>Papers, Please is getting a short film adaptation
Remember when he started posting the first few betas on Sup Forums and we had genuinely good discussion about them? It's kind of crazy to think that the game first hit the public right here.
>Papers, Please is getting a short film adaptation
Remember when he started posting the first few betas on Sup Forums and we had genuinely good discussion about them? It's kind of crazy to think that the game first hit the public right here.
Other urls found in this thread:
And I remember how it's immediately became "shit" after it got popular
>probably going to be a movie bashing immigration laws
Denying everyone with invalid papers was the best part
Notch also discovered Infiniminer here when it was our FOTM, then he made a clone where majority of the beta-testers were mainly from Sup Forums.
Glory to Arztotzka comrades
Surprisingly, Five Nights at Freddy's got popular here before it did a lot of other places, too. The fanbase entered the cringe-zone and the hivemind disowned it within around two days.
FNAF got all hate not only because it's got popular , but because of how he started to make a new ones each week
Doesn't seem like it will evolve into cancer, just something rather small scale at least. I can see this in a decent format.
Obristan is best country, Arztotzka and it's new order both suck.
what the hell is this game even? It's just stamping passports. How is this popular?
I am surprisingly interested
This won't possibly turn into a whiny hit piece on why all countries worth a shit should feel bad about not accepting every single lowlife that wants to come in.
i don' think it'll be very good and in all likelyhood the production will go with the eizic ending.
papers please works because of the immersion. you go every day to your job praying things won't be too bad.
screens look bretty cool
papers please was stellar
>It's kind of crazy to think that the game first hit the public right here.
Don't you remember Minecraft, newfag?
Sup Forums always punches above its weight.
play it
>And I remember how it's immediately became "shit" after it got popular
I don't understand why anyone like Papers, Please
pirate and try it
it's like one of those find the differences in videogame form with a decent story in the background
It costs money. The thing that keeps me from buying it is not know what the gameplay is.
get the demo or
>short film by some russian no names
AKA fucking worthless shite
Neighbor is missing in the right one
A short film could actually probably decently convey the message/feel of Papers, Please, if they go about it the right way. I'm not exactly looking forward to it with bated breath, but I think a shorter and more on the nose kind of film would do a much better job at adapting video games, since the most memorable thing about them is often a bunch of fleeting feelings during gameplay. Trying to extend that shit to a 90+ minute feature film just doesn't work as well.
>The thing that keeps me from buying it is not know what the gameplay is.
Youtube exists for this exact reason.
i should really replay this for a different ending sometime
Hello I am allowed to posting here yes? Look even got fancy name like everyone else to fit in.
Get the FUCK out
It should have looked like this.
grabbing the autistic market, good thinking!
I'd watch it if it got an anime.
I love you, mister.
Glory to Arztotzka
its like you guys don't remember when fucking NOTCH was here in 2009, asking for advice on minecraft
cept notch is a billionaire from stealing ideas
That's nice. Papers Please is one of the few indie games, even pixel shit indie games, that actually tried something different besides being a shitty platformer, puzzle game, or RPG.
and pants and tree height and trash on left
do you really think a movie in which the point is "lol darkies left to die in their shit country" is worth watching or making?
i was going to not bother posting this because i know what you shits are going to say, but in terms of cinematic merit, you are wrong
is that bill nye?
what happens if you let him in?
>Notch got rich stealing our ideas!
>Minecraft is terrible and needs mods to save it
Sup Forums
Papers Please was a shitty game. Almost as bad as Undertale.
Bullshit. It was a cute little unique idea and it was a fun game for people who enjoy spot the difference type of games.
Yeah, for maybe an hour. Got boring and repetitive after that. Refunded the piece of shit.
Next you're gonna tell me that VA-11 HALL-A was good and not just a boring slop that people only found good because "MUH DIVERSE CHARACTERS!"
>i know what you shits are going to say
I love you, user
i dont even like that type of game and i enjoyed it a lot
pic related
Do you refund novels because they don't have enough pop-up pictures? I'm not going to defend the merits of the games but if you looked at VA-11 HALL-A or Papers, Please and didn't know exactly what you were getting into you might have the gift of one or two extra chromosomes.
Same as if you let in anyone else when they shouldn't be allowed in. Warning or fine depending on how badly you've been fucking up.
>that people only found good because "MUH DIVERSE CHARACTERS!"
you are a walking meme
>dude laws are mean lmao
no thanks
Then tell me what was so good about VA-11 HALL-A.
It was a mediocre bar tending game that only had character interactions as it's main thing going for it, and it even failed that.
vallhalla is garbage but PP being repetitive is kind of the point
set and costume design is on point
>It was a mediocre bar tending game
It's a fucking visual novel, nigger. I don't know what you were expecting but any kind of research into what the game is should make it pretty fucking clear what you're getting into. It's fine if you don't like visual novels or if the characters didn't work for you, but I don't go and judge fighting games I don't play because I'm not familiar with the combos.
He stole zachtronic's ideas more than anything you dumb cunt.
except back then the base game was identical to how it is now
he took infirminer and made it good, no wonder he's a billionaire
I thought the moral of the story was
>dude government over-complicates the shit out of everything lmao
But I first played Paper's Please while interning at a government research lab where I was basically watching people play PP in real life, except for locating and moving nuclear and radioactive materials. I remember a FULL 10 hour work day (4/10s) being spent getting approval to move a box from the floor underneath a table to being placed on top of said table.
As for my opinion on the game, let's just say I never finished PP, probably due to it being too close to reality.
any fucking game with furries is immediate torch fodder but NO Sup Forums fucking liked it you stupid cock sucking faggots.
>furry game
only because of degenerates
I really don't understand why furries like FNAF shit. The design of the characters isn't appealing or sexual at all.
>only because of degenerates
Yeah, that's what furries are
That's why it's called a fetish - you sexualize a non-sexual thing.
No, that's a paraphilia.
Fetishes are completely normal.
Wrong, it's a fetish.
Yes, fetishes are normal, but the things you fetishize are not inherently sexual. Otherwise it wouldn't be a fetish, it would just be sexual attraction.
Game was nice. Did a good job portraying transit checkpoints throughout Communist Soviet Union. Needs to be more games made to show how fucking shit Communism really is.
The game is good, but I found it really boring. I'm probably too ADD to enjoy it.
I think burying the individual in red tape is more likely.
Think there's already enough games, movies, books and tv shows that already acomplished that. Problem is so many dipshit leftist faggots that were raised in upper class thousand oaks suburbs have no idea how good they got it and how bad Communism really is. And then they join these fag groups like Antifa to feel special. Fucking disgusting we allow these subhumans to keep talking and acting trying to turn the west into another starving shihole
T. Slav.
Papers please is hardly a game which is why it might work for a movie
That dude looks slav enough so it might be good
You are pretty fucking stupid user
Yeah, he looks pretty perfect for the role.
B-but, brown people and degenerates are oppressed, also my degree is worthless so it's whitey's fault
Never mind that one of the central themes of neoliberalism is that capitalists realized that brown people and degenerates buy products too
>each week
Nigger there were months in between each one and those are not games that would either take a long time to make or beat and is thus warranted.
This is never a bad idea.
Unless you try to pleace feminists.
I remember the rage it inspired in trannies.
>tfw I denied and detained a great many
Rule of thumb is if Sup Forums hates something 75% it's actually good. I wouldn't be surprised if Sup Forums hated fallout New Vegas when it first came out and now love it now that it's off the "normie radar".
Why would you detain that, comrade? Are you trying to kill your child?
Remember the Undertale demo threads? Good times
The main component of the game was trying to keep up with the ever-changing and erratic screening rules while trying to push as many bodies through so your shitty paycheck can cover both food and heat. The moral curve balls were just icing on the paperwork clusterfuck.
I don't see how watching some guy stress over paperwork could compare to actually feeling it yourself.
I might be wrong but I think for some reason New Vegas didn't really resonate with normies.
It was weird because they fucking loved Fallout 3 but then I don't remember the same love for NV.
No degree is worthless if you have half a brain to market yourself.
Is that trump
I thought I was the only one who remembered this guy posting a link to the beta here. The beta was great but I found the final game boring and it has some shitty mechanics like, feeding your family etc, didn't like it at all.
the family gives you a sense of duty and motivation to not fuck up your relatives die
It had very different design priorities than 3, the game world seemingly being the biggest one that normalfags love to sperg over so much. It was designed with questing and roleplaying being the priority while 3 was designed more around it's open world and giving you something to do in every nook and cranny like your standard bethesda game, and that ADD centric design philosophy resinated more with people who just wanted to run around and shoot mutants without having to think.