Why do we let liberals play video games

I mean they only complain and get their feelings hurt

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their feelings arent hurt, theyre just coordinating a marxist takeover

dumb frogposter

Say, you wouldn't happen to be a commie, would you user?

>goes on the chins
>doesn't expect to see frogs


>tfw liberals have brought western society to it's last legs and there we are at the point of no return.
it was nice knowing you guys

Why do we let cuntservashits play video games? They literally bitch about everything.

didn't you know? if you aren't far right you're a marxist

Should put em in kennels desu senpai

>make marxist propaganda
Dont notice guys!


>starts bitching about other people bitching
Sup Forums is this way you faggot

Unfortunately, the video game market and industry are made up of liberals. Shit sucks but what can you do

Why do you keep making these threads?

>based conservatives
>complain on internet

>faggot liberals
>complain on internet
>get triggered
>open up literal physical safe spaces to hide from different ideas
>try to shut down speeches by people they don't agree with
>fat acceptance
>mulsim apologists

Why do we let humans play video games?

haha meme

subscribe for more content meme.org/3ueFdx

>identity politics

Get me in the screencap my fellow r/The_Donald brethren!

Epic dead meme dude

I only ever see conservatards like you complaining about liberals

dumb frogposter

I'm not sure I'm a liberal but I've only ever voted for Democrats so I'm sure in your eyes I would be considered one, but I assure you I can't think of a single time I've had my feelings hurt by a video game.

Why your mom let you post, frogfucker

It still amazes me how liberal Sup Forums has become the past year, you say anything remotely not politically correct and you get the same reactions you would in a public setting.

Dont butt post me queer

Yeah they should only let ethnic kekistanis like us play! Praise kek! Shadilay!

in a public setting people would laugh and pat you on the back for standing up to the big bad invisible sjw oppressors

are you that fucking retarded

you dont know that modern liberals are just marxists that relabeled themselves? lol, and i bet you believe gender is an "identity" because they relabeled it too huh?

I don't know. Why do we frogposter faggots like you play them?