Name your most rage-inducing game mechanic
Name your most rage-inducing game mechanic
fall damage
guns not being hitscan
>random encounters
Unit upkeep
Either hunger or environmental temperature.
Solid camera
Random chance
I wanna gut niggas alive for this
Smirk combined with your teammates' AI in SMTIV. The fact that nobody, at any point int hat games development though that it was fucking stupid the way it is blows my mind.
Lack of autosave
player controlled teammates
tank controls
save points
random encounters
have to hold a face button to run normally
I don't mind that, what I do mind is when the game asks you if you want to save after you choose quit and then if you say yes the very next prompt will warn you that any unsaved progress will be lost if you quit.
Random encounters in jRPGs
Any heat seeking grappling enemy. Was pretty jarring going from RE4 to RE5 when if you timed and baited an enemy correctly in RE4 you could avoid damage. Yet in RE5 they just 360 noscope grab you for damage.
Same thing with Dying Light, if you come within a certain distance of a zombie you get locked into a damaging animation. Doesn't even let you dodge. Yes of course I'm aware of the skills that let you escape quickly, don't be a fuck.
I bet you love Overwatch, faggot
Required backtracking.
Fail states
Game overs
>action or fighting game
>enemy has similar move set to you
>but they don't flinch
Knockback + precision platforming
Locking progress behind limitations that have nothing to do with your performance. Like "You need to have rank xx to pilot this ship and to obtain that rank you need to grind out exp". If you're clever and resourceful enough to obtain high end equipment before you were supposed to, you should be rewarded for it by actually being allowed to fucking use it.
Randomized gear stats
Not able to remap keys and not able to solo, I don't like playing with others.
Games that have guns that aren't hitscan, but with bullet speed that is really fast and short engagement distances that it might as well be and only serves to fuck over people not hosting in Multiplayer.
>having to complete somthing in a certain amount of in game time
>basically recettear or atelier games
They would be so comfy but instead they're anxiety inducing..
Losing non key consumable items when you start new game+
Why the fuck would you give me loads of it if it couldnt carry over?
>Escort mission
>They move slower than your run
>They move faster than your walk
>You have to stay within a few feet of them the whole time
>They run independently of you, and don't stop if there are enemies
>If you get separated you have to redo the entire thing
Fuck you Nier. Fuck you.
>199/200 collectibles
Anything that breaks immersion. I want to feel like I'm in a simulation of real life, not cartoon land.
Unless I'm playing Mario or something.
Teammate gets extra/less/no exp through a mechanic you have no/little control over
Super armor on enemy all because of player exploit (actual skill)
I was about to second this but thinking about it I'm not even sure if QTEs count as a mechanic
>items have durability
>you can't repair them
>it slowly gets more expensive to repair items
I can understand weight limit and can see it being done decently at least, but the latter I have to completely agree with. Especially if the game doesn't really explain in depth what each stat does in detail.
Convoluted crafting systems that take an absurd amount of grinding to make anything worthwhile.
Even worse when the screen loses color because of it.
How the fuck am I supposed to evade if I can't see where I'm being shot from? Fuck western games.
Xp barriers on gear, especially on crappy common gear that you get often from drops. Like you're telling me i have to level up twice to wear these crappy common greaves that only give +1 armor? This crap is just cluttering up my inventory. I also hate it when you're playing a shooter campaign, particularly on a higher difficulty, that forces you to run trough a place with no cover for an objective or because of a time limit. Bonus points if you are against infinitely respawning, hitscan wielding enemies.
>slippery ice platforms
Rubber banding
>Equipment degradation
>Invisible walls
>Infinitely respawning enemies
>"You're leaving the mission area! Turn back now!"
some of RE6 did it right but it was more optional than anything, which is a good deal
Conveying stats as bars instead of numbers.
X-Factor (or any come from behind mechanic on any fighting game).
If you're getting fucking bodied, you do not deserve anything.
Completely killed Marvel for me.
>match starts
>i fuck up / get outplayed MULTIPLE times throughout the match and now have one character left and he still has 2-3 left
>he makes ONE mistake
>i now have the ability to sweep his entire team
How is OK?
>enemy level scale
>NPC falls off motorcycle
>.05 seconds after it goes off-screen, he's back on it and going at a decent speed
devs forgetting they are making a video game and not a real life simulator
Comebacks have been a part of fightan since 95. If you fuck up and give your opponent an opening to wreck you, you deserve every last inch of fucking you get.
No possibility for comebacks just means you can get too complacent.
Inventory limits in games not about survival/resource management, overburden, fall damage, level scaling enemies while it's possible to level up from raising non-combat applicable stats.
Any poorly done mini game that's mandatory. If it's a well done mandatory mini game, sure it breaks off from the game's main gameplay, but at least it'd still be fun. But if it's badly done you're breaking off from the main gameplay in exchange for unfun shit.
Any game that has a variation of the confusion status. You know what I'm talking about. Any status that makes your allies attack you, or themselves, or help the enemy, or throw away rare items you can't get back. Because I LOVE the feeling of "Oh wow, I'm getting completely screwed for no reason, just because the game said so! That's fine!"
Level scaling, be it loot or enemies. I like to stumble on rare artifacts by accident or by following that trail of breadcrumbs to it, not just have it generated for me. Same with enemies, I like to stumble into the wrong neighborhood and have my shit fucked if I don't turn back.
In the case of Oblivion leveling everything to 100 has the effect of making every enemy into a ridiculous damage sponge.
>Any status that makes your allies attack you
If it's an actiony game and not turn-based, what's wrong with this?
instant-kill spikes
>he cant 1 track a tank online
I think those are so fucking funny. Someone post the webm where Aigis casts Diarahan on the boss and DSP immediately quits the game.
children that cant handle challenging gameplay and devs that think listening to them will somehow generate more sales
What the hell is okay about your only allies suddenly killing you for no reason besides "Sorry man, computer says I have to fuck you up now"?
i tried to beat re4 but i can't cuz half the game is just shitty escort mission
>putting roguelike meme to every new game which only ruins progression and all fun
>putting QTE for no reason in every new game
>cheating ai in racing
forza horizon 3, nfs most wanted - when you get past ai they get speed boost and they also doesn't lose much speed while taking turns also they don't drift),
>cheating in rts games
total war series, dawn of war - free resources out of nowhere, warhammer total war ai is the worst, you can beat ai then after 3 turns he comes back with even bigger and fully healed army and just destroy you)
>cheating ai in open world games like gta
cops just pop in out of nowhere
The only thing that makes me mad is inconsistent game mechanics.
>game literally is designed around the idea of grinding, you will HAVE to grind, and experience the same content for progressively longer times based on difficulty
I love persona but I've never finished a game because of this.
I want an actual CHALLENGE, I don't have the time for this. Plenty of patience but fucking hell I have university damnit I can't do this
Rollback netcode on fighting games.
That doesn't actually work.
boss scaling is fine though.
overcoming the emerged challenge
Carrying too many items slows you down, or makes you unable to run
Let me loot to my heart's content, fucking devs
slippery controls
seconding encumbrance
watch a let's play then
it's clear you dont even like playing video games so why torture yourself?
>no quick save/load
level scaling
That's not challenge though. All it does is take control away from you, with the flip of a switch. The computer didn't have to earn that confusion. It just pressed a "fuck you" button, and now I have to deal with that shit. Sure, it makes things more difficult. But it's not challenge. It's just lazy and annoying.
>Enemy's turn
>walking with NPC
>you walk slightly faster than them
>need to awkwardly stop every few seconds so they can catch up
>playing rpg
>next level: 50
>reach next level
>next level: 150
I get just about every rpg under the sun does it this way and it's a standard, but I really never cared for it. it's just so passive and thoughtless. it's also a bitch to balance and games usually do a poor job conveying what a good level to be is. you're either too powerful or not powerful enough. chrono cross did it reasonably well, where you'd only get stat increases from boss fights, and it felt like you earned it, instead of being able to grind on weak enemies and essentially break the game.
>unlockable difficulties
>level scaling
>excessive backtracking
>platform hell segments in games that otherwise aren't really designed around them (fucking White Palace)
>stiff/slippery controls
>tank controls in a fucking platformer
the rest of your party not sharing xp from combat and then being forced into your main party for certain bosses despite absurdly low levels
Not even a game mechanic but un-skippable cutscenes
Just let people skip them, holy fucking shit
I cant replay pokemon sun and moon cus this shit
holy fuck this
i had to remove the weight limit when playing new vegas because it was fucking annoying
>Touch spikes from the side
Any enemy that can stun and heal/summon more enemies in a turn based rpg.
you also have access to that fuck you switch
Knockback from taking any damage. No matter if it's just the player character, or the enemy, or both. That shit fucking infuriates me. No one gets knocked BACK by getting hit. Down, maybe. Staggered, sure. But knocked the fuck back? No. Just stop.
Cryptid puzzles
>Oh remember that one lantern on your room 20 minutes ago that you couldn't pick when you first went there? Yes that's the item you need to lighten up the dark dungeon to progress the game but it's only now interactive!
I also hate the zelda influence on games because of this.
>tfw you share the board with people this retarded
>implying any enemy worth using status ailments on isn't completely immune to them
>turn based game
>attack does medium high damage and stuns for TWO (2) turns
why can't escort missions ever just have them walk at the same speed as you?
>Watch a lets play
It doesn't work like that dummy, the worst offenders of grinding is PRG's. If I can't 1. Chose my own dialogue choices and 2. Experience content in a non-linear fashion then I'll lose my fucking mind
I have over 1000 hours on Warframe and I enjoy it because that's where the substance of the game is, in it's minute to minute gameplay.
I can only watch the exact same animations, and here the EXACT SAME BATTLE MUSIC so many times before before I want to bash my skull in. Especially when theres the little to no gameplay verity in Persona and other turn based style RPGs after you've figured out the optimal battle strategy.
heck off nerd i love games >;^(
>Game has a combo system
>Can't complete anything because moving resets the combo and the enemy gets knocked back a little for every hit
Enemy attack tracking, this is the biggest reason Dark Souls enemies even pose a challenge honestly, the AI is pretty mediocre. Comparing the enemy attacks in Phantasy Star Online 1 to 2, the enemies in PSO1 are stuck attacking in the direction they started from just like the player but it was also a slower game.
>actually liking weight limits in LOOT based games
kill yourself
Because the escortee will get ahead of you as you're fighting things, and you're unable to catch up.
Well designed escort missions have the target moving slightly slower than the player everytime.
Not so much a mechanic, but falling-off difficulty.
I have the worst habit of quitting games right around the 80-85% mark because of this. Early game is a struggle, middle game is easier, and when you finally hit the last 15-20% of the game you are usually so hilariously overpowered or competent that you know for a fact nothing they can throw at you will be a challenge. At that point, I simply put down so many games because I lose all motivation to play. I can't even remember how many final bosses I have just flat-out ignored or missed because the end of the game is so piss-easy that I can't even bring myself to complete it.
Death pits