single successful series, turn based is bad for business

>No one wants to be limited to how and when their character moves
I guess all strategy games are bad now

I have a question.

What is the easiest and least difficult RPG game of all?

I look for RPG's games where everything is super easy, and where there is nothing of difficulty or challenge

Dragon Quest is turn-based and one of Square Enix's most profitable franchises

>has an atb bar
>has a defend option on the battle menu
Doesn't sound like an action rpg to me.


It's also a prime example of literal rehashing.

not relevant

"Muh acshun" games is a fucking meme. Action combat is exploitable, absolutely fucking terrible and unengaging when done poorly. That's right, turn-based combat has the capacity to be more engaging and thoughtful than your retarded action game where you run around in circles and press X X X Y Y Y.

It's very hard to pull off and should only be attempted only by devs seasoned in the genre like Capcom or Platinumgames. FFXV was an abomination. To be fair, it had way more serious problems other than action combat, but I'd wager that the game would have been more palpable if it was built on something like FFX-2's combat.

tl;dr almost nothing becomes better by making it realtime vs. turn-based.

one could argue that almost nothing becomes better by making it turn based vs realtime.

it's all opinions.

Fucking KH2FM on critical is better than most style over substance plat games. And unless you really play some good turn based games which barely exist or go for low level runs it just boils down to attack sam 90% of the time

>press X X X Y Y Y.

what's a good example of an action RPG that has a lot of menu stuff in battle too?

I played and loved FF7 back in '97 but I am officially over the turn based meme. Shit is getting stale.


Kingdom hearts.
It's a hybrid turn-based and action combat system, but a lot of people don't see it and assume it's action.

I did. Being able to walk around the streets of Midgar in third person view instead of fixed camera nonsense, seeing what you're about to fight instead of idiotic random battles, and being able to directly control characters instead of watching them stand around and executing orders has been what I fantasized about when I played as a child. And now it's happening.

If you want to play the original battle system then why don't you just, you know, go and play the original motherfucking battle system? You kids are acting like this will delete FFVII. Or are you one of those little shits who won't actually play the game because "waaaah bad grafix :("?

It's a hybrid, not entirely action and not entirely turn based.
The original was like that too, and I'm super interested in seeing how they handle VIIR.

KH1 and 2 i guess and it's all in realtime and you have lomited items and you have all the commands from turn based games like attack, item, summon, magic etc. Not like XV or Nier where you can just pause and use infinite items


i was thinking more along the line of a game where you could pause in the middle of a fight to summon magic and change tactics, if it's a cross between KH and FFXII I think that would work out well.

there's like one fight in the game that does this and that's the phantom fight

Vagrant Story

nah. it's way more fun to run around doing combos and trying to imitate good battles as best you can. turn based combat is never more engaging, and is rarely ever thoughtful. thats not what video games are about anyway. their sole purpose is entertainment, and i find it more entertaining to act out the battles than watching them.

No the entire game is like this.
It's just a very fast and slightly modified ATB system.
Instead of an ATB cooldown for each character it is applied to all menu options.
BBS took this a bit further and in that game it was even more obivous.

My girlfriend. She can play FF7 on her PS1, PS3, PS4, PSVita and her PC. Why would she buy the remake if it's just the same exact game but prettier?

The newest one is going action rpg, and wasn't 9 and 10 action rpg?

I'll be fine with it as long as you can control the other characters, too. People like these games for the team building, and nothing kills an ARPG faster than having dumbass AI party members on autopilot while you're stuck with just the protagonist.

>every single successful series

How can you be this ignorant?

>their sole purpose is entertainment

this killed video games.

Real, actual "fun" is derived from mastery over mechanics to overcome challenges.

>fire emblem and persona
Neither can even do more than 2 million lifetimes sales either.

Square wants to make a game that sales 10 million+

>Why would she buy the remake if it's just the same exact game but prettier?

same reason you'd trade in her in for a better looking model.

Secret of mana was always better than final fantasy

no. video games are killed for you because you don't enjoy entertainment anymore. you're not some "god" at video games just because you can manage to shitpost about the mechanics in every game.

>Real, actual "fun" is derived from mastery over mechanics to overcome challenges.
that is a part of video games, and enjoyment can come from that feeling, but on a general standpoint that is wrong. video games are made to entertain. where you specifically derive entertainment from is not the whole worlds view.

I love this meme.
Every single Dragon Quest added some kind of major overhaul that's largely stuck around since. Parties, the job system, multiform bosses and character driven storytelling, monster raising, cross-job skills, party chat, skill trees, tradeable dungeons and multiplayer, but fuck all that. It's a rehash because slides keep showing up and they don't make throwaway systems like the Draw System, Gambits and Paradigms!

9 and 11 are both turn-based, you ass.
X was the same system, but you could shuffle about in real time because it was an MMO.

I couldn't care less about losing ATB, but I wanted the game to be more like XII or Kingdom Hearts instead of FXV. XV's combat can get frustratingly random at times.

it is literally kingdom hearts. its not gonna be like XV


>Who asked for this?

I did

Yes Sup Forums, IT WAS ME ALL ALONG.

Why are people so bothered by this? Are there people who strictly play turn based games and nothing else?


2017 did.
Turn based is outdated grandpa

world of warcraft and final fantasy 11 are not turn based, neither is x, and how is this turn based fucko?

and what they showed of 11, it is real time combat, you move independently and attack in real time not turn based, the 3ds version is turn based though.

Try playing a turn based RPG today in a post-Dark Souls world. Just try it. It's fucking miserable.

I mean I have played Bloodborne yet I still enjoy SMT Nocturne. I don't know what you're talking about.

people don't want to have to make decisions, they just want to press X over and over

You're a liar. Even people that like SMT series don't like it for its gameplay.

I literally just played Persona 5 and had fun

Casuals get bored of turn based fights, and big budget games NEED casual bucks.

But I still do. Stop projecting.

They've grown up playing turn based FF games so don't like this distinct change in gameplay in the series they love.

>Why are people so bothered by this?
Because it's supposed to be a remake.

All SMT has going for it is the gameplay you dummy, it's persona that people play for story shit.

More like there are many different audiences that are upset by this, including but not limited to:

>people who prefer turn based and nothing else
>people who dislike action over turn based because they feel it's less engaging
>people who dislike action games in general
>people who think S-E's style of action games are not good
>people who feel like action games don't fit Final Fantasy, mainline or otherwise
>people who feel like action games don't fit Final Fantasy mainline and would be better suited for a spinoff
0the "not muh FFVII" crowd

and so on

I've been playing final fantasy since 1 and I'm willing to be open to new things. Every FF has a difference combat system from all the ones before it, this is just an expansion on that. I would have wanted to see major changes regardless, it didn't have to be action but a revamped combat system in general is nice.

Would you honestly want a 1 to 1 remake with nicer graphics? What would be the point.

9 was going to be an ARPG but Japan exploded in rage and forced them to can it and make it turn based.

>What would be the point.

>Would you honestly want a 1 to 1 remake with nicer graphics?

>Because it's supposed to be a remake.
it is, they're remaking everything from the gorund up, a remake =/= graphical overhaul.

le turn based is outdated meme

I don't know how anyone can enjoy the braindead button mashing of the average arpg. AI party members are almost always bad.

thousands Kingdom Hearts fanboys who kept saying "i'd play Final Fantasy if it wasn't turnbased!"
in a way they're right, active turnbased is shit, but nothing is wrong with turnbased

Gotta appeal to the young folk who want flashing lights and lots of jumping around to satiate their ADHD needs.

After having experienced a bit of FFXV at a friend's place, I'm guessing the combat will be equally terrible.

All these poor otaku who have never played an action game before XV and they think the whole damn thing is impossible to do well. Sure there's more to screw up, but the top 1% of action games are a lot better than the top 1% of turn based games. Seriously, just list out the best action games and compare them to the best turn based games. You'll see the disparity for yourself. You DO play things other than retro JRPGs, right?

Ok, well it's unfortunate you're not getting what you want. I probably would have preferred just a new take on the materia system. Or maybe a class system in ff7 could be cool. Either way I'll keep an eye on it and buy it if it looks good and pass if it doesn't.

I hope Persona 5 was a big wake up call to Square Enix. I'd settle for action but dam they need to can their current project and go back to the series roots just do it turn based. It'd save them so much time as well and allow them to polish up other areas. Don't chase western market trends imo

People who've never played 7.

Japan can do arpgs, but SE isn't very good at it.

>Turn based is a design that arose because of hardware limitations and industry immaturity

Everytime I read this I can't imagine somebody could be so retarded. Action games have existed for just as long as turn based games. Ys and FF and DQ were all born around the same time.

literal children who aren't aware that FFVII isn't just Midgar+Sephiroth+cool guns and genetics and shit

Its also a goofy adventure where you perform CPR and jump on dolphins and have go snowboarding.

I mean look at the structure. The first "episode" (by the way ruining FFVII's pacing by making it episodic is stupid) is just Midgar because that's all 80% of people care about.

If that's the case why didn't FFVIII or IX play like Brave Fencer Musashi, Parasite Eve, or Vagrant Story?

>What would be the point
What's the point of resolution and graphical quality?
Hint: Enhance the experience

Ehh.. there's always the small possibility that someone out of nowhere decides to enhance the cutscenes, PBGs, models and soundtrack of the PC Version making the game look like a "remastered remake" ala Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy.

In Qhimm there's plenty of resources already: Models made by Modders, a pack with the PBGs enhanced through Waifu (there WAS a project on Qhimm that aimed to actually recreate them though, it's just kinda paused/dead nowadays because it lacked 3D Modelers I think) and there's plenty of recreations for prolly all the soundtrack of the game on the internet. Remaking cutscenes would prolly be the most unexplored/difficult part.

>Who asked for this?

Literally everyone.

If you were ever on the internet between 2005 and just before the official announcement, FUCKING EVERYONE wanted an FF7 remake, and the vast majority of them wanted it to play like Kingdom Hearts.

They want to make money.