So, as someone who went from being my master to my boyfriend, do you have any requests for me?
I'll obey them, you know, even though i'm no longer a maid.
So, as someone who went from being my master to my boyfriend, do you have any requests for me?
do my homework
ps: best grill
gimmie da S U C C
I want you to come over and make coffee for me every day. For free.
Also, sometimes curry.
Could you do my laundry as well?
I swear I love Kawakami situations so much. Aint shit hotter than screwing and seeing your superiors behind the public's back.
Marry me and grow old with me and help me raise our many children together.
Brush your hair you dumb slut, goddamn.
Divorce me
Marry me.
Don't ever call me master or go "nya" ever again
Drown in your own blood, heretic
>its okay when women are pedophiles
Can you go pick up Makoto and bring her over here please?
Yeah it is
>ywn have a soccer team of fluffy haired kids
>D...Did you just call me "mommy"?
>That scene where she asks you to get an apartment after your graduate, indirectly saying she'd move in
That shit got me rock hard.
That's why I like her so much...
I used to date my gym teacher.
No, I said "mount me."
I want to smell your feet after you work all day!
Of course it is. It is NOT ok when a man does it tho. Thats fucking creepy
Would you say no to her? Lucky ass teens
not really
>It is NOT ok when a man does it tho.
Why not?
>you graduated from highschool 5 years ago
>you entirely missed out on /ss/
Get the fuck out of my house lady.
because a big fat cock going inside a tiny preteen pussy is bad
but a big wet moist hairy older woman pussy slurping up a tiny shota cock is fine
Wait, hiimdaisy is back?
Nice! Every job I've been in lately I either sleep with one of the managers or I flirt super heavy with them to the point of almost getting a fuck. Plus I was notorious for hitting on my female teachers in high school, but going to an all boy school turns you into a pussy demon and I'm pretty sure that's where that fetish started.
>because a big fat cock going inside a tiny preteen pussy is bad
No it isn't.
goodnight punpun conclusively proved this false
both of those sound kinda gross
hiimdaisy never went anywhere, user :^)
probably under a different name to prevent old drama from surfacing
i dont mind it
i gotta tell you gross is not a powerful word
>Using words when you don't even know what they mean
I wouldnt, I remember in high school one of my teachers made alot of sexual comments while trying to be strict and we just let it ride cause bitch was hotter than a summer sidewalk. I swear to god I would let her rape me cause that body was a work of art. I'll never forget you Miss Forbes.
It's not, but there isn't anything exactly wrong with a 16-17 year old dating a 26 year old, especially when its the younger party pushing for it.
The issue comes from her being his teacher, and in a position of superiority. Of course, they're discreet and it works because it's fiction, but you always hear about teachers being fired for fucking their students.
Joker is 17
So a 16-17 year old girl dating a 26 year old man is perfectly fine?
It's weird but I wouldn't call them a pedophile.
Kawakami is only 24 anyways.
i mean, i made it even less powerful by using "kinda"
Sad part is I'm planning to become a college professor and I told myself that realistically I'm probably gonna sleep with a few students. Nobody gives a fuck about college relations and I dont have to really deal with you once the semester is over.
It's not the age difference that makes this wrong, it's the fact that it's a student and a teacher, which is illegal in most first world countries and would result in the loss of a teaching license and a fine as well as a mark on your record.
user, penis inspection day doesn't count as a date
Because imagining a male teacher? doing it is gross. Imagining a hot ass teacher fucking me is not gross.
I wouln't mind this teacher raping me
>Because imagining a male teacher? doing it is gross. Imagining a hot ass teacher fucking me is not gross.
Plenty of teenage girls lust after their male teachers, so going by your own logic its fine for them to fuck.
I'd allow it
>I told myself that realistically I'm probably gonna sleep with a few students
Of course you are, stud.
It's taboo, but legal in most first world countries.
And biologically, a 16/17 year old is pretty much an adult. Pedophilia is exclusive attraction to pre-teens.
She is? Fuck I keep forgetting that most high school teachers are in their 20's. I remember my english teacher was like 23/24 when I was 19. Yet her position made me think she was in her 30's. Cant tell you how diamonds I was when I found out she had her bellybutton pierced cause that reminded me just how much she was probably a freak outside of school.
Where is this info from? I always just heard 26.
Lol idiot, they aren't gonna fuck me cause I'm a stud. more like they want the grade and I follow along the lines of common sense. If you didnt learn the material then sleeping with me for an A isnt gonna help you at all when you actually need to apply it. Plus being black auto scores you brownie points with some chicks.
>That's my fetish
>Lol idiot, they aren't gonna fuck me.
fixed your entire post, bud.
be more brief in the future
Depends on the situation. Is it done through pressure (i.e. the man saying "date me or else I'll flunk/fire you")? Then obviously not. Is it through genuine mutual attraction? Then sure. It's not like people suddenly mature overnight when they turn 18. If they were too immature for a relationship at 17, they still will be when they are 18 (and oftentimes well into their 20's).
>black people on my Sup Forums
I heard that doesn't happen too often though, but yeah if I was in your position and that was proposed, I doubt I would turn it down either.
>tfw you accidentally did call your teacher mom back in kindergarten
Although I guess that is normal.
That's common, user.
The problem comes when you do it in Highschool.
Your expectations are not grounded in reality, just saying.
Well I'm not you my dear user, so why would your faggotry apply to me? Just cause I have dreams of grandeur doesn't mean I cant reach for them.
>call teacher mom all the time
>she's actually my mom
fuck off mate
she seems like the type you would definitely resent dating after the initial honeymoon phase
if not sooner
>Just cause I have dreams of grandeur
why in the world is fucking your students a grand dream
i seriously hope the rest of you have grander dreams than fucking people
Man you guys are dense as fuck, like so fucking dense. No shit its not realistic. We're on Sup Forums of all places, talking about a fictional situation, and me giving my own fantasy that takes the idea from it. Do you honestly think I'm gonna slay mad pussy as college professor? yeah maybe 1 or 2 students but I'm not gonna be a Kamoshida. The fact that you guys need to explain common sense when the sense is so common is sad.
I mean imo she's the 3rd best waifu of the series, but when you point it out you're right.
>tfw discussed games with my 24-year-old English teacher, exchanged PSN IDs at the end of the year
>she knew that P5 was my most anticipated game, asked if it's a good entry point; before playing it I said yes, she doesn't have a PS3 or Vita anyway
>finally play the game and fall in love with Kawakami
>realize that my teacher had fluffy bedhair
She hasn't played it yet, but I wonder what she'll think of that whole student-teacher romance. I was her favorite student.
happened to me in 1st grade, man that was funny
>her and protag play a game where they both have to masturbate in class somehow.
>MC has a desk with a cat in it
>she get's one of those vibrator belts
Unless you were a ripped, troubled, hot young man, she won't see the resemblance.
Atleast you're being civil about it and giving a healthy dose of yeah no but maybe. The rest of these faggots think I'm gonna try to run an empire or some shit.
Joker isnt ripped though
I request that you become ten years younger.
>do you have any requests for me?
bestiality, please fug a and sug a dog off ya wench.
She compliments his physique when massaging him and says he is buffer than he looks.
How so? Just that one of the main draws is that she's your teacher and by the time you can seriously date, that aspect is done with?
He's built according to Kawakami during one of the massage dialogues, but that's due to his shadowverse training.
he's ottermode
Why did they make Kawakami the best girl?
>makes fake PA announcements to draw teachers out of their class so Joker can build lockpicks and bombs
she's an awful teacher
>tfw Kawakami will never massage you while commenting on the /fit/ as fuck physique you've gained from countless months of hitting the gym with moist protein in your pockets.
Because they could.
She's actually just mediocre.
Murricans see no difference between seventeen and seven.
Joker looks like door-kun wearing glasses here.
No, an awful teacher would tell his students that dreams were black and white before colored TVs.
More like
>Never calls you into the student guidance office for a make-out session
What's even the point?
She needs to control herself at least somewhat.
No thats gross because he's a pedophile male teacher. Whats not gross is a hot semen demon going after dick
Most of the male teachers are ugly anyways which makes it extra gross
you just have double standards
>dreams were black and white before colored TVs
there's some truth to this but it was worded poorly in the game
the generation raised on black and white movies and television had higher incidence of black and white dreams. not all of human history.
Well that makes more sense, I mean the fuck was he doing implying that people dreamed in black and white before TVs even existed?
Kawakami party member WHEN?
Never, sadly.
I enjoy Kawakami posting
Being a public school teacher.
She's be the yojimbo of Persona 5. Pay her enough to insta kill any boss.