Ever feel like you've wasted your life on video games?

Ever feel like you've wasted your life on video games?

Have you ever wished you never even played video games in the first place?

Christ, I've wasted what were supposed to be the best years of my life.


Doesn't work all that well when you don't enjoy doing anything else.

you're memeing yourself

You are going to die anyway bro so just fuck it

no lol
if you haven't found other things you wanna do at this point then... well...

Not soon enough.

>Temporary pleasure A is better than temporary pleasure B
>I live my life based on the standards of people I don't know

Shut the fuck up.

remember, as long as you derive meaningless pleasure from something, it's not wasted time! remind yourself of this fact daily when overwhelmed by the guilt and depression resulting from a pointless life.

This, fucking this. Sometimes I feel like a loser cause I'm 26 and instead of making relationships, I'm by myself gaming for 8hrs a day...but its what I like to do. I dont like going out much, and much less dealing with people cause I do that enough through work. So while I feel like a loser, its better than going out and being pissed cause its not my element. Plus I'm not a total NEET virgin loser so I guess that's ok that I have some experiences.

no because video games are the coolest thing on the planet

>do whatever the fuck I want
>live an entire lifetime in 10 years thanks to the internet and having an actual active family
>get bored of life
i cant even find happiness in a normal life anymore since it always ends up seeming pointless
now I'm just waiting for the next eva, haruhi, and gundam to come out so i can just kill myself and reincarnate into a pair of pink panties

>craving meaning
you're still memeing yourself

Town is a shithole with nothing much to do outside of home, besides drink

I have never even had sex. That probably has more to do with the Asspurgers than video games though.

no, but I wasted years here.
I should sue miyazaki for wages lost.

Where you at? playing with other people makes it worthwhile. You just need to find people to play games with.

>everything that isn't video-games is temporary pleasure

Stop playing mindless trash

>being nihilist filth

It's only a waste of time if you actively think it is. Moderation. I got so sick of gaming during winter, when I'd game for hours at a time.

With summer here I'm working on music more, and now I don't even make time for gaming unless its the weekend, and even then..

glad i'm not alone in this

Yeah, that's my hometown too. Maybe if I wasn't so fucking terrified of driving, I could actually go do something.

>waaaaaa video games ruined my life
Video games are your scapegoat for being a lazy, unmotivated piece of shit with zero drive.
You are entirely to blame, not some electronic toy for children.

calling everything pointless were your words not mine

Good job pointing out the obvious, dipshit.

>pointing out the obvious
Is that why you got defensive?

>you are entirely to blame
blame for what? nothing bad happened

Why can't you /r9k/ faggots just kill yourself already.

I wasted my life because I was an insecure, sad, depressed, weak, lonely fuckhead with no direction and no desire to obtain a direction in my life.

Video games were not the issue. They just provided a way for me to escape reality. If it wasn't video games, it would have been something else. I was actually able to maintain some form of a social life through video games.

I'm 29 and I'm only now starting to live my life the way I should have when I was younger. I eat right, I exercise, I go out with friends and try to make more friends, and I get laid. I play far less video games these days, but I could never blame them for my fucked up younger self.

>zero drive

>you are to blame
something doesn't add up here my friend.

When did Sup Forums turn into /r9k/? Videogames are a form of entertainment, which can be abused for the purpose of escaping the reality of life.

Videogames did not isolate you from the outside world, you did that to yourself, and you should only blame yourself.

This is me exactly. Work retail for 18 an hour, have to deal with shitty customers all day, friends invite me to go out drinking and parties. Refuse and just chill with my games and gf.

You are literally me.

>reincarnate into pink panties
>get put on by a qt trap with soft boipucci


Why can't I bring myself to pull the trigger Sup Forums?

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, the second best time is today.

Sounds to me like you have some social insecurities you need to deal with. You want to escape from social interactions and are more comfortable alone. You feel like you have to "deal" with people. That shouldn't be the case.

>when ignorance is the opposite of bliss

>get exhausted when being near people, I need a day of rest after hanging out with friends
>have zero social skills, get intimidated by average grills, they never talk first anyway so nothing ever gets said and I just assume every girl has a bf already

>they never talk first anyway so nothing ever gets said and I just assume every girl has a bf already

I know that feel m8.

What if every event, every person you've ever met or spoken to, every cicumstance, was predetermined by yourself before being born

Because your dumbass is still young. There is no reason to. Broke? Swallow your pride and get a job. Overweight? Cut back on calories and slowly start working out. Bad with women? Yeah, I can't help you there.


Video games are the shit

>Come to board specifically about video games
>"Hey does anyone wish they hadn't played video games?"

Can you just fuck off with your crybaby shit? You were going to be a fucking loser with or without vidya.

Then that would give me all the more reason to ventilate my skull.

I hate when my dad brings up that he taught me how to play games since I was 1 year old, and then proceeds to always say "that was the worst decision of my life" when I'm around other people.

I don't wish that I never played them, but sometimes I wish I was more wanting to go out and feel comfortable with other people doing things besides video games. It's really weird, because me and my brother are total opposites. He used to be the one without any friends, and always hung out with my friends. Then as I got older, (I'm 22, he is 18), it made a complete turn around. He goes out literally everyday. I'm always here in my basement, waiting for that moment that playing video games seems like a good idea.

I think when I somehow get my own place, I'm probably just going to be doing drugs alone and playing video games/internet.

The only problem you have is habitual self-loathing and an inability to separate daydreams with actual want. How can you say you wanted something if you wouldn't even put forth the effort to achieve it? Is anything you can think of 'wasted' because you didn't dedicate your life to get it? Do you just daydream about being an astronaut and then say 'oh god because I didn't spend 20 years making that whim a reality then everything must have been a waste'. Pull yourself together, you sadsack. You continuously made the decision to play vidya because that's what made sense at the time, it was what you wanted to do, and now you're going to turn around, have your cake and eat it too by pretending you were beside yourself with want? You're not acting like someone who's going to move forward and change their lifestyle because they want to, you're acting like someone enjoying pity for relaxing and playing games for their entire life.

Too real

everything is predetermined but not by you

that's impossible

born ugly so never had a chance

Your father loves your brother more. Kill him to show your dad you are the true scion of house ___

As long as you're having fun who gives a shit?
The only time I ever feel like I've wasted time is if a game has become more of a chore than fun due to grinding. Seriously fuck MMOs. But even then some people crave that heavy grind so it's all subjective.

Not really. I don't exactly have much else to do anyway besides working on music. Aside from that, I have no reason to live.

yeah, what if you yourself chose everything about your life before coming here
whats impossible about that?

Seriously, I'm tired of these boohoo bitch crybabies complaining as if life would be any different had they not played vidya. They forget that they would still be THE EXACT SAME LOSER as before.

Your father wanted the control and righteous power he believed his father had when he was a child, but now that he has become the father he finds himself just as painfully weak and mortal as before. He and you both suffer under the fear of your own limited action and powerlessness in the face of the universe. You inherited this fear from your father, and likely he from his father before him. He gives this affliction to you because he needs your help in being free from it, he wants not to be alone. You suffer together.

You didn't waste your life because you lacked direction. It takes some people years and years to find what they really want to do with themselves and even then there are tons that never find a true passion. If video games helped you escape the mundane of reality all the power to you man.

What ultimately happens to people who never decide what to do? Homeless?

>I'm probably just going to be doing drugs alone and playing video games/internet.
not if you get a roommate, then it's a never ending stoner LAN party

Choice is informed by experience. If you lacked the experience to make the right choice, then the choice you made was still correct because it brought you the experience that now allows you to know what was right.

Dont worry buddy, you're never alone.

Well obviously you have to do what you have to do to get by

I'm not having a roommate. I usually have a never ending stoner party with my dick.

You settle for a shit job out of desperation.

for maybe a year, then you look in the mirror and see DSP, thats when it REALLY kicks in you wasted life

Oh yes I did.

If I made any attempt to acquire a direction and had the will to see it through, I would have done much more with my life at an earlier age. I had a lot of emotional damage imposed on my as a kid by a broken home so it wasn't 100% my fault, but a lot of it was. Direction is incredibly important.

I'm just glad I now have that direction and strength to live my fucking life to the fullest. I'm no longer a sad, lonely, socially awkward virgin. If I can do it, any of you can.

We're all gonna make it.

Death, same as the greatest kings. If you're still caught up on concepts like 'homelessness' then I assume you still seek society's approval. Do what it takes to earn it or realize you don't need it.