Did you fall for the geek life meme?
Geek life red pill
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My father tried the normal life meme and ended up losing his kids and half of his possessions when my mother decided he was getting too angry around the house.
I'm not falling for the female jew.
Also where are the video games?
I did, and it's too late to get out. It is all i have now.
i only care about 2d women and no amount of shitposting and shilling will change that
Fuck off.
"Beta males", "geeks", "nerds", whatever you wanna call it, were always a harmless minority. Ever notice how those Sup Forums-core "beta/cringe threads" always just had the same 5-odd images spammed over and over?
"Nerd culture" was never a prevalent thing. "Beta males" were never any sort of threat to anyone. This whole fucking nerd witch-hunt is just schoolyard logic and it falls straight in line with the SJW agenda. You know the only other site that uses "fedora" as an argument so frequently? Tumblr.
Fucking act like an adult and talk about video games. It's not your business what someone's social status is.
No, I knew all along how shit it was but I still couldn't be arsed to build for something better
it's why I'm on drugs now
once you walk down the false road you must walk an extra step for every step you take on that road.
When you indulge in escapism you do not retain your mental abilities as a normal person would, you create mental pathways that the brain must later fight against to prevent yourself from falling back into the geek culture life style.
I spent 10 years playing video games non stop, after i started college I could not stop thinking about video games and wanting to play them. Only after the first semester did I manage to forget about video games when I was getting stressed out by the work.
Its an uphill fight if you are trying to get out of the geek culture life style. All types of media is of the beast, all types of social media is of the beast.
Don't let yourself get sucked in.
>talk about video games
You would think this would be the place to do it, but no, we get threads like these.
>not being friends with other geeks
>not having a geek gf
Not even angry op, just sad for you.
no, i live the neo-bohemian life of smoking, drinking coffee, writing poetry and studying for a degree that won't get me anywhere
geek friends like you as long as you buy into consumerism.
If you are looking for productive "geek" friends try engineers or programmers, at least you find people with an average IQ of above 100 in that group.
That being said engineers and programmers like you as long as you are intelligent and have skills.
If you're looking for unconditional love try a planet with unlimited resources and no social status, aka ideal communism
>Fucking act like an adult and talk about video games. It's not your business what someone's social status is.
Unfortunately the average age on Sup Forums is 16-17
Yeah, but I collect high end shit.
a good 80% of my friends are either engineers or are in I.T. like me so that isn't in issue, and you don't have to be friends with people to gain something you know, you could be friends just because you enjoy the other persons company, because if I didn't I wouldn't be friends with the other 20%. I don't get why the people who constantly cry on Sup Forums about not having friends don't at least attempt to befriend other Sup Forumsirgins or at least other 4channers.
every time I see something like a cool looking figure or merch, I look at the price tag, and then realize I could buy a nice pair of shoes or some good clothes with that money instead
and then I do
i haven't bought anything at cons in the last 4 years. i take pictures with hot as fuck cosplayers and i tell them they are sexy as fuck. i give no fucks what people think about the truth of the matter.
you have nice tits, im telling you that. yeah, your PG, but lets face it, she isn't popular save for huge tits.
your a fat annoying harley, im telling you that to your face. lose some weight so you can keep enjoying the con shit for another 20 years instead of another 5.
your fandom is annoying as fuck, im gonna shout at the top of my lungs about it being shit because of the fans. i don't want to be lumped in with you fucks because i like the same thing.
same shit is with vidya.
how hard is it to be fucking honest about what you like and don't like? and no, you saying you "hate" something isn't trolling. trolling nowadays isn't anything like it was 10 years ago where it would burn down forums for weeks and months because of a wise, smart person and not a meme spouting fuck.
that's even worse
God you're so cool user. Fuck me right now, I just can't take it anymore.
sometimes I feel a slight compulsion to buy a figure of something or some shit like that, then I realize how fucking expensive it is and stop myself
so I have safely steered away from the path of overpriced nerd shit and am content to just enjoy the source material
they arent from Sup Forums
they are from Sup Forums and /r9k/
im beginning to understand now why nerds and the like were harassed to no end back before the internet existed
i dont want to befriend some one who is not cute/ handsome.
This. I've got a couple cheap things as gifts and I display them but I have friends with huge figure collections and I just cannot comprehend the cost.
It's unfulfilling and depressing so I'm taking steps to leave this lifestyle behind.
does it count as geek life or consumerism if you pirate everything?
>talk about video games
Fuck off video games suck i'm just here to shitpost.
Dude, most of the guys buying toys are married cucks with kids. I'm ot against marriage at all and plan to marry my chick soon but the family guy is driving the manchild business.
Sauce please
no, faggot
my dick isn't meant for that procreation shit
its meant to be a symbol of "men can do anything, fuck you"
that's just called being sensible user
Hahahahaha pls be serious
It wasn't a meme when I started.
Also I fell sideways into it and my only big expenditure is incredibly expensive yet awesome imported board games to play with friends.
How do you make geek friends? The people in vidya/anime club at uni were as spergy as you'd expect, and everyone I meet in classes and other clubs seems super normalfaggy. I don't really have any friends here going into third year.
>falling for the vaginal jew
>think identifying with geek culture is stupid, buy no merch
>not big on sports, have no sports merch
>don't like buying posters because it always looks stupid on my walls
>don't play an instrument
>Walk into my bland room every day, collapse into my bed and think about how boring everything around me is
Battlestation threads make me envious
That's why /fit/ is the GOAT hobby.
threads like this become much more prevalent and actually lean more on the side of serious stab at "beta males" rather than just tongue in cheek self aware joke threads as they were around 2009 and before. I blame the ever increasing normie crowd who continue to find their way here through social media and ecelebs
>not spergy enough for the anime/vidya club
>not normal enough to be a normie
If you buy gaming merchandise, you're a lost cause
Same problem here. Except my university doesn't even do vidya and anime clubs.
I have some kinda nerdy friends via via highschool, but don't see them that often or get to do some more serious sit-down and vidya time with them except for random more general chill gettogethers.
Had one really shitty Lan session wich was awesome though.
this is when you release yourself of all desires and because a monk
>Tfw rotator cuff injury not getting better after two months of treatment and rehab
Feels bad man
I am /fit/
It's the only thing keeping me going desu
>Become a /fit/meme
Do it OP. Either you suceed and you look good or you fail and you have a theme for your room. Win win either way
You don't have to identify yourself with geek culture to have shit around you like man.
My room is riddled with lego and old weird monster toys and racey 60s movieposters. I don't do that show geek cred but because they are the absolute shit and i often get sidetracked by them with this rush of "oh shit this is the tits".
I sometimes see very minimal and practical interiors and i honestly don't know how people do it. Like removing all traces of life by doing hospital core.
>Ever notice how those Sup Forums-core "beta/cringe threads" always just had the same 5-odd images spammed over and over?
uhhhh no
Why is this thread here?
Define "gaming merchandise".
Where does Sup Forums fall?
I do minimalism because I like to get rid of stuff I don't ever need
I can barely read some of these
I get that. My parents are hoarders to some agree and in the slow slow process of cleaning their house out. I have the genes myself i guess and want to cut down and spend more time cleaning and tidying up than ever.
I just get emotionally attached quickly to things i guess. Having to deal with several inheritences didn't help either.
>you are never n-e-v-e-r going to touch a girl in a sexual way, or any way, you are never going to touch a girl
About halfway down
I have the exact same problem. Probably doesn't help that I always hide my powerlevel.
99. Was hoping to at least break 100 though
This test is geared for super autists or something, because I got chad level
>Can't see a reason to have kids in industrial society
>Only see it as cruel since an hourly job serves to cripple me in my brain
>There's no way out, so might as well accept the world and never bring people into this hellhole
not gonna add shit up but wizard or wizard apprentice for sure
At least I'm not a robot. Yet
Geek > Nerd > Dweeb > Dork
I'm an /out/ crossover who enjoys Persona 5.
You guys are pretty funny so I lurk
mental and social fucked me
My cyborg brother.
Sounds like life has fucked you
So self-deprecating.
>tfw successful
whew, I made it
I always get Cyborg or Slighty Strange depending on if I'm in a depression episode or not.
Why is wizard apprentice such a narrow range?
What if I'm socially inept, but don't have an obsessions and no intelligence?
I hate nerd culture and it's embracement of poor health and social maladaptiveness
It's a shit culture that coddles fuckwits
I stopped identifying with "geek subcultures" when I was 25.
Best post
68, I guess it's alright.
nah it was my own doing for being a coward
61, cyborg
I fucking love cyberpunk so i'm down.
If i ever get myself together to slightly strange that would be perfect, diminishing returns after that imo.
Silly chart though.
Yeah, this planet is pretty fucked up. Actually the whole consciousness thing is pretty fucked up. Subjecting someone to that is cruel. But hey user, at least you know you still have some empathy.
Wew lad.
Antinatalism is the ultimate coward position.
Plenty of people enjoy being alive. Quit complaining and make something of your life.
75, wow im really moving on with my life. This made me feel pretty good about myself "slightly strange" is what i am going for, I hope in a year or two i can be there.
you think this is some kind of game, kid?
might as well never fuck, its too fucking thick for women anyway. last three girls wanted to do anything with me backed down due to being afraid i'd split them in half like wet pine
Kill yourself
Good for you user. Good luck and keep it up.
Hopefully when i finish up my bachelor soon i can move up to slightly strange as well by concentrating more on drawing and making shit.
coddled fuckwit detected
do LANs.
we had a good 50 people at ours almost ever other weekend and about 30 on average. we'd play all the good old shit. bad thing is about 25 of them fucking smoked and we would have to take breaks EVERY FUCKING MATCH because they couldn't live without a fucking smoke for 10 mins
81. At least I'm almost becoming somewhat normal.
Not having kids doesn't make you a coward, you socially retarded dunce.
Fell for it when I was younger, got out a few years ago.
Faggot fuckboy detected
I hope I can find something that makes it worth being alive as a man in the year 2017, but I may never see it. Until that happens, I can't see life as a positive thing.
I've already got a job. It has made life seem to be worth nothing.
No, but I'm falling for the "consumerism makes you happy" meme. I buy video games to help me forget how much I hate my job and how it's taking over my entire life. Basically, video games are all I have left because I'm too drained to do anything else.
I sometimes wonder if jobs are like this by design. It saps any sort of inspiration or motivation you could possibly have.
Thinking that consciousness is a curse and that non existence is preferable to existence (hence not wanting to bring children into it) is a position for children.
My stance is socially accepted, not retarded. Just go crack another Mountain Dew and let's be done with this
futile and ultimately a moot point in the face of evolutionary change, not like the human race is going to be around forever. I don't think I should waste my time giving a shit about that, I didn't say 'sit down and die' faggot.
>prefers clothing instead of a robot toy
My my, are you an insecure faggot...?
I don' t even understand the compulsion to buy nerd knick-knacks and figuerines. What's the point? They're not useful, fun, or aesthetically pleasing. It's just cheap plastic from China. Is it a social signalling thing?
minimalism is compatible with hoarding. minimalism is the dislike of waste. if you treasure what you have then it's not a problem. it's just easy to become buried in trash