I don't remember one game that I have played that is as shit as pic related
I don't remember one game that I have played that is as shit as pic related
>do I fit in yet?
It's a good game, but it had the potential to be great. It immediately began to sink to shit after the point where the demo ended.
I didn't play the demo, but I think I got the most cringey ending so that didn't help
Cringe is how I'd describe a lot of the writing and pandering, but this is from the same guy who brought us this gem:
>"I HAVE FUCKING HAD IT WITH YOUR SHIT. You little fuckers are going to have your bodies ripped in half. I'll shove your asses so far down your throats that when you crap you'll sing fucking Beethoven. tl;dr: eat shit, faggots"
I need to know this story
Nice tweet OP but this isn't twitter.
How is this inoffensive indie game still this hotly debated on this board? There's a thread every day.
because it's hyped by the media and it's a fucking joke
nice ass but it isn't your moms
It's been nearly two years. The hype is dead. Get over it.
what's an example of an offensive game?
Just played it, can't get over this shit so quickly
Oh, thanks
You should play more games than
Best game ever.
no problem
Might want to play more than one game then, kiddo. Say, isn't it past your bedtime?
according to my research this is a line that the endboss in his earthbound romhack says
Yeah. Some people actually enjoy this incredibly popular game. Hard to believe, I know.
Well, what's a game you like?
do you?
It's pretty good for a little indie game. Not a masterpiece but it was worth the $10.
maybe I expected a little more, and a lot of my favorite games of all time are little indies
meh, the game wasn't bad it was just overhyped so much the only way it would live up to it would be to cure cancer.
that sounds fair
It's honestly best to ignore most hype in general.