Which game is better Dota 2 or Overwatch?

Which game is better Dota 2 or Overwatch?

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which food is better, spaghetti or peanut-butter sandwiches?

Steak is way better

Depends on what you want out of a game. For me, subjectively, its easily dota.

OW is a fun party game with friends, but i dont think it holds that much of a competetive integrity. Game design on certain heroes and the spectator experience is truly shit. Im sure many will say the same about dota, but this is my opinion.

>two completely unrelated games of different genres
>hurr which is is better

Mobas are boring as shit, I got tired of dota 2 after 4 years and finally quit.

Tf2 is better

I got bored of Overwatch after a month

>still playing mobas

I don't though, I play dota

Dota has less cancer.

This is like asking if fidget spinners or fidget cubes are better.

dota 2

hell even hots is better than overshit

>>Played for 4 years

It's like you're retarded or something....

League of Legends


>still playing overwatch

>Thinking they are not both weeb shit team games with zero skill.

>it's boring as shit
>I played it for 4 years though lol

They both suck

Dota 2 by a long shot. At least it doesn't try to hide being a MOBA and embraces it to the full potential of the genre. OW has a real identity crisis of not really being a MOBA or a FPS, just a shitty hybrid that takes some of the worst aspects from both.

>I have absolutely no fucking clue what "weeb" means


Overwatch has literally nothing to do with mobas and anyone who says this is retarded
The only similarities are general game design concepts like abilities and having classes stylized as characters that aren't at all specific to or characterized by mobas


I can call my 0/11 invoker a worhtless subhuman shitskinned nigger without getting banned. I can't same the same for Overjew. As shit as both communities are, I do occasionally meet some cool people playing Dota, but never for Overwatch, both quick play and comp.

I have to say DotA.
I played both, but not anymore. Tthe answer is obvious if you watch any dota tournament video.

You've got small team sizes, locked in roles with a 1 class limit, and abilities and ults that cause team fights to happen. That's the core gameplay of a simplified MOBA, crammed into a first person perspective.

You might think you're playing an FPS because of the perspective, but you're still abiding by MOBA gameplay.

>You've got small team sizes
This is an FPS thing too

>locked in roles
You can change class mid-game

>and abilities and ults that cause team fights to happen.
Like I just said, mobas didn't invent abilities and OW's "ults" share more with TF2's ubercharge than moba ultimates

FPS >>>>> MOBA

Dota isn't a moba

i've never played dota 2, but i've complained about it an awful lot. I've also put in maybe a day into overwatch, and I can say with complete confidenfe that DOTA II is the better game

This. Whoever says dota is a moba is reddit and should go now.

All mobas feel like absolute shit to control.

I played Overwatch for a while during the last beta phase and i thought it was fun for the first few matches, then just boring.

Decided to try it again this free weekend. Still boring.


I put around 5 hours into Dota, 100 in Overwatch. MOBAs just suck plain and simple, go play an RTS.

am i being memed?

Spotted the pleb who's never played Diablo
Click movement is superior because you have full angular freedom of movement instead of being bound to eight directions and you can select targets more accurately than any other control scheme


DotA = an online multiplayer experience in which you battle in an arena

> DotA is not a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game

Ok, buddy.

League of Legends invented the term to distance themselves from the original game.
The casual crowd took the game and now we know this genre as MOBA.

Just think MOBA is Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. By this name, even fucking Quake or Unreal Tournament is a moba

So, Quake is also a moba?

Literally any other game.

Overwatch is the blandest shit imaginable. I'd rather a game try something new and fail then be as safe and as predictable as possible.

"Moba" is just Riot's marketing term created to snuff Dota out of existence, in addition to taking its official forums down and replacing it with ads for LoL.

No game that isn't just a shitty cash in LoL clone has ever called itself a moba. Prove me wrong, I'll wait.

Calling Dota a moba is exactly as stupid as calling Wolfenstein 3D a CoD clone


how new


starcraft is better

>This is an FPS thing too
Yeah, FPS with no respawning like CSGO or Siege.

>You can change class mid-game
Doesn't matter, you still get 1 class per team

>Like I just said, mobas didn't invent abilities and OW's "ults" share more with TF2's ubercharge than moba ultimates

I didn't claim they did, but fights centering around abilities and ults is a MOBA staple. WoW PvP centers around abilities too, but that's its own distinct thing that people don't confuse for the likes of SMITE. TF2's uber is nowhere on the level of ults because it's the only one in the game on one class that has to be strategically built and protected. OW ults are all but a certainty, cannot be reset on death, are back by abilities that come back on timed cooldowns, and can be sped up by numerous actions.

It still plays like a MOBA though. You use your abilities to poke around the edges, build your ults, then gather for a teamfight and pop all of it. You're literally playing a simplified version of the MOBA gameplay loop in first person. Sure they trimmed off neutrals and buying shit, but what's left resembles a MOBA more than an FPS.

Apples and celery

>Yeah, FPS with no respawning like CSGO or Siege.
Are you retarded? Tons of small team FPSs have respawning. Even than ones without.

>Doesn't matter, you still get 1 class per team
Except it does matter because you said you couldn't, and not allowing duplicate characters isn't something mobas invented and has no ties to its core gameplay. This also wasn't originally there and isn't in every mode

>I didn't claim they did, but fights centering around abilities and ults is a MOBA staple.
No it isn't. Assfaggots didn't invent this shit. Not every game where you have abilities and fight each other is the same thing as LoL and Dota.

>WoW PvP centers around abilities too, but that's its own distinct thing that people don't confuse for the likes of SMITE.
Just like how Overwatch centers around abilities too, but it's its own distinct thing that people shouldn't confused for the likes of LoL and Dota.

You're really grasping at straws here. Overwatch is an FPS. The core mechanics of mobas are the per-match character building, base pushing, and AI units. The genre isn't defined by abilities and teamfights, those are basic low-level game mechanics that are in loads of genres.

only retards play those games

Yep this user got it spot on.
You cant compare an ubercharge to an ult.
Thats like comparing crunchy peanutbutter and ketchup

>Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), also known as action real-time strategy (ARTS), is a genre of strategy video games that originated as a subgenre of real-time strategy, in which a player controls a single character in one of two teams. The objective is to destroy the opposing team's main structure with the assistance of periodically spawned computer-controlled units that march forward along set paths. Player characters typically have various abilities and advantages that improve over the course of a game and that contribute to a team's overall strategy. MOBA games are a fusion of action games, role-playing games and real-time strategy games, in which players usually do not construct either buildings or units.

You're going for a literal translation, but it isn't. By the same logic, every video is a movie.

Has literally nothing to do with anything in my post. I didn't say a single thing about the label's literal implications. Read better and try again.

that's fair, but it's not an explanation for why dota isn't a moba then.

>This word doesn't mean what it actually means because I said so.
Oh you.

Not what I said.

Yes, but by this logic many genre labels on games are wrong.

Reading this it seem like ARTS is a better term than MOBA.
But moba has more marketing power than arts

>Progenitor of MOBA genre isn't a MOBA because REEEEEEEEEE LEAGUE
Dota was never good. You've been cucked by Gaben again.

>run out of arguments and realize you were wrong
>foam at the mouth and start shitposting instead

I agree, I personally feel that ARTS has a better ring to it tho.

Remember when Heroes of Not remember was released people called the genre "Dotalike"

oh god, someone really made this after last night?

it's bait

>as predictable as possible.
right, mr. o fortune teller.
tell me what's the next hero gonna be?

predictable my ass

maybe you should look at the pick rates



>2 completely unrelated genres of video games



spaghetti what kind of question is that?

>shit vs shit


Dota is ASSFAGGOTS, don't you know?

>This is an FPS thing too
>Yeah, FPS with no respawning like CSGO or Siege.
A lot of shooters have low player counts or have game modes or servers with low player limits.
Not everything is battlefield.

>We didn't think to define the genre and some people we don't like beat us to it
>But everyone else is stupid for using the term because I don't like them.
Right so you're retarded. This is why assfaggot players should be put to death. Every awful gamer I've ever met plays the fuck out of that shit, they get triggered over the most inane shit.

DOTA and i don't even like ASSFAGGOTS, there's just very little there to keep people playing Overwatch. People tend to come back to it during events then stop playing it again almost instantly.

Dota 2 unironically has a more pleasant community. Overwatch somehow combines the worst behaviors of MOBAs and FPSs into one package.

>We didn't think to define the genre
We did.

>and some people we don't like beat us to it
They didn't "beat us to it," they shoved the term down normies' throats until it caught on in attempt to kill off their competitor.

Still waiting for someone to show me a game that calls itself a moba and isn't a LoL clone


Objectively Dota 2 but with enough years maybe OW will finally be good.

Well, cavemen thought shit tasted good

I wish I could keep lying to myself like you man but we will all have to admit its dead someday

i like overwatch's characters, but as an actual game dota is far better.


As much as i dislike TF2, 66k peak players is not dead. It's nowhere near what it used to be but dead it is not.

Is there something similar in OW?
They have competitive mode or something like that too

It's mostly filled with gooks now

Pretty sure they were planning a huge event but no one wants to watch that shit. Pro level Overwatch play is boring as fuck to watch, Overwatch in general is just boring as fuck to watch.

The only people i could see going to it/watching it are the rabid Blizzdrones and i honestly don't believe there's enough of them for that to be worth their time and resources.

they could also kick you ass and fuck your mom

only 10% of those are actually playing the game though

That's generally the case with most games, a large percentage of every game's current players are either tabbed out or sitting at the main menu.