ITT: We try to "trigger" Sup Forums
ITT: We try to "trigger" Sup Forums
I kinda miss it desu. Without it servers actually die faster
There is nothing that will take me from a contributing member of the team to a useless trolling shitface faster than being auto-balanced.
Overwatch is a good game
Nintendo is the best vidya company
The Switch will sell well
NCR is the only correct option in New Vegas
>9 v 9
>RED wins round
>6 members of BLU leave
>Next round
>9 v 3
>Only way to balance is hope people join or hope the other team "volunteers"
Dumb as shit. Fuck Valve.
Accuse someone of being SJW for literally any reason.
Did TF2 just get an update?
This is like the 8th thread about TF2 I've seen today.
anyone still playing fucking misses it
you can't update garbage
>team A is losing hard, because it's down by 2 players
>no one smart on team B will change because people on team A will keep quitting and team A will just get fucked over
Casual would be better if the game was automatically ended if the game has already started, but one team (or both) is below 6 players.
I hated autobalance but then i realised how fucking unfair matches could get without it, i actually want it back
If anything MyM proved to everyone how necessary auto-balance was in the grand scheme. It's like paying your taxes. Nobody likes paying taxes but people also want decent roads and highways more.
I meant more like showing things in games that only Sup Forums would get PTSD from seeing, but ok.
*burns you*
>Reddit: the DLC
What is reddit about it?
>tfw you were the only reason offense was winning
>tfw you are now the only reason defense is winning
Weird, pretty sure Overwatch got a update a few days ago.
He doesn't like it. Ergo, it is reddit.
Trigger Sup Forums? Oh that's easy.
I love my Switch.
>he bought bomber man r
the madman
I'm more triggered by the boring, standardized end labels.
>those games
>that background
Yeah I just noticed that. Why the hell does Binding of Issac of all things have more flair then two first party games, especially one being marketed as the consoles absolute savior and must buy?
>wait 5 minutes to get into match
>wait another 3 minutes for match to start
>match instantly ends because BLU has 5 players
yeah great plan there
After the MyM update, when people quit, it quened up new players like flowing river. Now it takes 10 minutes to wait for a new batch of players to come in and automatically quit in a losing game.
The fuck is wrong with this?
Don't click on this, user...
Powered Buster and its equivalent destroy his shield though, not hard
>furry mafia
I still can't believe this shit
Story from like 7 years ago during the good old days of Fighting Amphibians.
>Game Starts
>Push BLU all the way to their final control point, before dying on a push to that control point
>Autobalanced and am now on BLU.
>Fuck Fuck Fuck
>Somehow manage to keep RED off of BLU's last control point and somehow we manage to push RED back to their final control point
>You are now on RED.
I couldn't do it a second time.
Do you know the pain of never being able to hear her speak?
Autobalance is the greatest problem that a video game needed.
The servers still haven't been figured out enough to fill in for empty players once they leave.
Trump is a wonderful president
House ending is actually the best for the NCR in the long-term.
Taxation is necessarily theft you beta cuck. Why do you support big government stealing hard-earned money from people who clawed their way to the top?
What you talking about faggot, Sup Forums likes Trump.
it's very obviously his hand holding the gun
here is your (you)
>from people who clawed their way to the top?
Those people died 50 years ago, the current crop are their kids who haven't had to claw for anything but stuffed toys in arcade machines.
Fire emblem fates is the best in the series
No, those faggots are the ones getting attention, because daddy bought the media for them. And they're going to fall hard because they don't know how to do anything of value. They'll be supplanted by the real rich folk who worked their asses off for their money, and then all that theft will rob them of that unfairly.
Hillary should of won. She won the popular vote!
There is no reason to own a console
I went to that orgy, there were only fat old men dressed in clothing meant for teenagers.
not vidya
the fuck is this furshit
Any pics?
Overwatch *was* a good game
It comes with a HDMI and a USB-C cable, doesn't it? Not saying that $90 is a fair price, but at least it isn't just the dock inside the box
This is some serious tinfoil
I can tell you for a fact that R Mika's super was censored not because the boogeywoman but because Capcom as in talks to have SFV tournies broadcast on TV.
Yeah it's censorship and it sucks but you're really over reaching.
Too try and prevent the problem you have to actually try and confront with it at least half a brain
oh yeah? what happen
Lmao. You pay for quality you stupid faggots.
>Shows switch games
>Has a PS4 exclusive in the background on the TV
Bullshit, the fighting game genre is dead and fighting games never appear on TV.
the tv channel being ESPN who went full in on identity politics to the extent that fucking chad normies stopped watching sports because of them and tanked the channel
>missing the point.
Nothing. It's stagnating
unless you like loot boxes
>gets BTFO
>starts sending virus links to shut me down
Nice try tourneyfag.
I recently booted up TF2 again and looked around the community servers
They're almost entirely dead and/or filled with bots. Even most of the trade servers are motherfucking killed.
The matchmaking update was the final Spycicle to the back of what used to be considered the pub scene. Now you either fork over money, play with literal retards, or suck enough unwashed ass to get into a password locked community server.
Last evo was on ESPN
That implies it was ever good in the first place
It's not "theft", it's the membership fee for living in the greatest country on earth.
Two fucking maps since launch and three characters. The maps like Hanamura and Temple of Anubis have terrible chokepoints, the other maps are fairly mediocre as well. The game overall just gets boring after a while since games almost always play out the same and heroes that have high skill ceilings have other braindead heroes that can do their job just as well if not better.
40 million now.
No way this can be rea-
does that top one actually work though
It can do everything but it doesn't dock the console as well as the Nintendo product.
is this some new epic meme
>NCR is the only correct option in New Vegas
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
Death to Jojofags!
>Not even house or yes man
NCR is the WORST possible option.
Is this a motherfucking JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken reference?
I miss it
they removed auto balance from TF2?
>Persona 5
>Exclusive to PS4