Ace Attorney

Currently playing the trilogy, will I like the 2 newest releases?

Not sure if I could warm up to Apollo since Phoenix is clearly the better option.

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the DS/3DS games are basically Apollo's Trilogy, but they don't think the games won't sell well without Phoenix (and they were right, since Apollo Justice bombed) So they kinda just shove Nick in them as a playable character, but the games are more about Apollo

Also how do the cases of the new games compare to the trilogy? Just finished the circus case and I enjoyed it thoroughly

Should I set myself up for disappointment?

Damn, guess I'll just have to try warm up to Apollo then

I recently played through the trilogy and I'm going through Apollo Justice now. They somehow managed to make the gameplay worse, with the inclusion of the perceive mechanic. I'm having a hard time getting invested in the new cast and I'm mostly playing for the occasional Phoenix appearance. Judging by the first few cases at least, the cases are way less memorable too.

I can't say if they improve with the 3ds games

Apollo's a greatcharacter though, he gets more backstory and characterization than Phoenix and also has the best objection theme

How far in are you? AJ is kinda bad (not exactly for Apollo being the protagonist, mind you), AAI1 is kinda weak as well but the rest is good.

3>6>1>5>4>2 is basically how it goes. two and four are pretty much agreed to be the worst but all the other ones are great

I'm starting what I assume is the final case on the second game, I was just going to skip right to Dual Destinies and then to Spirit of Justice. I'm unfamiliar with how they were received.

*Once I finish the trilogy that is

I hear TT is the best of the trilogy

>Just finished the circus case and I enjoyed it thoroughly

You finished the circus case, right? That was one of the worst cases in the franchise, it doesnt get much worse than that. You should play AJ at the very least, and maybe the two investigation games, before the 3DS games. AAI2 is top tier.

>Just finished the circus case and I enjoyed it thoroughly
I was starting to think i was the only one

If you liked the fucking circus case then you'll like anything.

I really don't think anything gets worse than that, Apollo Justice isn't horrible because the cases are just bad, but they are incredibly boring.

Haha, I guess I just have shit taste, maybe Apollo won't be so bad after all.

And to think that 3 is only better than 6 because Godot is such a god tier character in general.

4 is alright, one case in particular is pretty bad though.
I thought 5 was ok, some good cases but a huge letdown of an ending. DLC case is the best one.
6 was terrible imo, no idea why people praise it. Awful characters, awful setting, mostly mediocre music and the worst prosecutor in the series. The DLC case isn't very good either.

Don't worry about it, when it comes to difficulty and enjoyment each case is its own world, its why ranking the games is so hard, because even the "bad" ones have good cases

No matter how bad your taste is you are going to cry when you get to the third case of AJ but the rest is okay, and you still have to play AA3 which is amazing.

>AAI2 is top tier.
This, probably my favorite game in the franchise.

OP, don't read this. I played it recently after putting it off for years and was thrown completely off guard, because user "spoiled" me on Ray being the mastermind back when it first got translated. It was a wild ride but honestly I was slightly disappointed since the whole game I was doing mental gymnastics to convince myself that he was evil. It was a great way to experience it though.

The Acro twist was well done in my opinion, but if it's only up from here I'm not complaining.

Don't play DD without playing Apollo. Finish the Trilogy, play Apollo, play DD get the DLC, it's the best filler case in the Series, then play Spirit of Justice. Don't skip any, none of them are horrible games.

Not OP, but Fuck. I just read that.

I don't know, he kind of gives off that natural presence though, doesn't he?

The reveal at the end was amazing. It was like Engarde revealed to be evil but a million times better.

Thank you, will do this

that and i don't think anything could ever repeat what i felt with the ridiculousness of the last case.

Nickel Samurai was a cool case

I couldn't get into AAI and Apollo Justice was pretty lukewarm. Never played the newer games/spinoffs, I doubt any of them could be as good as T&T anyways.

That back-and-forth between Godot and Wright when Godot realizes that Wright knows the true answer to the case is literally one of my favorite moments in anything. It's so well done with him constantly just edging him on to say what really happened.

>That part at the end were the original pursued theme plays
The peak of the franchise right there.
TT is the best game but AAI2 comes pretty close.

AAI is a bit of a slog but it's 100% worth it for AAI2

Great. I suggest you leave the thread before you get spoiled.

>The peak of the franchise right there.
Fuck. I haven't played TT in years but I kinda want to fast forward through to the last case just to relive it.

Newer game are simply to japanesey

Fuck, just compare the courtroom songs

>The reveal at the end was amazing.
Definitely, but it was Sebastian's arc and Case 4 in general that really made the game for me

I absolutely hated DD to the point where I dropped it in the middle of the game. Enjoyed SoJ quite a bit despite its flaws.

Your taste is all fancy sorts of fucked up

Play Daigyakuten Sa-HAHA OH WAIT

Can't wait for the post referencing that fucking Awkward Zombie comic as why they couldn't bring it over when the only thing they had to do is write a line about Phoenix having a Japanese ancestor.

Apollo Justice is fantastic. Probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite game.

It would be a pretty tough translation regardless. There's a ton of references to Japanese wordplay, jokes about differences between Japanese and English, etc. It goes beyond even the Rakugo case in SoJ

Don't forget AAI2, it's objectively the best game in the whole series. You need to play AAI1 before it, which is still very solid, but AAI2 is literally God Tier.

Or they could drop the Los Tokyo bullshit, I mean it gets harder to mantain with every game as it gets more and more japanesy.

>Don't forget AAI2, it's objectively the best game in the whole series.
Fuck off, Yamazaki. You're a hack.

Fuck off Capcom, we're gonna play DGS too.

I just finished the Layton crossover game a few days ago. It was pretty interesting and the witness testimony mechanic that they introduced was pretty alright.
That twist was fucking dumb though, but I guess that's true of all layton games apparently.

Anyone one else here play it?
What you'd think of it?

fucking khurain cases

>it doesnt get much worse than that





I really liked the mixture of character types interacting. Story was goofy, but as you said, it's to be expected of a game featuring Layton. My only real complaints are Maya's "death" which fell completely flat because there's no way they'd ever kill a main character, and Barnham kind of getting sidelined toward the end. The group cross examinations were great and I genuinely laughed out loud at the Vigilantes.

Also, it had absolute top tier music.

Foxy made my dick hard

I was surprised at the Barnham thing. I was so sure he was going to bust in any moment after being jailed to continue the plot, but it never happened.
Such a good design and a good prosecutor too.

The music is pretty damn good just like you say. Shame english court didn't get used more than once.

>tfw no good lewds