Taro is god.
Taro is god.
It's shit. Literally the most disappointing game I've ever seen shilled on Sup Forums
Hi xv-kun
>reddit hates the goty
im not surprised
>baby's first Taro game
Good game, but even in its own series there's better.
Heh. Stupid secondary. You just don't get it. This is YOKO. FUCKING. TARO. It doesn't "get" good, thats the point buddy, YOKO TARO. A mind as feeble as yours could never truly appreciate the genius of YOKO FUCKING TARO. The tedious combat represents the tedium in our lives, and being constantly interrupted to go play the hacking minigame symbolizes our desire to escape from the tedium, but only into another form of it. There is no escape, just like there is no escape from BASED YOKO TARO bringing us on his LOONY MAD MAN WILD RIDE yet again! You secondaries will just never get it!
Sell this game to me without using ass or babby's first plot about existentialism.
I feel like this is some reddit copy pasta.
Gameplay-wise Automata destroys everything he did before, both in terms of general gameplay and interactivity like that 2B maintenance segment.
In terms of story it's impossible to even compare them unless you have serious brain damage as it's impossible to compare existential drama with black comedy or critique of video game violence.
I just got to the peaceful robot village and I'm not sure how I feel about this game
There are moments where its kinda really slow so far but that just makes me enjoy the atmosphere a lot
I really hope there are more moments as crazy as THIS CANNOT CONTINUE but I don't know if I have the patience to reach it in a timely manner when I can just play FFXV or Bloodborne more instead
You can spam it all you want. Shit won't ever be that relevant.
I'll pick it up this holiday for $20-30 maybe maybe since RDR2 is next year. A long with the fact Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2's not guaranteed to launch this fall.
Heh. Just wait til the next "cannot continue" moment.
It was a really good game.
game sucks idiot sip poster
But I liked it a lot.
Holy fuck why XV-kun is so triggered about Automata?
its fun
best love story in video games, decent gameplay, amazing atmosphere, heart-wrenching plot twists.
I really didn't think so. I played the demo and the combat was alright but it doesn't even hold a candle to NGB or DMC3. What does this game have that those don't besides fapbait and a pretentious 2deep4u plot?
Both Drakengard 1 and Nier 1 are better than their sequels
>best love story
I literally couldn't care less.
>decent gameplay
See >atmosphere
How? From what I saw it was just generic brown and grey post apocalypse.
>heart-wrenching plot twists
Again, I don't give a shit about "muh feels"
The area in which Automata shines is not the plot, but how its existential themes are built into the world and wonderfully contextualised for the player.
The themese themselves are nothing new, it's about how it embraces the medium to explore them.
Ok, that's something. Care to elaborate or give an example?
Automatas gamdplay is barebones and super flashy so storyfags can get their fix and move to the next cutscene
Dont be fooled, this is a game that was much better off as a VN
>XV-kun keep trying.
Would you say that is...THE GAME?
If you want genuine opinions, you should ask friends of yours who've played it themselves, both those who liked it and who didn't. You'll get nothing but shitposting from Sup Forums.
The combat's been simplified from Platinum's usual deal so as not to gate the story from the less hardcore-inclined, but what it lacks in that regard it makes up for in fluidity of movement and quality of life stuff.
There's lots of sidequests to do and a majority of them have their own sort of side stories, some of which include lore building and foreshadowing, and doing them usually takes about 5-10 minutes, even if they're a bit tedious (like the escort missions).
The story quests themselves involve constant wham moments that always leave you wondering what's going on and what's going to happen next.
That's my two cents, but if you're insistent on not liking it, there's nothing I'd be able to say to change your mind.
Did anybody else notice that if your username has numbers in it that it will allow you to use a YoRHa designator based on your username for your death messages?
Like, my ID ends with 4D and it lets me call myself 4D in messages.
That's breddy neato.
Calling it "babies first" is kind of fucking stupid as it exists in reply to other works
Not that you've read those works
>you should ask friends of yours who've played it themselves
I don't have any weeb friends though.
You can cry and bite your pillow as much as you like but Nier Automata will keep its name as an excellent game and will continue to sell well.
K keep me posted
is ngb2 worth playing?
Thats good, and hopefully Taro can make a better game after that.(but hopefully leaves Nier setting for good, theres nothing left to do there and the android characters arent that interesting)
Id really like a real Drakengard 4, full musou with dragons, not this railshooter garbage that was in 3.
Well, if you're not into anime-esque stuff yourself then you're not going to have a good time.
I'd say it's only second to the first Nier honestly.
what is an android's hair like
tbqh the only good in this game is the music and boss battles
everything else in kinda meh
Considering it's be canonically confirmed that an android's skin is soft and warm, and that they're capable of imitating every human bodily function beyond aging and having an actual child, I think it's a safe bet to say that it's exactly like a human's.
this made me giggle
>best love story
automatafags need to leave
they can grow them
probably extremely humanlike
What does 2B stand for?
>automatafags need to leave
oh no, he's absolutely right here
Caim/Angelus can't compare to something that defies the very death itself
personality type 2 battler configuration or something like that
oops i meant executioner :^)
Personality Model 2, Type "Battle".
two buttchecks
Caim/Angelus arent even really a romance, just bros4lyfe
Automatas romance is forced as hell and poorly told, and the pathetic co-dependence 9S has for 2B is not interesting at all.
>Automatas romance is forced as hell and poorly told
what does an android's butt smell like?
I liked it more than D3.
But the gameplay's aged like milk.
Prove me wrong faggot, post more cute pairing pics while youre at it.
>forced as hell
not at all, especially with side materials
it's almost like they truly can't live without each other, wow
BECOME AS GODS. The game has many nietzschian themes.
user he's right tho
>lol read the side material
Yes, poorly told. Whose next?
wow i think you mean kafkaesque
>poorly told
Only if you have severe troubles noticing little details.
The beauty is you can do both
>he actually posts in Yoko Taro thread without expecting everyone to bombard his ass with side materials
leave and never return
He is not. Love story in Automata is unique, told from different perspectives and also required to read side material to fully understand it.
6O a cute.
6O a dyke
You can even skip side materials and everything will still be understandable.
With them entire development between 2B and 9S goes balls deep into "true love" territory though.
When approx 95% of the YoRHa Androids are Female, this is the norm.
>95% of the YoRHa Androids are Female
Do they ever explain why?
The little details are whatever, the game wants you to buy into this deep love 9S and 2B have but completely dances around the neccesary steps to make you actually believe it.
Its Madoka tier. And saying you need to read the side materials to get it is laughable and only proves how poorly told the whole thing is.
And btw im not even a shipfag, and still see the well done relationship between 9S and 2B.
A2 is best girl anyway.
Japanese 6O is cute, english is not.
My friend who doesn't like fast-paced action games at all loved it. His reaction after the game was about WHOAH HOLY SHIT and then he said "no it's not 10/10, but it's a 5/5" when I asked about it.
He also said it's not a game that he would recommend to anyone who wants to see a great story/movie, but he would absolutely recommend it to anyone who just wants to play a great game, because of the way it uses the video gaming medium so cleverly and uniquely.
He speaks the truth, my man.
>M002, a male only unit, starts a coup, survivors escape and fuse with machines, bring giant underwater machine city of Atlantis to the surface and nearly cause a fucking Armageddon
That's why.
Males are too wild, strong and uncontrollable.
M002 also happens 2 months after 9S was created so you can bet your ass on who was the instigator
>Posting on Mongolian Basket Weaving board
>Selecting english voicover
>The little details are whatever
they are everything
if you can't understand why subtle details are so important in this game, it's really not something for you
>saying you need to read the side materials to get it
it merely fleshes them out even more
>this concentrated liquefied shit taste
even taro HIMSELF has made fun of Drakengard
>first Nier is good
lord no
You know people come on here shilling the entire switch console right?
He also called Automatas story shit, so what are you really saying?
So it's the same meme as in Claymore, got it.
>And btw im not even a shipfag
You don't need to be a shipfag to appreciate absolutely canon relationships.
I mean, fuck, Song of the Broken World lyrics alone give you enough perspective about 2B's feelings for him as she begs for a life together with him.
Keep playing user. Time is irrelevant, You flow along the path at all intervals.
The subties arent anything substantial, thats what I'm saying.
"Oh they have feelings" isnt going to sell a romance to anyone who isnt a fucking 15 year old. The entire thing just seems like pandering to otaku who want a perfect sexy waifu who never does wrong.
>no mods
This game is shit
Have I been playing wrong ?
>The subties arent anything substantial
because you never bothered to actually look into them
>Nier 1 are better than anything
end this meme
If you can beat the game without playing on that level it dosent matter. Same old ""character action game"" shit.
So this game really is what happens if feminism won, great job for supporting this sjw piece of shit Sup Forums.
I beat the game before you did and did all the sidequests, I dont care about the side materials because if he could write worth a damn he wouldnt need them.
There are lots of Male Androids in the resistance forces, just very few YoRHa spec are male.
>game has got female characters
so this is the fate of Sup Forums
lesibians are cool.
>%95 of males are gone, everyone is a fucking dyke
This is what the feminists wanted all along
No they aren't, they're horrific man-hating abominations that ruin relationships, they shouldn't exist
>I beat the game before you did
pffffffffffffffffffft hahahahah, what are you, some shitty 12 years old?
>I dont care about the side materials
yeah you don't care about story, you don't care about details, you don't care about anything
fitting for a 12 years old bragging retard
Thats what I thought
>all the strongest and most story-important androids are males
>2B is in a hopeless love with a guy
>said guy is also either loved or liked by vast majority of female cast
>he's also the most important character in the entire story
Excuse me?
These are the last 2 remaining YoRHa members