What do you guys think of Jim Sterling's new format?
What youtube reviewers do you like?
What do you guys think of Jim Sterling's new format?
Kill yourself
I like IGN, Gamespot, The Know, and Angry Joe. HAHAHAHA (fart noise) HURR DURR IM SO SMART and UNIQUE
>What do you guys think of Jim Sterling's new format?
its shit
>What youtube reviewers do you like?
next thread
why is he teaming up with Bob Chipman??
Hate it.
>moviebob fatter than jim sterling, somehow
jesus christ
>fat autistic sperglord with no hair
no wonder you guys like him so much
>Two fat fucks bitching about pixel boobs in a desperate bid to get pussy from attractive women
Every time.
I used to like him for his showcasing Steam greenlight shovelware, is there anyone else who does that so I can stop watching this fat fuck?
It affects real women okay??
It's not too late to save this thread
Greenlight is apparently almost dead.
>tfw girl (girl) and want to play sjw volleyball but can't justify the price
how do i disable e-celeb threads?
does 4chanx have an option for it?
Greenlight stopped mattering years ago. No one gives a fuck about it anymore. Jim keeps talking about it like it somehow actually effect real games on Steam but you will need to try to actively try to find those shitty things which 99% of Steam users don't.
you cheeky nigga
ill never click this playlist
like half the youtubers/twitchfags who don't just play nothing but the fotm shit do
I used to like yahtzee back when he did that show with his boyfriend but that's about it.
Now he does it with his girlfriend. She sounds annoying.
Why the fuck did this playlist started showing up for me?
What has changed?
I'm pretty sure sterling is attracted to ghouls and hambeasts
Chances are there's 'relevant' tags to your interests in some of the videos featured in that playlist.
What the fuck a tranny fucks his pig looking wife? Why the fuck?
I hate this faggot. "Lara" I mean.
I don't watch gaming youtubers. I used to watch Jontron before he outted himself a neo-nazi. I pretty much just subscribe to a few art absed channels, team four star, and some dumb bald leaf that does top 10 videos every day. I subscribe to cinemassacre but not really for the vidya content which is like 80% Mike.
What's with people's obsession with sex and porn? It's like you can't have a conversation anymore without the topic coming up.
I thought the cuckoldry thing was just a cover for the fact that it's a marriage between two gay people for the sake of getting Sterling an American citizenship.
don't watch Sterling
Only watch gggmanlives
but he's shit too, just not as shit
It's not new though? He added lights to the podium. Kept the crooked-ass backdrop. Changed the music. And added Transformers bumpers between scenes. Completely unoriginal shit.
At least he took a couple of minutes to google sources and write a script, that didn't change.
no one subscribes to cinemassacre for mike, but mike