Ubisoft """"leaks""""

>FarCry 4
>FarCry Primal
>FarCry 5
>Assassins Creed Egypt
>Assassins Creed France or whatever that shitty one everyone hated was
>Watch Dogs 2

Hmm, either Ubisoft needs to tighten up their leak prevention strategies or there's something fishy going on here. Every single one of those games had leaks before being "officially" confirmed, and after every "leak" they were all posted about here non-stop. What's going on here?

Far Cry 4 is good game desu

Glad somebody else finally realised this shit, but there's nothing people can really do about it.


It really isn't that great
Blast them with the picture in the OP whenever you see a Sup Forumsbait farcry 5 thread, or once E3 comes and AC Egypt is announced, blast the WE WUZ KANGS threads with them because you already know those are going to be thrown up all the time.

What's wrong with this exactly? At least they're posting about vidya unlike most shitposters

we must..like, do something..

It's less about shilling and more about Sup Forums threads. The story just gives them an excuse to shit up the place.

Ubisoft has thousands of developers, this isn't too hard to believe.

>expecting anything but from ubisoft
how do you even spend so much money on games that shitty

No it isnt, the combat is generic forgettable tripe without an interesting bone in its body. Focused on making the player helpless so they grind for upgrades that equate to basic FPS mechanics instead of naturally increasing in skill level because the enemies are so fucking retarded and simplistic there is no skills to master, only upgrades to grind for. I hate Farcry 3 onwards.


It's not. I bought it a year and didn't really enjoy it.

Ubisoft more like U-be-shilling am I right

Reminder to hide all Ubisoft shill threads.

Their last attempt at a unique game was ZombiU. Remember that.

They're not posting about video games. They're advertising their shit by baiting Sup Forums teenagers.

There is no vidya there
FC5 is not vidya until gameplay is shown
complaining about Sup Forums is also not vidya
sage/report/hide and make better threads about video games that exist.

why doesn't literally any other company have leaks like this? EA, Blizzard, Nintendo (aside from, surprise surprise, the ubisoft game), Sony, Gearbox, Bethesda, none of them have any kind of frequent leaking at all. The best you'll get is someone scoping nintendo or sony patents and guessing what they mean. Every single main Ubisoft game has been """leaked""" to reddit and then subsequently shilled on here non stop up til release, when magically, after the hot sale period, discussion of the game just dies.

>captcha breaks a few days ago for hours
>only quality discussion on the first page on every board
>captcha quality returns
>FC5 threads litter the first pages along with shit quality threads like "what did they mean by this" or "what are some games that let me _____"

Not even a pass holder and never bought one, but its clear Sup Forums should go pass-only for boards except Sup Forums.

Then dont complain about pol then. You brought this upon yourselves

>Sup Forums should go pass-only

It's Far Cry 3 but worse, and so is every other Far Cry game including this next one.

It's the exact same gameplay since Far Cry 4 but with different game models.

No one with a working brain would buy it.

the thing is, 3 wasnt even good. So theyre all shit.

What is the logic behind that you retard?
>14 year old Sup Forums kids flock to the site in droves
>Ubisoft targets and tries to trigger the Sup Forums kids into discussing and promoting their game through giving them attention
>it works

Where's the part that I brought this on again?

Far Cry was never good

The first two are. Blood Dragon has awesome visuals.

FarCry was the most reddit game expansion of all time

This game is the best game ever made.

Far Cry Blood dragon that is

Will Ubisoft ever make wildlife that doesn't act retarded?

who cares? theird games are shit

original far cry is the only one I played and it was boring as shit

Not leaks, marketing.