Will video games ever be taken seriously as an art form?

Will video games ever be taken seriously as an art form?

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Maybe one day, but it should happen naturally without the devs being a total autists about it.

What would games being taken seriously as an art form change?
We don't need the art community's validation.

Hopefully not. We have enough pretentious shit in vidya as is.

The big problem is that when people look to vidya as art, they're typically referring to the writing, music, or visuals, but those aren't the merits a game should be judged on. Paintings get judged for their visuals, songs for their sound, films for their acting and effects, and vidya should be judged for how it interacts with the player.

I wish it was completely accepted as a hobby and not frowned upon by a lot of people who otherwise watch a lot of tv bullshit

No, and they should't be

Nope. Why would you ever want that?

I hope not.
I don't want my hobby to be in the same category as for example women shitting out paint.

First they would have to be considered an art form. Which they aren't. They're games.

Probably. The better question is if they should be.

Art and games are two totally separate concepts

sick of this bullshit. the literal definition of art is "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination," if you don't think games fit that definition then you're a retard

They were in the 90s


What does that even mean? They're already on display in museums, they're studied, discussed and appreciated in much the same way any "serious" artform is just in a more primitive manner because it's a new medium. The average normie may disagree with vidya being art but their opinions aren't important since they're heavily influenced by academics and will change as games become more heavily studied. But if you're asking if they'll impress your mom then probably not.

Yeah, but almost every time somebody uses video games as a canvas to express themselves, it's shit because they take control away from the player in order to convey that expression, and video games at their core are about that interaction. It takes talent and passion to properly convey emotion and expression through gameplay, and those are sorely lacking in the market.

The definition says nothing about expressing emotions specifically. Basing your definition on something as vague, unclear and subjective as emotions is pretty shit.

I don't think a piece of art neccecarily needs to express an emotion in order to validate it as a piece of art. i do agree that it takes immense talent to convey emotion and expression through gameplay, but that's a different discussion entirely

Why hasnt the essential art games been posted yet?

People can make games that fit that criteria, but I rarely find those games fun to play, so I'd rather they didn't.

Whose the artist the designer or the player? Is this definition also not applicable to near everything? Is a game of football or a game of D & D considered art?

name one game that doesn't fit that criteria

Never forget.

for most games it's hard to attribute the title of "artist" to any one person, but that doesn't mean the game stops being art, just because multiple people worked on it. i would also say to some degree you could consider a game of football or D&D to be art, or your choice of clothes on a particular day, the food you make, the design of your furniature. plenty of things are art, not just music, books and movies

Potentially both, you can't really compare games to football especially not single player ones since they're not just a simple set of rules but meticulously designed content that's meant to provide a specific experience