Does v like this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:


I like inspector gadget

The underages hate him while oldfags like him.

What's the most important aspect of any game?

yes, but his channles is goign downhill fast

>fired bootsy
>mike and ryan
>fake comments praising ryan
>focusing more on movie than games

being able to play the fucking thing?

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

Yes, I enjoy the way he presents games/movies/books/game publications and outlines facts about them. Good voice too.
Apparently the first 3 stuff is all because of Mike. Mike is in a spot of trouble now from what I can gather from the youtube comments due to some tantrum he had on reddit, a site which I despise too much to bother reading into.

I liked him and have been watching his channel for years and I typically don't watch video game shit on YouTube. But I cannot stand that fat greasy fucking Ryan, basically stopped watching because of him.

>hahaha a-am I funny guys?

He never was

He hasn't been relevant for years. I really wish he'd go back to the past because the present sucks.

lol just checked the reddit, and its all minecrap videos.

Mike is trying to censor it

Yeah I liked him later on when he started to drop the act and started acting more like himself.

I was just trying to get a few (you)s but this

Well I'll take your word for it, I'm not going to bother checking.
He did this on Cinemassacre's website too, he changed Bootsy's username to something like "fucking asshole."
I didn't really watch him much for the humor, but I do enjoy a great deal of his skits and the way he presents a lot of his videos.

Last night I found out about all this drama with Mike's dick pic that he was retarded enough to post on Twitter and then removed.

What are your favourite Angry Nintendo Nerd videos?

>acting more like himself.
A normie wannabe geek actor who doesn't actually care about video games! Investigate his ancestry.

I remember someone a few months ago claiming to be a relative of James talking about how James is special ed. Everyone ignored it despite photos and insider info.
Then a few weeks ago James talks about how he was in Special Ed.
You're worshiping a high functioning autist.

>focusing more on movie than games
He was always more of a movie buff than a gamer. AVGN was just a side thing that made him famous.

I'm not liking the newer videos as much. The green screen shit in the Sonic 06 video was really forced and unfunny.

Why would Mike concern himself with petty mortal stuff when he's packing a (thick) 12 inch hose?

nah, ADD.

do you think he gives blowjobs to himself?

It's only 10 inches*.

*when viewed from a generous perspective

The power rangers episode was great though.
Little effort was put into the 06 one because it was just sponsored shit.

do you think James will fire Mike?

he made a few nostalgia vids i enjoyed, but try watching them (mike is not as bad) actually play games that employ more than 2 buttons.... fuck, it's painful...

I liked the guy and I still like it. I never liked any of the other guys and I don't know why that other guy left. There was some drama? Anyone care to fill me in with the shitfest Mike did to the "business"? Too lazy to Google desu famalam.

Where do I see this dick pic.

We having been meming about a 10incher for years it's time to find out for real.

i think he posted his dick on the reddit under the main cinamassre account. And James just found out about it

now the subreddit is filled with dick and minecrap threads

>it's time to find out for real.
its not like that could be faked or another person

I heard he is a fucking faggot anyway, having an open relationship aka his whore is fucking with the whole nation while he plays drunk mario on nintendo. What a shit life.

If you have location of the picture then we can analyze it.

Mike has black hair, the carpet should match the drapes etc

We have been able to work with less before.

Lmao what the fuck happened?

Why would any woman service that dick when it's attached to a childish asshole whose only claim to fame is leeching off his more successful friend?

It's huge. Probably turns the girl retarded when he slams it into her

Doesn't Mike date a tranny though?

she considers herself to be a women tho

He's more concerned with building brown bricks in Mine Crap with his friend Inspector Gadget.

So who saved the dick pic?

Share that shit, full homo

this, post that shit

also is there source on the video of him talking about sex with his gf?

I prefer that Mike Matei fellow. Did you know that he has a 10 inch dick? It's a real shame his Elmo in Grouchland and Minecraft with Gadget videos got so much undeserved hate, those videos really highlighted his comedic genius. Also, did you know he has a ten inch dick?

If James wasn't an autistic spineless coward, he'd remove Mike from the channel or force him to make a public apology.

Mike singlehandedly ruined Cinemassacre and he's dragging the channel's reputation through the dirt.


What happened to Bootsy?

>that one guy that felt the need to add ''i'm a bisexual'' on his post.
I hate faggots like him.

He's way way past his prime, and the whole schtick already ran most of its course.
He suffered from the strangest case I've seen a pseudo-actor go through; his older videos are very genuine, his anger is very convincing. Nowadays he just aimlessly screams over anything. It's like he progressively got worse at acting as time went on.
Also, he fucking sucks donkey dick at videogames, which again, he masked pretty well in the older videos, but now it's evident he bitches at a lot of things because he doesn't understand how the game works, or just generally because he fucking sucks at it.

>fired bootsy
what? isn't he their friend? what happened?

if one of moms of his underaged followers wanted to press charges, she could. mike exposed his penis to god knows how many young boys on twitter and reddit when he posted that dick pic. in court, he'd have to prove that he had no knowledge that anyone who followed him was under 18. good luck mike!

He wanted a percentage of the revenue they got from the videos he appeared in, and Mike told him to fuck off. I don't know how involved James was in the whole thing if at all.

Phew I thought you were going to say intellectual disability

Can anyone explain to me this dick thing

The are both asburgers

He posted a picture of his dick on twitter. It's huge. That's about all. Move along

bootsy was a threat to mike's reputation and career because the fans liked him more, and also he was better at video games than mike. mike fired him with the excuse that cinemassacre was moving in a different direction without him

I am pretty sure he was posting a lot of anti donald trump stuff. Which got jontron in trouble. So they didnt want the same thing to happen

he posted a dick pic on reddit, which was illegal, and a mod leaked all of the drama BTS about how they should handle the situation. mike had a meltdown and banned all of the cinemassacre reddit mods, so now they're exacting revenge. it's been fun to watch

Mike posts a dick pic for everyone, even kids, to see. Bootsy posts a joke about Trump and gets fired

Try a new excuse, because that's the one that Mike has been trying to push in order to save his ass

bootsy was too good at videogames and mike got jealous

Ironically enough you have to be underage to find his content funny. I was 14/15 when I found Sup Forums and coincidentally that's exactly when the first episode of AVGN came out.

Even back then, I wasn't amused by his immature toilet humor but I assume the 13 and under demographic was.

>shitpickle XD LOL diarrhea dump assfuck

What I liked was how he got angry and showcased bad games I never played myself. Wasn't long before that novelty wore off but I kept watching because of some misguided sense of loyalty I guess? Eventually I just stopped caring and now when I see a new video show up in recommendations or wherever I will watch it but it's just all so cringeworthy.

hi mike

The whole thing with Bootsy bugs me the most really, dude seemed legitimely passionate and talented, getting fired like that plus the covering up by Mike is just sad

>Oh, Mein Kampf! I cannot wait to read Mein Kampf. Do you know what my favorite thing to do is with Mein Kampf? I love gassing Jews with Mein Kampf. Gassing Jews with Mein Kampf is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while reading a book. I understand why all the kids are reading this book these days -- it's because they like to gas greedy Jews with Mein Kampf. I also like to gas greedy Jews with Mein Kampf. It's the most fun you can possibly have. What is the point of Mein Kampf?
What did Mike mean by this?


>Controversy about Mike's dick
Just as Mike planned.

oh this made me laugh. what a wacky guy

Total Recall. TOTAL SHIT.

i wanna suck mikes big benis

>James having a SECOND kid
I mean I'm happy for the guy, but..

there were some ok ones, but his video of wizard of oz one was serious autism.

What's wrong with having kids?

He has autism genes, and his wife doesn't love him. That's a recipe for a fucked up child.

James is confirmed special ed. With a ton of shitty genes (balding at 30, predisposition toward mental illness, gaped teeth).
He's the last person that should have kids.

it's mikes kid you dingus

Grew out of his videos. His movie reviews and stuff were interesting at first, but they're very lazily made. No video clips of examples of what he's talking about or anything. I can get he's avoiding any copyright issues, but his videos are boring af for it.

He's literally just a normal guy. If he can get laid I don't see how that's crippling autism.

>his wife doesn't love him
You poor child. Love isn't real.

Serious question: Why do you post this kind of shit? Like, is this the sort of thing that gets you off? Or is it just funny to you?
Video games?

Mike is such a fucking autist, I'll never understand why everyone decided to start loving him because of le ebin big dick. I know v is full of faggots but at least have some taste if you're going to be a homo

king kong video game review

>mike: this game has such shitty graphics, graphics have advanced so much over time
>james: actually it looks pretty good
>mike: yeah it looks pretty good

he started the meme himself you dummy

Not the idealized Disney-esque love but it's certainly possible to have two life partners that respect, care for, and are attracted to each other.

James's wife is most certainly getting dicked by other dudes on the reg.

Post your best rants


I've got to learn the football rant at some point.

So, did Mike Matei officially killed cinemassacre this weekend?

Saw it coming a mile away

When will we solve the balding problem some men suffer from? No one should have to suffer losing their hair in their 30s let alone 20s. I'm just happy I lucked out on the hair genetics

it will be cured pretty soon with CRISPR or something else

Note how every single video that only includes James has the best like-dislike ratio. Mike should just be removed. Or at least take a backseat for now on.

cure death first

I love e-celeb threads and I support this message

what are you talking about?

bootsy was being a giant political faggot on Twitter and James & Mike dropped his ass. Good on them.

Mike had a meltdown on Reddit, banning all of the cinemassacre mods at the same time because someone leaked info. Now they're all leaking info out of spite. Mike is like really fucked up crazy, from what it seems like. A terrible, insecure person who is destroying cinemassacre single handedly

Anyone who follows him on twitter knows that the "tweeted too much about politics" meme was forced by Mike after the backlash

Shut up, Mike

Mike has been desperate to cover up the whole Bootsy thing.

He basically fired every mod on the AVGN and Cinemasscre subreddit (lul) and replaced them with people who go by anything he says including some youtube partners.

If you talk about Bootsy in anyway its a ban.
If you talk about Mike's dick pic he posted on Twitter, Youtube, and leddit you are banned.
Anything negative about Mike and you are banned.

Watching most of the videos Mike just seems like that friend hanging on to his other friend's success.

Mike was also a dick to /ourguy/ Chris Bores, who mistook him for James. That's why he never acknowledged AVGN for a decade.

>Reading all about it on reddit
>/r/AVGN, /r/Cinemassacre and /r/SubRedditDrama, /r/Outoftheloop is going apeshit
>I haven't enjoyed Mike until now


I've always liked James. He is a genuinely nice person to meet and makes content worthy of being celebrated.