Can we start a comfy thread?

can we start a comfy thread?

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sure. why not.

Story of Seasons was here
Stardew Valley is a loser

A game with a time limit everyday is the very opposite of comfy.

Weird, just started another playthrough of Stardew after a year away from it. Still hard to believe that just one hipster made everything in it, and how much /comfy/ it achieved.

This time around I'm "roleplaying" an undead creature or some shit. I dunno. Picked the Wilderness Farm, still deciding on how to achieve this aesthetic. Lots of dark, sinister furniture I'd imagine, maybe only evil chickens.

Gimme some ideas senpai.

look at this fucking edgelord player character lmao

So mod the game to stop the timer

Here's banished if anybody wants.


Can grab and up Stardew if anybody wants. Can do that Story of Seasons user mentioned above too.

I got tired of watering plants in the second year. Other than that, it was pretty comfy. Disappointed I never got to fuck Penny.

Youngling please go.

literally mod the timescale to make days and nights as long as you please

*unsheaths wooden sword*

Back the fuck off!?

Penny is cucking you with Sam in trees son. Pay attention boy.

Anybody got any recommended 5th/6th gen comfy games? Those consoles had great stuff like Harvest Moon and Magic Pengel, so I'm sure there's some hidden gems I've missed.

Does this mod break the game, as in turn it into literal baby-tier difficulty?

Suikoden is quintessential comfy for the PS2.

4 was the worst but may have also been the most comfy of all.

Looks like he sparkles in the sun.
Looks like a fun playthrough.

best girl

I tried playing Stardew and its so fucking horrifically boring to get into. I played some Rune Factory game on the 3DS that was pretty fun, shame I gave my 3DS away before I got properly into it

What is the point of fences?
I mean I understand fencing off your livestock, but why fence your crops?

The entire point of the game is to choose how you want to spend your days and manage your time to reach whatever goals you have, stopping time would prevent you from growing crops since days have to pass for that but you could do infinite fishing/mining

Time management is the entire point of the game. It's already pointless since you aren't even graded for your performance anymore, so there's no reason not to take your time. In the end, the amount of playtime you need will be almost the same.

Why not get a 3DS emulator?

What's a good comfy RPG to relax to? I've already played the Witcher games.

>someone modded this for the sole purpose of this particular scene


wtf I hate this game now. Glad I quit it when I did.

You can try Dragon's Dogma.

also curious about this

Female conversion mod is the comfiest

i miss /sdvg/
abbyfags were always the easiest waifufags to trigger

I actually played DD and really enjoyed it up to the late game. At a certain point I got bored with it, everything felt empty.

>dragons dogma

Where's the male version for girls?

Are there any mods for this that make the farming systems more complex? Are there any Harvest Moon kind of games with at least an option for a lot of depth to the farming?

So basically you have to enable time to play a proper game. Time management is not a comfy mechanic at all. This really killed the game for me. Even if it does not matter I feel pressured into playing as fast as possible and I permanently have a horrible feeling of not having optimized my day.

Does that mod also make it so you have a baby with them or does it just change the pictures and no mechanics or dialogue?

>Even if it does not matter I feel pressured into playing as fast as possible and I permanently have a horrible feeling of not having optimized my day.

Man, must suck having autism. My condolences.

>as Clint peers from the darkness outside

There's nothing to optimize even if you spend all day doing nothing it doesn't matter, you set your own goal just go into it with the mindset of having fun not working toward something

Careful there vlad, pointy wooden objects are one of your few weaknesses.

i need a comfy game to play

>what's the point of aesthetics

>this guy was the blackest oiliest nigger ive ever seen
>lol, good job capturing this cult leader, kill him, my man
>what, why? the point was to capture and gain info on his connection to the dragon
>naw b, I thought you was a hot poppa but turns out you are just an anus

play banished

No one's been enough of a fag to make one

that simcity game?
what's so comfy about that?

it snows in winter

>that combat

christ, and I though racketeer had some awful combat

I really liked innocent life's farming system, too bad the game completely shits itself and tells you not to use it and farm everything by hand.

The Long Dark
UnReal World
Endless Legend that fucking soundtrack, Jesus Christ, it's like they set out to make the most relaxing game ever
Rimworld when you aren't dying horribly

>Still watering plants manually in Year 2
>Hasn't wifed someone by mid-winter


I always wanted to complain about him but I never had the words. Now I don't have to find them.

>tfw disregarded the dating aspect of game to get boatloads of gold the optimal way
>still a virgin 100 hours into game
>farming like a robot

Disregard hoes, acquire gold

reccetear's combat wasnt bad though. it was just really repetitive> i dont want to oneshot the early bosses and watch the long ass death animation every time I want to dungeon dive.

It's cozy medieval village simulator, man, what's not to get comfy with?

the plague

>reccetear's combat wasnt bad though

plague can be cozy

skin falling off is pretty cozy

Yeah sure there's the occasional disease and famine but other than that

You know there are people who actually feel bad for Clint? How can a man who spends all day pounding steel be such a doughey fuccboi

take your pick senpai
>harvest moon/fomt/mm
>rune factory 3/4
>story of seasons
>princess maker 2
>prison architect
>vanilla wow
>animal crossings
>gravity rush
>wind waker
>modded skyrim
>euro trucker
>atelier games

>3DS emulator
There are legit ones now? I'm out of the loop.

wind waker sounds good, but i don't own it on wii u :(

>wii u
Emulate it, gamecube emulation is good

i don't like emulation

>i don't like emulation
Autism must be hard


play fortune summoners then. the combat in that was really fucking when you get gud at arche. She's a fucking blender in a summer dress.

I take it you would know, what with that anime reaction image.

So cozy.

Did Sup Forums like Chibi-Robo?



are there any NTR mods for this game yet?

Try something people actually lived in

i deal with it

Is this game honestly worth it?

I find the graphics to bee too sharp and not comfy.

Also, I've ever played the Harvest Moon for the Super Nintendo, it was the comfiest game ever.

Will I enjoy it?

im comfy

Harvest moon is better in my opinion stardew valley is still good but it just misses the atmosphere


Kill yourself

Dough within, iron without

>that tank
How are they gonna get that tank out?


i wanna fuck column 4

>it's all generic weebshit

>nes zelda on snes

It goes with the anime portrait mod you got for the women, obviously

i feel like whoever did this just lost all interest past column 5

They're not, dumdum

Been playing rf4 for the millionth time again. Even now I still have trouble with choosing the grill I want to waifu.


delet this

don't give me this boner

post you're farms assholes

what are some good comfy mmos?

XIV is pretty comfy

>No room for megacrops

there are none
nothing breaks comfy like some retard with a stupid name walking past