Fire Emblem Echoes

Is she elite?

Is she actually hot in the game? Anyone can be hot in fan art

She's alright

She's garbage. Barely does any damage to anything and can't take a hit worth shit.

Personally I think she's hotter in-game than in most of the fanart.

What happened to the last thread? It got archived after like 20 posts.

>jap file
>str gains for days
>destroyed worlds after getting Duma's Lance
>2nd most kills on the file

>burger file
>noodle arms

She's alright. At least Duma's Lance lets her crit a lot

She's meant to kill mages

This. Other anons swear up and down that shes one of the good Pegasus units.

You got unlucky. She's a monster in my game.

>super tiny skirt to show off as much of her pantyhose clad legs as possible
>bare legs with knee high boots after promotion

Why is this ok

Why bother using her when Gray is a dread fighter and Tobin has a killer bow?

There's huge arguments for every character. It's the random level ups that cause this issue.

>My Clair is a beast that turns anything that gets in her way into a fine paste.

Praise be to the RNG goddess!

>tfw she is your only unit that wasn't RNG screwed

She ended up being really good in my game.
>Evolve Ridersbane
>Give her the Riboflavin
>Everything's dead

Falcon Knight Faye butchers mages.

I gave that thing to Catria since she's currently at 19 strength and 24 speed as a level 10 Falcon Knight.

>tfw you're trying to save up money for a convention
>tfw all you can do is grind on Thieves' Shrine ad infinitum to level up your party to decent levels because of DLC that costs more than the goddamn game it came from

>Not Cleric Faye for Warp-Rescue shenanigans

>managed to bait the paladin faggot into running to a healing spot
>Managed to trap fat faggot with draco shield and start to chip him away
>Paladin faggot stops running around and goes for the blocked path
>Gets killed
For fuck sake! What happened?! Also wasn't the paladin faggot supposed to not move unless I enter his red area?! WHY THE FUCK HE MOVES?!

No, but Matilda is. Way hotter too. Too bad Japan will hate her because older woman.

>Cucks Fernand

Automatically best girl.

Its not

You gotta choke the space between the healing area and everywhere else with someone like Lukas


God Tier:
>Kliff (Mage)

Top Tier:
>Faye (Cleric)

High Tier:
>Grey (Merc)
>Tobin (Merc)
>Atlas (Merc)

Mid Tier:

Bottom Tier:

>not Faye

Clair is probably the best Pegasus Knight but Pegs suck in this game

Kinda unrelated topic, but can one of you guys help me? I saw this picture of Jedah edited onto the background of the "you know i had to do it to em" thing and I can't find it



"It ain't gonna suck itself"

>people say that atlas is a pretty bad unit even as a merc
>he has fuckin 28 ATK as a level 1 dread fighter along with a reasonable 18 speed
this guy is a fuckin monster

inb4 stupid meme list gets posted again

Real tier list is here.

I'm surprised SJWs haven't cried fowl about this yet.

Merc Atlas is a force to be feared. Any other class and, well you get shit like this where his attack is great but every other stat is a steaming pile.

Hottest moment in the game

already saw some whining on it

This is pretty close, but FE12 and RD being high tier is debatable, IMO.

>Clive gets to pound this every night.


>I'm surprised SJWs haven't cried fowl about this yet.

They can't since those pedos if they even get passed the trailer can't get passed the children fighter portion.

Also it's a losing battle for them. They aren't even fucking around with FEH.

Especially with how mediocre Clive is.

did someone say...superior list?

Higher res that doesn't look like trash

>you will never whisper warmaiden in her ear as she rides you vigorously

Clive is a lucky man

To be fair, Atlas as an Archer doesn't really need to worry about anything other than Attack and maybe some Skill because everything will fucking die before they can approach him to attack back.

>No FE12
>No FE4
>No FE5

Incomplete lists don't belong.

>tfw Delthea nukes every enemy she comes across

Your tier list may be even worse than reddit's.

Anyone who legitimately thinks Radiant Dawn and Conquest are the best games in this series must have a fucking brain tumor pressing on the cognitive section of their brain.

>"Who are you?"
>"I'm you but stronger."

>think my level 20 alm is good with 30 attack and 27 speed
>max base stats reach 40s

What the fuck is this shit

Incentive to buy those DLC classes and use the Dread Fighter loop.

whew lad

Utter shit as a list.

>physical perfection
>not Tharja
You had one job, user, and you couldn't even do that right.

30-40% growth rates make for such vastly different characters game to game.

But there's no content to use min-maxed characters on

Thats the problem. Even with Heavy Draw on the steel bow, all of his shots were 55% acc or lower. I'm probably gonna make him an archer after I run through the DF line though, he's picking up the stats he needs to make it work

SJWs don't play video games, user.

>flat, no ass female Marth clone
>physical perfection
If you're a faggot with no taste, sure. She's not even the best ironing board in her own game


Help me Sup Forums, i refuse to move forward in The game unless i get the draco shield, i already failed three times and each attempt leaves me very tired.

How about you fucking fags stop posting tier lists. No one cares and it's never accurate.

>not Tiki
>not Aversa
>not (insert titty monster from Fates)
>not Matilda
>not Sonya
You don't get to talk.

Lucina isn't even actually flat.

>See his memory prism with Clive
>Eager to serve the kingdom and the common people

Why did Fernand go so wrong?

Matilda is way better. Destroys other Paladins.

Wait, the bane weapons can evolve?

I've been making terrible mistakes

>insert a gowasu clive pic here

You have to admit that getting all your family killed by savage normies can leave your with issues.

>Why did Fernand go so wrong?
Because Clive didn't fall for the gay meme. Hoes before bros.

There wasn't food, normies went wild and attacked his house, killing all his family.

With tits like those, she basically might as well be. And even then, she in no way makes up for that deficiency with the mediocre lower half she has

how pink is her anus? asking for a friend

>marry Tharja in Awakening
>marry Camilla in Conquest
>marry Reina in Birthright

who /patriciantaste/ here


Git gud? Honestly I dont know what else to tell you. All of your attacks on Desaix will only be doing 1dmg barring crits, all you really can do is attack him as much as possible each turn while keeping the person tanking Desaix alive.

Oh shit, you think bigger is better in terms of tits? Didn't you hear that flat is justice and you can go up for C cups before it becomes disgusting?

Not you.

Funny enough that went they could bully lucina because, instead they turned her into a fangirl that admires the well built girls and their lewd clothes, bowing thatnone day she will "reach their level", much to chrom's horror.

Mommy issues. I can forgive Tharja and pretend I didn't see Camilla but Reina is grandmother tier.

Fuck you people. It's worse than being gay.

Swap Reina with Oboro. I played FeMU in Awakening.

So does it have to be canon that Tatiana has to die so Camus can go back to Marth land?

a noble always is
unlike those filthy peasants.. to think she joined them...

I was following you until Reina

Well then again I didn't really like most of the birthright women So I did FEMC and went /u/ with notTharja

Pretty close

Oboro is good taste. Great taste. AMAZING taste.

>Mommy issues

Did I just get bad luck with Saber or something?

He's almost at dread fighter and still has fucking 12 str

To be fair, Birthright halimited as fuck options for good girls because the Hoshidan half of the cast is mostly trash, especially the royals

i feel ya bro

You were close, secret hidden route is Tharja (
again) in birthright


Tharja is fine but not my cup of tea but those 3 together really show me the truth behind it.

as pink as her cute nips

Mine kinda got screwed like that as well, with the silver lining being that he turned into a tank with the same def as Valbar. Once he hit Dread Fighter he's been gaining nothing but str. Give him the Brave Sword so he can at least crit everything to make up for the lack of str.

You had two great sisters. Fuck the one that missed you and is loyal, or the slutty younger one.

But I wanna know: did ANYONE, EVER, fuck Azura?

Saber has low growths.

I don't get why everyone keeps whining about their units. Almost everyone has low growths. Even with buffs it's still fucking Gaiden.

Fuck all the reused Awakening characters, but Ratjar especially. I don't have to patience to baby Hayato until he fucks someone.