SMTIV's setting and writing fucking suck dick

SMTIV's setting and writing fucking suck dick.


YOU fucking suck dick

Do you wanna fucking die kiddo? Cause that's how you do it


no u

The setting is cool, the writing didn't impress me.

why are their outfits so cool and their faces so bad?

I wanted illidan to have a bigger role, like he mentally breaks but later he gets better and joins your team. He tones down the condescension but he's still kind of a friendly cunt, I love characters like that


Then you'll be delighted to know that almost all of the story never even happens. Yay!

i killed that bitch on the right

The setting is absolute GOAT. Give me your address faggot

so nothing different from any other Atlus game

5678 Real St Building 7 Apt #7 Boston, Mass 02134

i remember i beat someone up from here. he gave me his address and i beat his ass. all from an argument about pokemon.

I want to play this and Soul Hackers so bad, but Citra devs aren't doing a very good job.


The part that sucks dick is navigating Tokyo

Thank god Apocalypse fixed that


Their swords look so stupid.

What have you written in your life? Oh wait...


>if you're not a writer, you can't say a writer is bad
>if you're not a filmmaker, you can't say a movie is bad
>if you're not a game designer, you can't say a game is bad

Fuck you and people who share your way of thinking.

Pretty much. You can't relate. Opinions are like assholes bro. Its why critics are garbage

Everyone thinks they can do better 99% are too lazy to do it