Are you ready for Trails of Holding Back 3?
Are you hyped for the upcoming Trails to Zero localization announcement?
Are you ready for Trails of Holding Back 3?
Are you hyped for the upcoming Trails to Zero localization announcement?
Elliot is for loving
>No sword autism in CS3 yet.
Eat shit, Laurafags.
reminder that everything your main characters in any Trail games ever accomplishes is just another step in Osborne's 10D chess
>falcom's so bereft of creativity that they recycled Silver Will from a previous LoH game
who took that photo?
the ghost of lena
The Grandmaster
Falcom music is overrated by its fanbase
who;s that
Valimar sucks, i want to pilot the Vermillion Apocalypse
>Trails to Zero
Are you the same idiots posting TC and Ao/Zero instead of the other way around
Have fun getting overtaken by the warp
Trails to Zero is the official translation. Xseed even has the domain name registered. If/when it gets localized, that will be the name.
Let me guess you're one of the dumbfucks who used to call Sen Trails in the Flash?
Would you taste Analace's ice cream?
Trails to Zero was never an "official" title. It was taken from an xseed tumblr that stated it is a TENTATIVE title until they officially announce they are working on it. It will probably be called "Trails of the Void".
Joshua is indeed best girl.
sorry m8 but that explanation makes no sense. They wouldn't register if that wasn't the expected title of the game. In fact, if that wasn't what they had in mind, then they would be actively discouraging people from referring to it as that.
>the name he used for the maid caper was the name of his long dead sister
My cute wife Towa is so reliable.
>Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki (which I will henceforth be calling Trails to Zero and Trails to Azure, though those should not be considered final or official names)
>Trails of the Void
Who is your favorite?
user, of course they're going to say that. They haven't announced anything so naturally they wouldn't want to lock themselves into something when they have no need to.
At the end of the day, every indication has pointed to the translation being Trails to Zero. I see no reason to believe that would change.
Gotta be bEstelle.
I want to taste her mouth legs body and vagina desu
Obviously Estelle.
>estelle will never step on you with her bare feet
>Trails of the Void
Is it me or do Rean and Lloyd look exactly the fucking same in this image?
Damn, I didn't know Estelle looked like THAT. I just though she was a dumb airheaded bimbo with zero sex appeal.
'sex appeal' in anime generally refers to multiple factors like attitude, ways of speaking, grace, fashion style.
Basically its all about the presentation.
Estelle is /fit/ and sexy but she's very modest and doesn't show it off. The closest she gets is her SC outfit and everybody notices how much hotter she looks in it.
That was without the superior SC outfit
>TFW so invested in this world and it's characters that i'm having heavy withdraw from it already
I really hope they can get their hands on Zero and Ao.
All i fucking want is the crossbell arc to be localized. Gimme the 2 disc deluxe collector's edition with both games xseed!
It was inevitable
>You are now aware that, if they don't localize crossbell, there won't be a new Trails game until CS3 is finally localized
>You are now aware that, after that, there won't be a new Trails game until Calvard is developed and Japan and then finally localized
T-t-there's no way they skip crossbell.
It's the way she dresses and carries herself. Besides as the games go on, she's noted to have become a lot more attractive. If she dressed like Scherazard then I guarantee you she'd have plenty of guys wanting to fuck her.
I believe some anons mentioned something about the Ao version only have a Chinese port for PC but no Japanese one. Zero's has one, and apparently doesn't really have DRM, while the Chinese one has, and Ao's did have some, but it's not in place anymore, and there's even a download for it available.
I see it as a possibility. But not the collector's edition stuff.
I just beat TITS3. Totally cheesed the final boss with Zemuria Capsules + Richard's S-Craft. So many feels were had with the farewell scene. Now i'm curious to see where Estelle and Renne's story goes, but that's in Crossbell huh?
Maybe you're right user.
Crossbell and CS3 at E3. Please look forward to it.
You should post bait like this.
*shouldn't post bait like this
Is that really bait? I think it falls more onto delusion.
Someone actually took the time to make that image, that's definitely bait. Whoever made it knew what they were doing
Silver Will's a lot different past the first phrase. Let's just ignore the rest of these OSTs, too.
Definitely no CE, but GOG releases mean we can have the games DRM-free for ownership. The only problem after getting Ao a good PC version is making sure both games have consistent features, upgrades, and HD assets to match the Sky games on Steam/GOG. I'm not worried about translation/editing since
I think it's by the administrator of the Heroes of Legend hacking forum since he's a graphic designer. No involvement in the Zero fan patch anymore AFAIK.
what the fuck was his problem
Tita just Evoke's the weirdest shit in people.
Why the fuck would it be called "Trails of the Void" when "Zero" is literally a name, you fucking retard?
Are Rean fanboys a real phenomenon or just a boogeyman?
The same reason why Coldsteel wasn't called "Trails of Sen"
There are a couple that post in these threads.
Except "Sen" isn't a fucking name you fucking retard. Or do you think Xseed would randomly decide to change the name of the Zero Treasure to the "Void Treasure" even though that makes no sense?
I know that there are bait posts people make about Rean but I'm not convinced that they're real people giving their real thoughts, basically.
requesting picture of Cassius without mustache
I want to commit a crime!
Agate go to bed
If I get Tita's Zemurian weapon, will if effect orbal gear or no?
who is the blue haired guy/girl
nobody important
Finally finished the third Trails game. Really liked the ending. Makes me want to see more of these characters. Estelle and Joshua's development throughout the three games in particular was great. I don't know why Kondo regrets it and thinks it's embarrassing.
Towa's brotther
Where in Zemuria are the age of consent laws relaxed?
Are we playing police?
Trails in the Sky = Liber ark floating city
Trails to Zero = Zero treasure
Trails to Azure = Azure tree
Trails of Cold Steel = War? Divine knights maybe? Something we'll see in cs3?
Too good.
cold blooded vampires
Cold steel is train tracks
Go to bed Osborne
I want Daddy Osborne to give me his cummies!
Wasn't the treasure of Zero related to the azure tree? or is it different?
Dunno i never played crossbell.
Why is Renne so smug?
She hasn't had her daily dose yet.
>still haven't hit a hundred battles
oh come on
So which one was your favorite door? I have a hard time picking favorites, but i really enjoyed Olivier and Mueller's door.
Overcompensating for her feelings of inadequacy and helplessness stemming from abuse in her childhood
That one was great because after playing cold steel i finally get to see some more Osborne
Other than that, salt pillar for sure
I liked the one where Josette and Estelle where showering together.
>too lazy to organize my party before the gold silver split
>fuck it, we're doing it live
The Osbourne door or the Kloe/Joshua door.
You're gonna regret it user.
Also bring your best party for Ries' door, she has the hardest boss, and some death immunity accessories for the normal mobs.
What are you gonna do when you get to phantasmagoria? It makes you split up into 4 parties and use everyone even josette
you'll never regret believing in yourself
probably use everyone then
completely agree, it was one of the best developed romances period. sure the 'origins' were cliche but it was executed so well it doesn't even matter
im very concerned as to why Kondo dislikes it though
which i find kind of weird since they take the same route with Alisa and Rean in cold steel, its not AS shoved in your throat but it's still there
>Rean fights his students
>They corner him
>"No more holding back"
>Ogre mode
>He swepts the floor with them
>He gives a motivational speech
>They bully him
>Turns out his students were actually holding back all along
>They swept the floor with Ogre Rean
>Rean starts sobbing
>Calls daddy Osborne
>Osborne deports Juna
I'm glad her new outfit doesn't go ignored, think I'm halfway through FC right now.
Come on user. I'm no rean fanboy but obviously he would beat those two kids.