Who do you think will be the new character Sup Forums?
BAYONETTA 3 for Nintendo Switch
New character is Rodin
>bayonetta game
>main character is not bayonetta
will she make my wee wee tingle?
>new bayonetta
>its pretty much confirmed now as a nintendo IP.
i'm entirely ok with this.
It doesn't say it's an exclusive anywhere in the article, you fucking nintendolard.
Jeanne could easily steal the spotlight for a game.
Bayo's daughter of course
plot twist is that space time gets so fucked she ends becoming Rosa
She'll probably go the Uncle Dante route with her own Nero.
Get ready for Auntie Bayo
How could a Bayonetta game possibly start anyone other than Bayonetta herself
It wouldn't work like Nero in DMC4, she's literally the title character of the game. Dunno how i'd feel about that but I'm always down for more Bayonetta.
>BAYONETTA 3 for Nintendo Switch
>Bayonetta gets kidnapped and becomes a dickslave to angels
>They split her into 3 version of herself who serve as the main antagonist
>"We must stop the Bayonetta 3."
Really, Platinum?
New protagonist would be a shota Lumen Sage trying to recreate the order and Bayonetta is the secondary protagonist like DMC4. Would be cool.
Makes you think
>nier game
>main character is not nier
Let's say Kamiya directs this, it's Switch exclusive AND it's an AMAZING game that surpasses the others.
Would that mean people would stop sucking 2's dick and accept that they only loved it because it's a Wii U exclusive?
Regardless of 2
1 is not a good game. Kamiya was washed up ever since he took notes off gow
>Still funded by Nintendo
Let the tears flow.
Why would it be for the switch? Nintendo tried their luck with platinum twice and both times it sold poorly. Microsoft is probably not going to get anything from platinum either after scalebound. Sony is too jewish to buy exclusives these days, so if anyone is going to make a bayo 3 it's going to be sega on their own in which case it will be multiplat.
No it isn't! This ain't NintendoGAF.
>Sony is too jewish to buy exclusives these days
Sega owns the IP.
if there's a new protag then the game shouldn't be fucking called BAYONETTA3. Classic japan wanting to make a new franchise but milk the name of an existing one for Yeckels. If bayo isn't the main character, than call the game something fucking else.
except devil may cry is my favorite character
>zelda game
>main character is not zelda
the difference is, at least the dmc games aren't called "dante", they're called devil may cry.
I could dig it.
If they do it I wonder if they are going to port 1 and 2 to Switch.
Didn't Bayonetta on Wii U sold nearly as much as both PS3 and 360 version combine?
yeah but zelda established it's formula from day one. no one goes into a zelda game expecting to play as anyone but Link. This doesn't apply to Bayonetta. People want to play as the game's namesake, not someone else.
Reminder that Kamiya has wanted a game starring Jeanne's superhero persona "Cutie J"
I wouldn't really like it if they changed protagonists. A Jeanne spinoff or something would be neat, but Bayonetta 3 should star Bayonetta herself
Bayo 3 funded by Nintendo would be amazing.
All that goddamn salt.
Male character please
>"We're talking about thinking about maybe making a third Bayo game"
>"Who's the new character going to be guys?! Can you believe it's a switch exclusive!?"
Haha, fuck this board is pathetic
I literally couldn't care less unless its a male character. So tired of the female character bullshit.
No bayo is at or neir 2 million on last consoles. Wii u is around one million? Did it ever get 1 mil.
Maybe a new young Witch of some kind? Or maybe even a new Lumen Sage if they feel like stretching things. Bayonetta will definitely still be ain't the game though at the very least in the same role Dante was in dmc4.
i want a new ip from platinum
>>*Discusses video games*
>Haha, fuck this board is pathetic
Considering how Bayo 2 ends, the only way I can see a third game is playing as Rosa.
It'd be interesting to see a male character equivalent to Bayonetta in over the top sexuality. Would need to be a Lumen Sage. Maybe they could use those golden lance things Balder uses, and instead of bullet arts when you hold down the attack button, he spins the staff in place.
Sega is not making the mistake of letting another Bayonetta game be Nintendo exclusive. Especially since they just released a PC version of 1.
He means that Sony don't really commission high-profile (legit) exclusives from third parties anymore, with the occasional exception like Bloodborne, which even then was co-developed with Japan Studio.
Andrew House said at a shareholder's market a few years ago that Sony has been shying away from legitimate exclusives of late due to "changing market trends".
Some fat tumblrtard showing how ugly it would be to have such a character in a game like bayo. Of course, that will just be a joke character used for the demo/first level of the game.
Bayo's creator actually wanted a Jeanne spin off for 3DS. I always imagine these crazy motorbike sections where Jeanne can reposition herself on the bike (kinda like climbing around Trico in TLG) to avoid oncoming attacks, while aiming to make calculated shots at long distance opponents. Almost like an fps mechanic mixed in with the combat. This wouldn't just be for special scripted sections; you could, mid fight, ensnare an angel, ride on top of it, and snipe other angels while you hitch a ride. Maybe the angel gets disobedient, so you have to press a button to spank it so it doesn't push you off. Spank it too much and you'll destroy it, so it's essentially a game of maintainence, esp as you have to monitor other enemies as they attack you close range or at a distance.
>Bayonetta 3
>new protagonist
Unless this turns out like devil may cry 4.
No thank you. Not at all.
>Bayonetta: _______'s adventure, or etc.
If this is true, I can't imagine the butthurt on Nintendo getting another Bayonetta exclusive.
If Bayonetta 3 is made, it's more than likely going to be multiplat
2 was exclusive because Sega was going through a financial shitshow at the time so they needed Nintendo to buy them time
Now with Sega putting out two high selling ports of 7th gen games, including the original Bayonetta, it's likely that they'll be able to have the money to produce 3 on their own and have an audience to sell to on PS4, Switch, PC and Xbone
more like
>Nier sequel
>main character has nothing to do with Nier
>they hinted at a Bayo Dante crossover game
>developers ready for Bayo 3
>voice actor for Vergil "spoils" something
Oh shit guys. Fucking screen cap this, what if this is the fucking cross over they wanted to make?
I really hope it's not exclusive. Not because I don't own a Switch (I do) but because Platinum's ability to develop on Nintendo consoles seems to be utter shit and I'd really love to be able to play a Bayonetta game without massive fps dips every other minute for a change.
bayonetta without bayonetta would just guarantee less sales. dumb idea which probably won't happen.
yfw it comes with Bayo1 and Bayo2
It's the most likely thing to happen, which is the best part.
>was leaked sony e3 will have sega announce a platinum dev'd title
>this appears
Oh boy.
So pc then? because every version of bayo has dips.
Cereza's Day Out.
I'll never not be mad about this.
I'm thinking her new outfit should be green, as should her guns, which would now be a set named Jealousy. Blue Moon by Frank Sinatra would act as the game's reoccurring song, along with some new Theme of Bayonetta song, as always. What should her hair style be?
How the fuck do you get DMC3 on PC to have a resolution that isn't from 2005?
>yfw the protagonist is male
I'd like that after playing Balder in Tag climax I've become more and more fascinated with the Lumen sages like how Bayonetta and Jeanne have Madame Butterfly and Styx as their contract demons are their any unique angels like that for the Lumen sages? Also do they get other weapons than the Holy Glaive that Balder wielded there just so much that can be expanded on.
Time for BayoNOTta
>not purple
So is Bayo pretty much a Nintendo IP now?
>Legend of Zelda game
>main character is not Zelda
the salt was real
>right after the game where she wore blue
I would prefer a shota umbran witch that hits on Rodin
What hairstyle will Bayonnaise have in 3?
That doesn't make it any less dumb.
>Metal Gear game
>Main character is not a Metal Gear
doesn't matter because nothing can top this.
>resident evil game
>the MC is not the resident evil
Fuck. If Bayonetta 3 is an exclusive, at least port Bayonetta 2. I'm not going to buy a Tablet just for one game.
Purple is way too close to blue. It needs to be a colour which is obviously different and contrasting. It'd be like giving her an orange outfit after Bayonetta 1.
i'm sure they would.
Look up purple and blue and compare with a search of blue and green.
Agreed but they'll probably change it anyway.
bayonetta and jean's witchcraft baby
>Bayo 2 announced
>people disappointment but get over it by the next day
>the only people who still bring it up are ninggers who pretend people were driven crazy by anger
>meanwhile bloodborne is announced and every day people were petiotioning, tearing apart news articles and bothering devs for a port
>people to this day are mad and ask for a port, and anytime bb2 discussion comes up the first thing is people hoping it will be mutliplat
What did he spoil?
Nintendo owns the publishing rights to Bayo 2. It's never going to be on a non-Nintendo system.
Not sure if it can top the pixie cut but what about some long-ish, straight hair? They haven't tried a traditional style like that yet so who knows?
I hope it is, maybe I'll actually play it this time
As much as I like the character, he would only use his fists and he is way too strong. Jeanne, Rosa, Balder or Cereza & Luka's child would be better.
I am too.
Don't listen to the whiners who claim to be huge fans of Bayonetta when it was on PS3 and Xbox 360.
Those "Bayonetta fans" only came into existence once the game became a bargain bin sale.
Dyed the games color scheme tumblr tier mohawk
Also she's bulked up and started eating worse
And she looks like she's from one of those puffs plus tissue commercials when there nose is irritated by the shitty kleenex
Give her a bun and professional suit costume so I can fap.
No thanks I'll wait for the Emulation