What are some forgettable games you've played but can't recall anything about it?

What are some forgettable games you've played but can't recall anything about it?

You're making jokes but Sup Forums is legitimately dying here.

I don't remember

Who the fuck doesn't use adblock on Sup Forums?

Please no I'm going to miss the sharethreads on Sup Forums.

J-list is removing their ads again? Man, Hiroshimoot is really fucking up the site.

cap this, hiro is going to come crawling out of the woodwork in ~2 weeks

>he doesn't use adblock
I want this place to die so I can finally be free

>29 May 2017
I thought they pulled advertising a long time ago. I literally haven't seen a J-List ad since Hiro took over.

Isn't this like the 4th time they leave?

It's gone for good, hiroshimoot gave them the boot because their ads were funny and on topic, he just wants malware and Sup Forums clickbait.

Fuck you, I have a pass. Enjoy being here forever, nerd.

They'll be back.

>what is adblock

Wow, it shows pass users now?
Can you turn that off? I used it for 2 years but haven't renewed in quite some time.

OP read what you wrote again and find some way to prove your not a retard


It only does that if you put "since4pass" in options.

>we get spammy mobile ads and fake news ads but jlist ads were unacceptable

This is the part where gook comes in and says "please buy pass server bills no money please sankyouu arigatou"

You are part of the problem.

WHat happened this time?

Yeah you can turn it off. You wouldn't want a glaring sign above your post informing everyone that you're a massive faggot, would you, (゚ 3゚) Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT?

No, gook pushing malicious ads is the problem. Shame we can't really do anything about him.

Haha, okay.

Where am I going to buy boy panties now?