Too many files killed OP's performance

> Too many files killed OP's performance
> Shitposting about anime killed the thread
Lets just have a poll and get back to the Squid-Biz

Other urls found in this thread: 13070444/

Time flies.

So when are we doing the real one?

shut up already, I hope you end up banned at the end of the day

Just waiting for a cleaned up version it seems, gotta wait for a bit

just wait for the guy actually making it to make a new thread.

hope he doesn't post donte again and refuse to remove the LWA girl even though he removed scaramouche for the same reason

I didn't even watch samurai jack

We should ban anime from the next E3 Squilliam compilation.

but we need to do one without weebtrash

Reposting strawpoll for Akko/Little Witch Academia girl:


Scaramouche is still there

All he needs to do is remove the anime shit

I know the witch girl M U S T be removed.

I made a non-vidya poll to accompany it

Got the transparency issue fixed.

Hey OP, hey. I have an idea.

>tfw you missed submitting your squilliam pic

Not vidya, thus she doesn't get in

>tfw the frogatto and kero blaster squilliams didn't get in

OP went on a shitfit and was only accepting anime shit. Just submit yours to the real collage

Seems the weeaboos are already raiding the strawpoll.

Squilliam isn't vidya either

too bad, she's already in

More like only you went on a shitfit and derailed threads, MAKE THE COLLAGE YOURSELF YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

But she isn't in the real one

>only accepting anime shit
How many times do you need to be proven wrong. The last update OP did added all vidya characters.

>no more ARMS and Sonic submissions = only accepting anime shit
btw get the fuck off this site if you don't like anime, and this is coming from someone who doesn't give a shit about the little witch meme show

See? OP came here to throw a fit as well

while we're waiting around does anyone have the e3 2017 boat picture?
my latest version doesn't have rueben langdon's 'oshiet nigga' face in it

user you basically showed yourself as the same shitposter saying there was too much Nintendo from a few threads ago. But now you suddenly care about ARMS characters getting in. You're gonna deny it, but I'm just sayin', shitposting this much is unhealthy.

My dude Rash gets too much spotlight and your guy seem to be somewhere behind. You think we can do something like this?

Thank god too, this real one is so much better.

This one?

I'm glad Sup Forums didn't cave in to the shitposting

>btw get the fuck off this site if you don't like anime

But anime doesn't belong on Sup Forums newfag

Im no damn op you fucking faggot, you complain in every thread yet you contributed nothing, how about you make your own collage and see how well that goes.

the op's image is gignatic as fuck

thats a good idea but OP isn't here

See? He's still here because he's butthurt that everyone called him out

>be the little bitch who complains in every thread

>make zero squilliams

>want to make the """"real collage""""

>doesn't wanrt to do one himself because he's a lazy fuck

I don't know why everyone is bitching. The anime seems fine to me. I you don't like it, make the collage yourself then.

I have this other version that has more.

>tfw wasted my time making a squilliam too late



He's linked the strawpoll to Sup Forums. Sup Forums doesn't want the weeb trash

the OP has a tripcode, you can't fool anybody frogposting scum

I'm pretty sure anime IS the shitpost.

>these weren't added because OP was so butthurt about people wanting vidya

New collage WHEN?

How many times do you have to be BTFO by the OP who made the picture, and to a lesser extent continue to falseflag until you cry your way to get what you want First come first serve

Absolutely adorable! I have no way to prove I am OP but I promise you I am. Although the OP of the actual image (not the thread you are currently posting in) wanted the little guy in the background to fill in space, he specifically wanted a Kirby since it is a simple round character that won't hurt his file too much.

This is the only e3 image I will accept

>be the little bitch who complains in every thread

>make zero squilliams

>want to make the """"real collage""""

>doesn't wanrt to do one himself because he's a lazy fuck

I've been monitoring it, there are no unusual spikes
I'm sure you can provide some proof to your shitposting

way to out yourself OP. You've been bitching about "frogposters" for like 3+ threads now

I'm the original OP and I just wanted to say fuck it, i'm cancelling this shit.

Can you link the thread? I checked the LWA threads on Sup Forums but I'm not seeing a strawpoll.

>be the little bitch who complains in every thread

>make zero squilliams

>want to make the """"real collage""""

>doesn't wanrt to do one himself because he's a lazy fuck

Don't lose hope he'll probably add it tomorrow like he said last thread just wait for it same with

> No tripcode

Wut is this

Jesus OP why are you so mad? We didn't want weebshit, you didn't listen. Don't be so butthurt that you got BTFO

Shouldn't it be finalized so we can add a countdown to it? Theres so many.

You know I don't care about the anime shit but can we please continue adding the vidya at least?

I mean fuck it's just a goddamn picture on Sup Forums.

>under 10 anime characters
>over 200 vidya characters

OP said the last thread was going to be the last thread until tomorrow. He's probably not in here.

>be the little bitch who complains in every thread

>uses the term weebshit in every thread and other shit that makes his samefagging obvious

>make zero squilliams

>want to make the """"real collage""""

>doesn't wanrt to do one himself because he's a lazy fuck

No, we cannot add Vidya any longer, all future Squilliams must be anime.

It's up to you, only if you want it. He can be next to the 2017. Pretty fucking rad, right?

>Wut is this
It's the sinking boat trip to E3, like how we took a bus trip last year & the year before that to E3, newfag.

enjoy your ban

He isn't tomorrow he'll do it anyone that says Thier the OP is Bait

the poll has spoken
shitposter BTFO
Sup Forums is safe
anime is safe
stop giving him (you)s already

this one was great

I added him. I'm making a new thread now.

>Sup Forums is safe.

What keyword to look for if it archives the next thread tomorrow?

But the poll was linked to Sup Forums. You know that

Anime doesn't belong here. Nobody wants it


>be the little bitch who complains in every thread

>uses the term weebshit in every thread and other shit that makes his samefagging obvious

>make zero squilliams

>want to make the """"real collage""""

>doesn't wanrt to do one himself because he's a lazy fuck

stop already

Don't bother. We'll be making the real one soon. Go bitch about Sonic some more, fag.

Will tanks be represented? Or will we forever be under the heel of planes.


link the thread it was posted in

t.fag who linked it to Sup Forums

The "real one" is going to crash and burn if it even happens.

Thanks man.

Obviously not since people have saved all the Squilliams

> Newfag
I mean when/where was this made.

Not up to me, up to the picture's OP. I would be down for it tho.

>anime on this
>nobody complained

>anime on 2017 collage
every year reddit takes over this site more and more



>Actual vidya girls are buried
>Anime bitch gets a special spot

This is the fucking problem

Every time, Only Redditors complain about anime on an anime image board

Actually it wasn't.

Well umaru specifically relates to geimu and shit

I see only 3 anime. But to be fair, those were "good" because they were used frequently on the board and had some form of meaning.
Only Jojo would fit in 2017 collage.

>I-I-I didn't link it! I-I swear! Here's my photoshopped proof!

>I mean when/where was this made.
Ah, excuse me then, it was sometime earlier this month I believe, no idea exactly when. I missed out on making it also.

Now search for the post number of the thread OP when this strawpoll was made.

Check for yourself then 13070444/

It was made last thread