Why did it sell so poorly on PC? It's the best third person shooter of all time and the PC port is the definitive version.
Why did it sell so poorly on PC...
I only play PC and I've never even heard of it.
Yet another case of failed/zero marketing
because neither is true
>best third person shooter of all time
Not even close. This game is shit and finally Platinumdrones can't pretend otherwise by convincing PCucc's to beg for it.
You should know by now that games don't sell just by being good.
no advertisement probably, If I didn't restart steam one day by accident I would never have seen the popup
also it's been 4 days
>60k sales for a 7 year old shooter
I don't see the problem. Plus I haven't bought it yet.
>steamspy 4 days after launch
$800k to port a pre-existing game from console to PC is pretty decent
>the PC port is the definitive version.
I've heard nothing but complaints about the PC port.
>It's the best third person shooter of all time
No, Vanquish is a very fun game but not a "100,000+ plus sales" fun game.
I wouldn't go as far as , but personally I only like it because the AR mechanic allows for you to create cool scenarios, and the game has a /m/echa aesthetic.
But if any of you guys liked the bullet time stuff check out Stranglehold, it's another 7th gen TPS that you might've not heard of.
im thinking about buying this but never had a console (outside ps4) so dont know much about the game. is this like gears of war on speed?
>No load times
>All the frames you could ever need
What complaints?
>Poor for an 8 year old game
I've heard nothing but praise
>just came out
>little promotion
>not at least 90% off
>literally 7 years late for a pc release
it really is a mediocre third person shooter not the best, but why should anyone be surprised that a game that pc gamers have lost hope of ever getting a pc release are not buying it when its literally so fucking late
Thats around half a million accounting for Vavle's cut, how much could the port job have possibly cost?
PC version runs perfectly and has a secret hard mode.
Bayo already broke 150k sales, Vanquish is going to as well. Plus it'll go on sale and more people will buy it over time, these ports are put out there for the long game sales especially when the amount they get from every purchase is pretty high.
There was a bug where the higher your framerate is, the more damage you take.
There's a beta patch out now that addresses that, though.
you take more damage at higher fps
>60k sold is bad for a 7 year late-port game
>game came out on the 25th of may
>its the 29th of may
Its not even been a week, not to mention im waiting till steam sales to buy it and mayo, and most people will probably do the same
>secret hard mode
you mean how damage is tied directly to frame-rate and that playing the game at 60fps basically doubles the damage you receive?
Literally the only complaint was about the classic "damage increases on higher FPS rates" bug that technically is already fixed but needs some ironing out before going public.
its a lot more than i would expect considering its a relatively short game that can be pirated
kek, nice
the best third person shooter of all time -- and the best game of all time in general -- is earth defense force 4.1
Bugger all marketing, hints in game files only works when it's done in conjection with other marketing tactics, on it's own it wasn't enough.
Plus everyone's just going to wait for a sale, Steam users rarely buy games at launch.
i love how you fucking idiots slap your palms together in sales threads but dont know that it takes a couple of weeks for steamspys numbers to be accurate
EDF stopped being fun 10 years ago.
It's boring as fuck
That plus steamspy can't even gather information from accounts set to private meaning there's more owners out there that aren't counted
4.1 is the best game of all time. there is no argument
nice gif
They released a beta patch which fixes it. Also, why the hell so many Japanese games have this sort of bugs which make the game act wierd ways if you run the game at higher refresh rate
i mean western games do it too. skyrim is unplayable at 60+
to be fair, skyrim is unplayable in 30 fps too, but that's because it's a bad game
Some people play it that way, but it's all about stylish shooting. Knowing how and when to speed boost, shooting grenades to deal splash damage, using the different melee moves, it's got a lot going for it.
It's also incredibly short, but the idea is to replay maps and find new, fun ways to kill everybody.
They're not the only ones, Rockstar are guilty of it too. The car physics go wonky when you play San Andreas at a higher frame rate.
the games were designed for consoles, so they don't have to deal with the possibility of anything higher than 30 so they can get away with stuff like tying damage to framerate or weapon durability on the frames it's touching an enemy in dark souls
Those are honestly the only instances I've seen of this kind of issue, if there's more games that do this I haven't heard of them
Because PC "gamers" don't buy games.
Meant for
good programmers don't end up in the game industry
Bayonetta sold well because Dat Ass.
No t&a; no old console port sales.
So what does Sup Forums consider to be the best third person shooter?
Because being a definitive piece of shit still makes it a piece of shit.
No it's like Gears of War if Gears of War punished you for doing anything fun that doesn't involve abusing a fuckload of movement glitches.
I hate third person shooters
gaming is probably one of the industries with the highest ratio of good:bad programmers. definitely some of the hardest interviews around
most bad programmers end up at raytheon, lockheed, etc.
Way of the Tomato.
Ah. Makes sense
the game is 2GB, the rest are cutscenes.
forgettable 3 hour game
If you want a TPS play Binanary Domain
I'm overly interested in it but it's getting out during a pretty heavy period.
Because it's like a four hour game and it actually doesn't do much for the third person shooter genre?
>Spend 10k porting a 7 year old game
>Make 12 times your cash back
It didn't have Bayonetta's legacy to market on.
I'd say the vast majority of people are waiting for it to go on sale. It's cheap as it is but a 4 hour long campaign with no other content whatsoever is likely putting a lot of people off buying it full price.
it lacked brand recognition.
most pc players are retarded 3rd worlders who play shit like overwatch or lel, or 12 year old kids playing streamer bait and minecraft.
>3rd worlders
Nigga that game rarely goes down in price enough for 3rd worlders to be interested in it. Seen a second hand copy for xbone the other day that was literally the same price as a new copy.
in a week it sold more than it ever did on consoles
This, CSGO and TF2 are much more apt comparisons
6-7 hour campaign. I would love to see a person do the campaign in 4 hours. That would be skipping all you can and on easy with no deaths.
I refunded that shit, it was piss easy
never listening to Sup Forums's suggestions again
After playing Bayonetta I'm never buying another Platinum game again.
This. I noticed everyone says "4 hour campaign" but I'm fairly certain I've played it for six hours now without beating it. The average "how long to beat" recorded time is 6h 07m.
Its a weird game
epic Sup Forumsro
They probably missed a trick by now having Sam be a hot girl. Especially considering he's on his knees with his ass in your face for 90% of the game.
>on his knees with his ass in your face
do you even body mechanics?
>62k owners
>33k players
so do PCfats buy games just to have them? This isnt fucking physical media. Steam is never ever going to run out of copies and they'll never gain any sort of collector's value. Why not wait until the inevitable sale in a few months?
Do you play the same game 24/7?
>Secret Hard Mode
it's really not that hard when you have m+kb
its a game with niche appeal, always has been, despite people believing otherwise due to the vocal minority that love it. it was never going to be a big seller, no matter what platform its on.
I really enjoy the game but there's a few changes I feel it really needs to be perfect for me.
>gives me a boost machine gun at start of the game.
>Never fucking gives me a boost machine gun again for more ammo
>Decide to drop it
>it drops another boost machine gun
I would have had more standardized ammo drops than just waiting for that exact same gun to drop again.
Also holy shit remove those cutscenes or cut down on them severely. Have dialog going on while you are fighting.
And then while it would have been too much to add to this game, if it had ever gotten a sequel with wall sliding and other similar mechanics that would have been a pretty cool addition.
And I'm not the average Sup Forums piece of shit that has complaints and instantly hates the game, it's still a great game, holy shit when people do this it pisses me off.
>using the different melee moves
>wahhh why didnt my shitty Warframe ripoff sell??!?!!!
I'd say it sold pretty well for a 7 yo niche game on steam
I mean honestly user , as someone who has done work on ports , it doesnt take that much effort to put an older game on pc
Hell most devs choose not to as 78% of PC games get pirated irregardless
Some people, i know this may be hard to comprehend but stay with me here, some people have jobs or other responsibilities in life. Not everyone is a NEET trustfund kiddy.
Being one of the most mechanically complex fps games around isn't doing much for the third person shooter genre? I really wonder what kind of tps you've been playing.
> Rip off
> This came out first
They're not even the same genre.
>Piratefags just pirated this game since it doesn't have Denuvo
>Even Steamfags noticed that it's too short for its price so they also pirated it
PÇucks will always make all sort of excuses to validate whatever high horse they are ridin but they will always show their true scummy intentions
Destiny was more of a Warframe ripoff
Hey, I did my part.
I just haven't touched it yet because I want to finish Nioh first.
>almost decade old game will eventually sell 100k
good to know there are people out there who don't fall for games age memes and enjoy playing video games.
oh damn user, you must be one of those saints that buy games at full price and never trade in or buy used games huh...
>The higher your framerate, the harder you get clobbered by the bad guys. And since an awful lot of PCs out there are capable of easily running the game at higher rates than the 30 fps of the original console releases, that's a real problem.
>implying that isn't to do with the industry stagnating over the past decade
Just look at the amount of "remasters" shat out with little to no difference from their original counterparts besides resolution, maybe some better lighting and textures.
>Game sold comparably with other really late ports
You're one of those naive fucks that thinks Denuvo actually does anything.
was it on pc? i remember buying it in a mega bargain for 5 bucks new at this store thats was liquidating all their ps3 shit less than a year after release for my cousin
>player receives the more damage the higher the fps is
Definitive my ass
I'm waiting for some cash and then picking it up straight away. I just bought a Steam Controller this week and I can't wait to play on it.
Also SEGA assumed it would be big because Bayonetta was but failed to remember that Bayonetta is actually popular these days (especially compared to Platinums other early works with SEGA). So they did fuckall for advertising.
Madworld and Anarchy Reigns probably never, though, and I don't think there were any other SEGA Platinum games. Not a huge deal if you can emulate Madworld well on Dolphin, since I've heard Anarchy Reigns was never very good