Which one is the best?

Which one is the best?


Bloodborne easily

It depends.

Bloodborne is more consistent and has the better combat.
Dark Souls has a better lore and better highs.

Persona 5

Maybe, MAYBE, just barely Bloodborne.

But DeS is my favorite.

>Dark Souls
>better lore

Demon's Souls base game. TOH DLC.

I actually meant to say world. Dark Souls' lore is pretty close though.

Dark Souls is the best.


I like bloodborne the most mainly due to the setting.


DeS, DS1, and DS2 are too me what Souls was supposed to be, BB & DS3 are just mediocre action games.

Three is the best
De is the worst

t. katana user

Dark Souls 2 is just bad when compared to the other games. The combat is clunky, the art design was destroyed from concept to the game, the world design is hideous, it did a lot more worse than better.

Demon's Souls isn't that good, the game is certainly very good, but the later games mostly improved on it.

There's no way you can think that these two are better than 1 without being a contrarian or a nostalgia-fag. At least I don't think it's that likely, but opinions.

Why does everyone like a game that can easily be plat in 10 days the best?



now this is a list I can agree with.

>Dark Souls
It's pretty much my favorite game ever, but it's definitely not underrated.

>Dark Souls
wew lad

I didn't feel like editing the picture anymore.

Dark Souls > Blooborne > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls >>> Dark Souls 2

I was a DaS1 lover until I played BB in the fall of 2015. DaS3 was too difficult to go back to afterwards. Cleared it once and went back to BB.

If Phantom Wailing is actually legit then it looks like BB might never be topped at this rate.


Thanks for the chuckle.

DaS > BB > DeS
Don't care about the sequels.

Variations of this are the only true answer. Fuck the sequels. The greatest joy always comes from unravelling a new world, and sequels are fan service shit.

Des, Das and BB are the only games that matter.

Das2 is too flawed and Das3 is just an amalgamation of ideas and assets from previous Das games and Blooodborne, it lacks an identity of its own which negates any of its strong points.

There wasn't a joke

Sure there was, it's called DaS2

The whole "Dark Souls 2 is bad" thing is a meme. It was easily the best out of the three.

Alright, I just got BB the other day. I probably have about 10-14 hours into the game and for the life of me I can't figure out why people circle jerk this game so hard. Every other encounter is a gank, enemies of the exact same appearance randomly get an HP and damage buff halfway through the area, weapons are somehow worse than other souls games despite Trick Weapons being a way cooler idea. Every boss is just a quick slappy biped that walks on all fours. Individual areas are designed semi-well I guess but still nowhere near as good as Dark Souls and the entire world isn't anywhere near as well put together as Dark Souls, it's just Dark Souls 2 or 3 with individual areas having more verticality. Speaking of the individual areas, they're all fucking dark grey streets and dirt roads, it's fucking old already.

DaS > DaS3 > BB > DaS2 haven't played DeS

if this shit doesn't stop being a slog within another 8 or so hours I'm dropping it. You fucking lied again Sup Forums

Only people who dislike the series can say that 2 is the best one. It's very different and fails to deliver in the areas that make the series special in the first place. It feels like if Dark Souls were made by an American studio.

It's funny how everyone always comes out differently after playing BB.
I found the weapons to be the best in any of the Soulsbourne games. Going back to DaS3 and its half baked weapon arts was pathetic in comparison

You can't be serious, the game is easily the more interconnected one after Dark Souls. You sound like you've only reached the Cathedral Ward, you describe only part of the game.
>Every boss is just a quick slappy biped that walks on all fours
This sounds like an outright lie, there are more humanoid bosses I'd say.

Trick Weapons get better later, especially in the DLC, but I like that you have very little options earlier, it feels like they are your tools instead of some shit you found laying around. It's still mechanically a bad thing.

It sounds like the setting isn't your cup of tea, but you can't deny that the game is designed just as well as early DaS.

>I can't figure out why people circle jerk this game so hard.
enjoy more souls game though

it wouldn't even have to work this way but FROM has treated sequels as "we can just copy this and this over from previous"
no one would have minded if Dark Souls sequels would have had about as little to do with the previous game as was between Demon's Souls and Dark Souls

Not him but Bloodbonre's world connectivity is trash. Is best second to Dark Souls only because connectivity in the other games is non-existent. Besides forbidden woods-iosefka there really is only two areas that interloop and those shortcuts are one-way and useless.

Bloodborne because kino as fuck and the Stake Driver is such a fun satisfying as fuck weapon

I'm at the the end of Forbidden Woods. I'll give you that Central Yharnam is very well designed, I don't really know if I'd say it's better than High Wall of Lothric but evidently better than Undead Burg and miles ahead of Forest of Fallen Giants.

>This sounds like an outright lie, there are more humanoid bosses I'd say.
They'd better start changing soon, I'm growing tired of slappy anorexic chimps. Maybe the Trick weapons will get better, it took until fuckin' AoA for Weapon Arts in DS3 to suck less.

I was fine with the setting initially but I'm just getting sick of seeing the same dirt, dead trees, and buildings over and over again, same enemies too for the most part. Actually the whole semi-victorian fallen city intrigued me a lot since there aren't a lot of games that use that kind of city/culture style.

I guess Sup Forums just mislead me to expect more, I'm disappointed so far.

Never fall for the hype, it can ruin whole experiences for you. You are nearing the game's twist. You should do the side areas if you haven't, I felt like they were more varied than the mandatory ones.

Still, the game is about hunters and beasts, only later does it get weirder. There's really not that much that can be done in that setting compared to a medieval fantasy game.

I've put more than 120 hours in Bloodborne (ng, ng+ and item description reading and lore studying). I love the setting, the lore, the graphics... it's an excellent game, but nowhere near as good as Dark Souls for me.
The restrictive play style, most of the bosses Ebrietas is Bed of Chaos level and essential items farming (or buying) are very weak points in my opinion.

Honestly BB can be a hit or miss on what you want out of a Souls game. You have to adapt to one playstyle that is fast and dodgy so if you liked the shields from Souls BB is just a big fuck you.

Why? It felt like a laggy Seath to me.

You're not even anywhere in the game yet. You're comparing BB's first act with your entire fucking DaS3 experience.

And there is nothing wrong with starter trick weapons. They have way more movesets than any DaS3 weapon. You know backstep R2's are a thing in BB right? Proper running R2's unlike DaS3's pisspoor jump attack shortcut.

Backstep R1's are also different to running R1's.

Then you have transform attacks, where on weapons like kirkhammer, you get different combo's for transforming your attack and then pressing R1 afterwards.

Threaded cane may seem simple, but it has all sorts of neat stuff when you actually use it's full moveset. Backstep R2 is this weird spiral formation long range stab thing.

Running R2's in general are satisfying as fuck and are the most damage moves on alot of weapons.
webm related, Ludwigs Holy Blade, when in greatsword mode, basically has 2 different complate UGS moveset chains. One where you go R1, R1, R1, R1, and the other heavy one where you press L2, L2, L2, L2, and those are just the basic chains.

see this webm for more


pic saved

Maybe it's because I only fought her on ng+, but the encounter was pretty miserable and I found her cheap as hell. I beat the thing eventually, but I didn't feel accomplished.

That's the thing with some of the bosses, when you beat them it feels like luck, you mostly don't need to study their movements, just mash away. I only needed to learn how to fight Amygdala in the chalice dungeons for instance, since she was so easy on the main game. They had to cut my hp in half to make the fight challenging.

Actually, "Dark Souls 2 is the best one" is the meme. People started saying it to spite fans of the series and some folk started taking it seriously. Same thing happened with PC Master Race. It was a dumb joke that people took seriously.

Also, Saw Cleaver.

After you perform a tricked charge r2, you then press r2 again to do a unique followup to it. However, if you then start another charge r2 right after this, this is even more different yet again.

All those different moves are meaningless when r1's are the fastest and least stamina-consuming attacks.

You can brag about all the flashy loves, but it all comes down to mashing r1 as the top strategie for bosses and enemies.

The only part that really disappointed me about Bloodborne is that it took a lot from Monster Hunter, and the difference makes Bloodborne look a bit shallow in comparison. I'd really like to see Capcom and From collaborate for a monster hunting game, even if it's very unlikely.

>All those different moves are meaningless when r1's are the fastest and least stamina-consuming attacks.

spoken like a true pleb. Sometimes people want to play games and feel good playing them and kill enemies in as few hits as possible and style on them.

r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 also doesn't fucking work at all against anything not a retard, like a player or AI hunter. You know, things that use the actual full movesets on you and space your attacks properly.

Different moves have different arcs, ranges and damages. While you sat there locked onto a single dude at a time R1'ing them each, I ran in with a running R2 and hit all of them. I then backstepped several times out of there afterwards to swoosh back in with a slam again. Shit like that.

Rolling unlocked into a backstep to r2 kinds of things are legit ways to fuckup people locked onto you who strafe predicatively based on your angle to them where they just get pincered into your attack.

Plenty of times I've killed people by getting their lockon to dash themselves into a corner or piece of collision to then just eat a charge R2 because they're stuck

Brainlets who only ever played the game once through using nothing but R1 thinking they played the game are the biggest faggots. They played inefficiently and without fun or grace and they never mastered their weaponfu.
